Donald Trump,
You are correct, the pattern at Colony Park did not play like a usual 35ft pattern does. Usually, outside of 5 is where to play and you basically have 5 to the gutter to strike from if your angles are correct and you have the right ball in your hands. But, there was added volume and the pattern was not as crowned as most 35ft. patterns, such as PBA Cheetah or Kegel Boardwalk. Believe me, it hooked, but just not off the gutter where most people are used to playing them when they are 35ft. When people tried to move in, there was not much hold either, until the lanes carried down. This could have contributed to the low scoring pace. On the fresh, if you moved in and got your ball to 5-8 at the break point and were able to control your downlane reaction, I believe that was your best bet. After that, the move was left the rest of the day. Overall, yes the pattern was fairly flat, and only a few people were able to play straight up the gutter, but you had to be going right to left (for right handers) or else your ball would never read the lane. Plus, your touch had to be spot on, if you hit it at all the ball was ducking left in a hurry.
Dave Lughermo
Michigan State University Bowling Alumni