I would most definitely rather average 180 and not cash than average 220 and not cash. I am really glad you are making an effort to try and promote difficult lane conditions. I'm sure eventually people will come around when they realize they continuously out bowl others, and don't make money for the 800th time cause they rang a 10 pin. I would rather go to the casino and put $100 on red than to bowl a house shot tournament, they just annoy the hell out of me. Not only do you have to deal with bowling well and missing cash, but also all the house hacks who think they are great bowlers but are not versatile to the least bit. I know that USUALLY the better bowlers rise to the top, no matter what the conditions, but a house shot definitely does not help to separate the shotmakers (and those who can think and adjust to changing conditions) from the sprayers (and those who are typically one dimensional).
I know around here in Detroit, people are starting to come around (i.e. more sweepers/tournaments are putting out tougher shots instead of house walls) cause many got sick of averaging 230 and not making a dime. I am moving to Maryland next month (for a job in DC, just graduated college), and I will most definitely be out there competing if tournaments are willing to put out tougher patterns. I also plan on bowling on the winter PBA Experience league at Fort Meade, which sounds fun and challenging. I just refuse to bowl on the same house wall for 32 weeks and never having to think or adjust, and get NOTHING out of it. Maybe I can talk some sense into a few others to give the more demanding conditions a chance. Good luck.
Dave Lughermo
Michigan State University Bowling Alumni