For those in the Baltimore/Washington,DC/Southern PA areas. There will be a sport shot tournament at Forest Hill Lanes (Forest Hill, MD, near Belair, MD) on Sep 12 starts 10:00am. $40 entry, 6-games, $500 guaranteed for first. I'm NOT part of running the tournament, so I don't have all of the details. If you're interested you can call the center at 410-879-4477.
The last one in July had 43 entries, with the high qualifier -14, low to cash was -72 (8th place), pay ratio 1:5. The July tournament's pattern was 40 feet, 1:1 ratio, gutter to gutter, and was very unforgiving.
If you want to be challenged, give the center a call for the details.
on edit: SPORT not SHORT
Edited on 8/23/2004 6:22 AM