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Author Topic: Be aware of Lane 27 pro shop AKA Stelton Pro Shop.  (Read 1576 times)


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Be aware of Lane 27 pro shop AKA Stelton Pro Shop.
« on: April 20, 2005, 04:28:55 PM »
I was a new to the game only bowled in a fun league with parents and uncle. Now a year later and at least 1000 in gear and who knows how much in coaching and equipment, am not such a smuck. Rob Lawless his is name and taking your money and drilling everything rev leverage is his game!!! This year alone 579 bucks worth of equipment. After begging for help and getting very little I finally gave in and went to another place. The sports shop in Strathmore lanes. Meet Joe my coach in 2 one hour sessions I have gone from only being able to shoot like stirght up eight with little rev and only able to play on dry lanes to now being able to play 15 to 8, 25 to 6 anywhere really!! Found out that on every single ball I had drilled everyone was over spanded. The layout on one was just mind blowing to everyone who saw it. Then found out that he left too much side weight in 3 of the balls.Then came the last thing i found out brand new 200 dollar high proformance ball had gotten 2 deep scratchs in it. Well when they were fixing his spand mess up they could not figure out why the press would not suck down the ball and hold it. Well what do you know he sanded it by hand and but a nice flat spot in it right over my track. Way to go Mr. Pro! So in fustration and furry I went to him agian to get my money back and what does he do sands it somemore. So much that the logo's are coming off a ball not even a year old!!  SO far after countless fights and threats from him and his poster boy I am still 200+ light in the pocket and had to change everything and get new equipment for my weapons of choice! Be aware be very aware of him espically if you are in the JErsey Staten Island Areas Country lanes on the Island is where I hear he is from. It's ashame we put our trust and hard spent money into a game we love and we get people like this who do this to you and make you want to throw in the towel!!!


Next Level PS

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Re: Be aware of Lane 27 pro shop AKA Stelton Pro Shop.
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2005, 01:40:20 PM »
Yeah those guys at the Sportshop are pretty good.

Next Level Proshop
Union, NJ