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Author Topic: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns  (Read 9792 times)


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Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« on: March 17, 2009, 01:59:21 AM »
Ladies & Gentlemen

This is a topic as a tournament director that I had to start because I think people need to know what it's like from a TD's perspective.

We (VMSBT & 40BBT) run tournaments because we love the game and the spirit of GOOD competition. Neither one of us are trying to pay our mortgages or car payments by running these tournaments. In fact, on occasion we both have paid more than 100% of the prize fund.

The two gripes that I have as a tournament director is the constant complaints about the scores and right/left issue. I know the right/left issue will never die. I've been bowling long enough (30+ years) to know that will go on FOREVER! Just recently we were told that players with certain games would stop coming to events because they felt they couldn't strike enough. These are players that have won before and had success when the shots are in certain areas of the lane. As a TD we poll the bowlers to hear what type of conditions that you guys would like to see. For the past 2-3 years the choice has been the PBAX patterns. Now, it's no secret that those patterns really catered to the players who play straighter and have lower rev rates. Four out of five of the animal patterns played out and I didn't hear the guys that hook it complain or say they weren't coming to bowl anymore because they couldn't get right/strike enough. Now that the PBA has changed the ratios and length on all of the animal patterns the players that "boom it" are EATING very well. I'm sure the straight players are lighting up the phones in Seattle with complaints and bending the laneman's ear every week. Trust me it happens. I was a PBA member for 16 years and I've seen HOFers complain to lanemen for hours on end.

Here is the difference between the PBA and our local events. WE DON'T TRAVEL AROUND WITH A $30k LANE MACHINE TO SHUT OUT A CERTAIN STYLE OR HAND! When we are fortunate enough to have a center that will allow us to choose a pattern, we ALWAYS choose a pattern that is FAIR. If there is OB, it will be on both sides of the lane. If the gutter is sparking, it will spark on both sides. Sometimes we are at the mercy of the center's house shot. House shot are OK every now and then (as I have stated in other threads) but aren't the norm. These are once a month events run by TDs who also bowl. So we know what it's like to lace 'em up.

Tournament bowling was DEAD in our area from about '98 - '02. We have it good now with 3 tournament organizations. We should support ALL of our local events. 40BBT and VMSBT work very hard promoting there respective annual events. WE DO IT BECAUSE WE WANT TO NOT BECAUSE WE HAVE TO.
Tony Walton
VMSBT Tournament Director

Edited on 3/17/2009 10:08 AM

Edited on 3/17/2009 10:09 AM
Tony Walton
VMSBT Tournament Director & Founder
Since 2002



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Re: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« Reply #46 on: March 18, 2009, 02:53:53 PM »
I did not know Frank had a regional title..... Where in the southern region did he win?
Tony Walton
VMSBT Tournament Director
Tony Walton
VMSBT Tournament Director & Founder
Since 2002


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Re: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« Reply #47 on: March 18, 2009, 02:56:59 PM »
Well I have to agree with you on the wall shots in VA.  My beef with VA is the lack thereof of oil.  With a lot of hand and getting older I can't project the ball down the lanes with enough speed.  I bowl at Burke and it's a fairly decent shot but the walls are dead so you see a whole bunch of corners.  Mark Glover used to shoe up with us back in his heyday and would quit after 18 games because that would affect his monster area average.  And if Nationals is any indication I truly do suck!

Edited on 3/18/2009 2:58 PM


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Re: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« Reply #48 on: March 18, 2009, 02:59:23 PM »
Didn't Frank win one in the early 90's down in Norfolk or VA Beach...maybe I was misinformed??

Ask the Guru, he would know...LOL.


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Re: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« Reply #49 on: March 18, 2009, 03:19:00 PM »
I did not know Frank had a regional title..... Where in the southern region did he win?
Tony Walton
VMSBT Tournament Director


Frank got a big one for his 1st, Forest Hill last season.

Also to mention a few bowlers from VA that would cross the bridge for pots and or leagues back in the day...though lesser known, Graham Aylor, Todd Larson, Shannon Reasor come to mind


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Re: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« Reply #50 on: March 18, 2009, 03:25:21 PM »
Graham Aylor, Todd Larson, Shannon Reasor

Damn the memories!


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Re: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« Reply #51 on: March 18, 2009, 03:28:38 PM »
I did not know Frank had a regional title..... Where in the southern region did he win?
Tony Walton
VMSBT Tournament Director


Frank got a big one for his 1st, Forest Hill last season.

Also to mention a few bowlers from VA that would cross the bridge for pots and or leagues back in the day...though lesser known, Graham Aylor, Todd Larson, Shannon Reasor come to mind

Thought he was asking about Frank McCarthy...since Forest Hill is the East Region...

If you are Tony, my sources tell me it was 1994 in Richmond where it was something like 15 of 16 southpaws in the finals.  I think in 1995 he finished 2nd to John May in the same Powhite pkwy...

Wiley hasn't won yet.

Edited on 3/18/2009 3:39 PM


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Re: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« Reply #52 on: March 18, 2009, 03:38:43 PM »
I did not know Frank had a regional title..... Where in the southern region did he win?
Tony Walton
VMSBT Tournament Director


Frank got a big one for his 1st, Forest Hill last season.

Also to mention a few bowlers from VA that would cross the bridge for pots and or leagues back in the day...though lesser known, Graham Aylor, Todd Larson, Shannon Reasor come to mind

Thought he was asking about Frank McCarthy...since Forest Hill is the East Region...

If you are Tony, my sources tell me it was 1994 in Richmond where it was something like 15 of 16 southpaws in the finals.  I think in 1995 he finished 2nd to John May in the same Powhite pkwy...

He may have been.....I either over looked your quote or just had a hard time believing McCarthy has a title  


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Re: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« Reply #53 on: March 18, 2009, 04:03:57 PM »
Wow... Those are names from the past. I bowled in the Jr. VA All-Stars at Seminary Lanes back in '82 with Aylor, Wiley, John Green and a lefty that used to hook the whole lane with a Dick Weber 5 Star name Ritchie Wolfe!......Whoa, we are getting old!
Tony Walton
VMSBT Tournament Director

Edited on 3/18/2009 4:04 PM
Tony Walton
VMSBT Tournament Director & Founder
Since 2002


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Re: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« Reply #54 on: March 18, 2009, 04:08:37 PM »
Local tourney is giving 80% of 210...and putting out?

This will ALWAYS be small money.  Either the shot is too hard to get many bowlers out!  OR The handicap is too low on an easy give the bulk of the bowlers a chance to win.  It will in that case be a donate to the 220+ bowler tourney.  Small turnout!  FOREVER!

Successful format....90% of 230....easy shot...everyone has a shot!  FUN, lots of!  Yahoo!


Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Local bowlers & Oil Patterns
« Reply #55 on: March 22, 2009, 04:57:56 PM »
If a bowler cant bowl on a sport pattern, they suck, flat out.  And I mean what I say.  Anyone complaining and b!tching b/c of the shot is not a true "gamer".  Pretty simple really, be versatile, if you cant, dont bowl tournaments or for money.

That is precisely the attitude the drives house bowlers away from bowling in tourneys other than house shots.

With that attitude you will have 10 person tourneys in no time.

And for the record I would rather bowl on the sport/PBA tourneys
ROTO GRIP, There is NO Substitute
Slow Feet, Soft hand = Lots of strikes