Keglers Pro/ Bud Light Tournament Series \
LOCATION: Strike Zone Alley - 2501 west end ave. Pottsville, PA 17901
ENTRY FEE: $35 per person per event
TOP PRIZE: $300 based on 25 entries
Sunday 10am Sept 15th - 5 gamer - top 5 step ladder
Sunday 10am Oct. 20th - King of the Hill Eliminator
Sunday 10am Nov. 10th - Over/ Under 45 doubles - 5 games - top 5 step ladder
Sunday 10am Dec. 15th - 1 ball tournament - 5 games - top 5 step ladder
Sunday 10am Jan. 5th (DOUBLEHEADER) (10am No tap doubles) (12:30 no tap singles)
Sunday 10am MARCH 30th KEGLERS PRO SHOP OPEN (added $$) 5 games - top 6 NFL style finals------ $500 1st (based on 25 entries)
-$35 entry 1:5 cash ratio (prize $20, Lineage $11, expense $4)
-Usbc (red/white or blue patterns for all tournies)
-80% 220 hdcp
-$3 scratch/hdcp brackets, scratch hi game pots
-optional side divisions $10) 1:5 (scratch, women, seniors 45+)- 100% payback
any other questions please feel free to message me on here or email