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Author Topic: Ideas for a Ladies Event  (Read 993 times)


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Ideas for a Ladies Event
« on: January 23, 2008, 01:04:55 AM »
Ok, so last year 40 Boards & A Ball ran a ladies event. It was limited participation to say the least, but we do thank the ladies who did lace up.

The event was $60 for 5 games and was held at Bowl America in Glen Burnie. The finals round was supposed to be the top 6 rolling 4 games of match play. Due to the turnout, the ladies voted to roll 4 qualifying games followed by a stepladder to cut back on lineage and free up money for the prize fund.

It should be noted that the event, although scheduled months in advance, ended up being held on the same day as the ICBC (club bowling) kickoff event. ICBC schedule isn't available until the summer, so we had no way of knowing the kickoff date when we planned the ladies event. In addition, originally our event was supposed to be in July, when ICBC isn't even going on anyway. It ended up being moved to July due to some scheduling graciousness, but even those changes were made well before the date of the kickoff was established. We did lose a few women to the kickoff, although I'm not sure just how many who participated in the kickoff would have actually shown up to the ladies tournament if there wasn't a conflict.

There have been some other ladies events in the northeast that have had a much better turnout. Examples include Big Daddy's ($35 entry fee), and more recently, an event last weekend in north Jersey that drew 60+ women ($60 entry fee, 5 games, cut to [some number not advertised on the flyer] for 3 more games, followed by top 5 stepladder).

What I'm looking for is anyone's input on what you think would make for a successful ladies tournament in this area. How much is too much for an entry fee? What kind of format ideas would make it interesting without driving up the number of games?

Is it just that women around here don't want to bowl? Don't think they can compete? Why do women drive 3-4 hours up the road but then overlook stuff right in their backyard?

I am looking to put something together for the ladies in this area so they don't have to keep driving up and down the road to have stuff to bowl. The event probably would be either late this year (to give appropriate time to advertise) or in 2009. I want to be able to promote this event at the other women's tournaments so 2009 would probably be better as we'll be able to advertise at the above mentioned tournaments plus the rhodman.
Latise Parker
40 Boards & A Ball

Edited on 1/23/2008 10:05 AM

Edited on 1/23/2008 10:07 AM

Edited on 1/23/2008 10:10 AM
Latise B.
40 Boards & A Ball



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Re: Ideas for a Ladies Event
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2008, 06:34:17 PM »
I am not in your area, but unfortunately women tend to not shoe up for tournaments.  I was a member of the WWPB and the biggest showing for a ladies singles scratch event was maybe 40 ladies.  The 500 & 600 club events, handicaped events, get about the same amount of entries.

Personally, I find it a shame more are not willing to take the chance.  I may finish in the bottom 5 or so, but I am willing to compete and give it a try.

If you find a way to get entries up, let me know and I'll pass it on to the WWPB.
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Edited on 1/23/2008 7:35 PM
USBC Bronze Coach

"I cannot change the direction of the wind but I can adjust my sails to reach my destination." Jimmy Dean
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Re: Ideas for a Ladies Event
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2008, 10:27:33 PM »
Most quality women in my area register in mens leagues and compete locally as womens events were to few and far in between.


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Re: Ideas for a Ladies Event
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2008, 10:47:35 PM »
I started and ran a womens tournament assoc. for a couple of years. The largest field we had was 25. At that time, bowlers came in from 4 states. And on this side of the country, that means a LOT of driving!

I had one woman ask me why the entry fee was so high ($75.00). After lineage, paying the tournament director, and the prize fund ($52 per entry), the tournaments usually cost me money out of my own pocket. The SAME WOMAN then complained because the prize funds weren't bigger...


Anyway - I am one and I don't have a clue why the women don't shoe up. Doesn't make any sense to me.
Hold a handicap women's event, with $5 door prizes for half the bowlers, and you'll fill the house.
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Re: Ideas for a Ladies Event
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2008, 11:04:32 PM »
Anyway - I am one and I don't have a clue why the women don't shoe up. Doesn't make any sense to me.

