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Author Topic: Oil Patterns  (Read 1118 times)

Mike L

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Oil Patterns
« on: December 19, 2008, 06:32:37 AM »
Why is it that the PBA tells the pros what pattern they are bowling on?  I mean I bowl alot of tournaments and a few tell you, but for the most part you have to go in and see how you ball reacts.  For example this week in Chambersburg, they had their monthly tournament and its usually always high-scoring, however they decided to put some oil to the left and right, still not too tough, but didn't have the bump to the right and left.  Now the lane man, pro shop and operator and maybe a few others knew this, which probably isn't right, but they still have to throw the ball.  We get 15 mins of practice, after which 4 mins of I realized real quick not to get the ball outside 5, not real hard to figure out.  Ive never heard so much complaining about its not fair and they should tell the bowlers.  Why do people think this?  Doesn't it make it more challenging when you actually have to move around and find something, other then stand left chuck it right?

The PBA are suppose to be the best, so why tell them.  Why not let them lug around balls for all the patterns like most bowlers do then practice and figured out whats best.  I mean if you tell me hey the shark pattern is out, i can sure leave my tornado at home, but in the tournaments I bowl in, including some of the megabuck tournaments (Mini told the patterns this summer), we have no clue whats out there.  We throw shots, make a choice and go from there.  Maybe its just me, but itd be nice to see the "best" in the world actually have to come in and make good educated guesses and ball choices.  Are they afraid that the lane man might love WRW and tell him what the pattern is, so they just tell everyone?  What is the logic behind this? I mean they get a day to practice to figure things out, isnt that enough?

Just my opinion
"Typical House Bowler"


Dan Belcher

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Re: Oil Patterns
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2008, 02:37:40 PM »
1) The more knowledgable fans watching want to know
2) The pros are going to figure it out in just a few frames anyway.  If it saves them the trouble of packing in a dozen balls that are guaranteed to not get used, that's fine.  (I'm not a pro, or even close to it by any stretch of the imagination, but a couple seasons ago when my PBA Experience league did a surprise oil pattern the last night of the season, I knew within two balls that it was either the Chameleon or Scorpion, and didn't really care which one it was because I was basing my ball choice, line, etc. off my ball reaction, not off the name of the pattern.  (And I knew within a few minutes that it was definately the Scorpion, not that it really matters)

Just because you're bowling on the Shark doesn't mean you know exactly how the lanes are going to play.  You have to factor in not only the volume of oil they choose to use, but also the lane topography (which has a HUGE effect on how the lanes play!!!), who you're crossing with, which end of the house you're bowling on, etc.  Just because they know which of the oil patterns is being used doesn't mean ANYTHING really beyond knowing how long the oil pattern is.

Edited on 12/19/2008 3:39 PM

Mike L

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Re: Oil Patterns
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2008, 02:47:03 PM »
I run a center, bowled for 15 plus years now, im pretty knowledgable.  The knowledgable people would know how to play the lanes, by watching ball reactions.  Why shouldn't they have to carry around the balls?  I carry 8-10 whereever I go, because I don't know what to expect.  I ship out 6 when I goto vegas.  You say they figure it out in a few frames, then how come scores are low on a US Open pattern?  To me its because you have 200 amatuers playing all over, which changes the shot and how each lane is played and the cream of the crop always comes to the top in those events, because they know how to adjust and adapt.  To me its more a challenge not knowing or at least having an idea of where to start.  I guess to me it would be more exciting seeing them have to make guesses instead of having an idea of where to play the lanes.
"Typical House Bowler"

Mike L

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Re: Oil Patterns
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2008, 02:58:34 PM »
Thats what I was asking.  I figured that was probably the case and yeah your right, someones buddy would always know.  Now that prob makes a huge difference to the PBA guys knowing, because they are that good, but why do local tournaments do it?  I mean even if the lane guys buddies know,  they still gotta throw the shots and carry right?  And that doesn't matter if your following people that aren't playing them right, because they change the pattern themselves.
"Typical House Bowler"

Mike L

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Re: Oil Patterns
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2008, 03:13:24 PM »
I see your point, but im one of those guys you mentioned.  I run the center, do the lanes, but I still gotta throw the shots even if I do know the pattern and half of your local tournament bowlers have no idea what they are looking at anyway on the graphs lol.  I just think bowling would be better if people had to come in and make moves on their own without knowing where the pattern is suppose to play at.  Just my opinion though.
"Typical House Bowler"


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Re: Oil Patterns
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2008, 10:58:20 PM »
Mike is right. I do bowl regionals quite often. Its not bad knowing the shot but the lanes hardly ever play the way they should. I wouldn't mind not knowing but like it was stated someone always knows and tells people. I bowled the Chambersburg tourney too, and like Mike said people were really complaning. It was pathetic the amount of people whining because the gutter didn't hook. Typical top 5 cut is around plus 200 and this time took only plus 90, so still not tough by anymeans. This is the way it should be but then like stated before people will stop bowling because they can not score.
Adam Baer
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David Lee Yskes

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Re: Oil Patterns
« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2008, 11:53:58 PM »
Me personally, I could give a crap on what the oil pattern is...  sometimes I'm better off NOT knowing cuz then i dont think about hey, its a sport shot or w/e.
I'd rather just bowl and just keep it in my head, that the OB is about board 8 or so.  

And like others have said, during your practice time, your going to figure out what works and what doesnt for a shot.  

But it does make me laugh when the "mob" complains about not being able to hook off the gutter when they send it wide, or how they cant score or bla bla bla.  Just deal with it, everyone else is.  

" Lift Your Skirt Grab Your Balls and Learn How to Bowl "
" Lift your skirt, grab your balls and learn how to bowl "