IMO...that is why ----> "Most quality women in my area register in mens leagues and compete locally as womens events were to few and far in between."




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Re: Ideas for a Ladies Event
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2008, 09:13:07 AM »
Latise, you know I understand what you are saying.  I think my two ladies tournaments that I had had 55 & 35 respectively.  I think that a person has to decide whether your gearing the tournament to locals.. meaning MD/VA/DC/DE/PA or whether your trying to get the NY & NJ crowd as well.  If you are trying to get the NY & NJ crowd, then you almost have to have it after the bowling season is over and have decent 1st place money... maybe even a sponsor.   You have to battle WASA scheduling because they have a loyal following that are trying to keep that afloat as well.

Another thing is LINEAGE FEES... working with a center that would give a decent lineage that allows for a good tournament format and a NON THS.  Women will pay $60 -$65 for a one day tournament.  The timing and payout has to be right.

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Re: Ideas for a Ladies Event
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2008, 12:11:30 PM »
Thanks everyone for the responses. It seems this isn't confined just to this area. I really think it has something to do with a pool of women who are certainly capable of competing, but think they cannot. The ones who can compete and know it, well they shoe up with the men.

Its unfortunate.

My goal in running the event is to give something to bowl in this area. I certainly want to draw from NJ/DE/PA too, not just local talent. It just seems to me that the ladies in the area, and its quite a few, will go up/down the road  to bowl. It doesn't seem crazy to think they might appreciate having something in their area for once.

I'm definitely thinking of just waiting till 2009 to run the event during the summer, like last year. As for sponsorship, waiting till 2009 gives me a chance to find a sponsor(s).
Latise Parker
40 Boards & A Ball
Latise B.
40 Boards & A Ball

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Re: Ideas for a Ladies Event
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2008, 12:15:20 PM »
In our area, everyone drives to a boarding state to participate in a tournament where they know the TD is pinching and why? The answer I keep hearing, "Because there is so much money to win!" How many people come home and tell you they won money? Or we will drive to support a tournament we complain about being run unorganized. We, men and women, need to put aside our greed and hold directors and organizations accountable for our money. No reason any tournament should have expense lines close to the lineage line.

Unfortunately for the ladies, you cannot bowl "ladies only" tournaments every week like men do. SAD!!! Women, you are the ones stopping this from happening I am sad to say. People are not creating tournaments for ladies because ladies aren’t supporting them. I remember someone telling me, $500 up top is not a lot of money. I don't know many people making $260,000 ($125/hr) at work. I had someone tell me last week, "If I only had to give someone $50 or $60 to get $500 back in 4 hours, I doubt I'd ask how they were going to do it. And on top of it, its bowling, something I like to do!"

To the directors, please understand that the turnout is going to be low & you have to weather the storm. Some directors are after that dollar, good luck! Give back to the sport you claim to love. Ladies, please take advantage of tournaments advertising they will pay a woman provide there are 5 or more bowling. Competing in an "open" field will improve your game too. There are a few women out there that live by the slogan, "I am going to make the boys cry" but not enough at the tournament to reach that magical 5 entries needed. If 40 Boards had a regular following of women, we'd restructure our monthly series to support a men’s and women’s division.

If there were truly a magic condition or entry fee, we would all have figured it out by now and we’d be turning bowlers away because the tournament sold out. Unfortunately as Wildbush knows, lineage is what it is now days...$2.50 if you’re lucky and $3.00 has become the norm. The grind of surviving day to day is not helping either.

Ladies, Opposites Attract is returning for year number two in June. This is a great time to decide what man you want to partner up with and snatch them up before they find a partner. Last year we had 39 teams and we are looking forward to growing that number this year. And we are not going to give up on running a ladies only event either! Keep checking our site as its the best place to stay in the know!!!
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