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Author Topic: Susqehanna River Tribes very own Cherry School presents, Bowling Tips of the Week  (Read 1091 times)

Racoon Eyed Indian

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Susquehanna River Tribe is very proud to present
Bowling Tips of the Week by our newest member,
Cherry School.  Cherry School is not down with the
World Wide InterWeb or up to date with electronic
gadgets so I will be posting his knowledge of this
great game of Bowling.  Cherry School has been bowling
around 21 years and is high rev dominant.  At times he
is amazed by his own high revs and will look to the crowd
to see their reaction.  Most of the times it is disbelief?
How does his ball do that, you hear echo through the crowds.
Or another remark you will hear being chirped in the crowd
is, I can't believe his ball just did that!  This is just
briefly what is heard around the lanes before, during and
sometimes after.  I would've liked Cherry School to start
you guys out slow with little steps and build you up with
his knowledge, but Cherry School wants to jump right in
with the good stuff.  So we the Tribe hope these Tips are
useful and lead you to the PBA someday.

Since we have jumped past the whole picking out of ball
and surface prep and drillings, we will return to these
segments in a later time.

For instructional purposes : Cherry School rolls the ball
Right Handed.

Bowling Tips of the Week #1.

When you are high rev player like Cherry School and fighting
the lanes with much more hook than you already have and
diving through the headpin.  Listen to Cherry School and play
what the lanes are giving you.  It's simple equations, the
more your ball hooks, just keep bumping right to get away from
the headpin.  When you relay this knowledge you just received,
just wait and see how your fellow bowlers all look surprised
with your coaching.

Well it's off to the lanes with Cherry School to work on his
next segment, unitl next time, Roll with the Changes!

Peace out Lane Masters

2009 Goggle wear by Whip da Whack


Racoon Eyed Indian

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Susquehanna River Tribe say Welcome Back!

Bowling Tips of the Week #2.

Cherry School is a little excited about this tip.  He
says this has been the secret weapon in his game for long
time.  This Week's Tip is almost like a second installment
of Tip #1.  In Tip #1, Cherry School had you bumping to the
right to stay off the head pin when your ball is hooking too
much.  Well, when your fellow bowlers tell you that you have
too much hook or your ball is hooking out of the house and it
is almost uncontrollable, just take some thumb out of the ball.
That's right, eat your heart out Bo Burton!  This little tip
direct from Cherry School may lead to the next Match Play
Champion.  I know I did a second look the first time I heard
this, so I wouldn't be surprised when you pass this information
along to your fellow teammates if they appear to just stare at
your for a minute as they take in this doozy.

Well, there you have it!  Tip #2 direct from our very own
Cherry School.  Take some thumb out of the ball to cut down
on your hook Rev Masters.  It's off to the Pro Shop for our
next segment as Cherry School has another Secret Surprise to
lay down for his students of the game.  Til next time, Roll
on Hookers!

Peace out Captain Hooks

2009 Goggle wear by Whip da Whack

Mr Straight Ball

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The answer is clear -- Don't bowl where ball gets destroyed!
Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
Storm Products, Inc. family member
40 Boards & A Ball -
Storm Products, Inc. -
Ko's Glen Burnie Pro Shop

Racoon Eyed Indian

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Susquehanna River Tribe say Welcome Back!

Bowling Tips of the Week #3

Cherry School just get back from Pro Shop and is excited
about this tip that will have everyone looking at your
balls.  The idea behind this Tip is aerodynamics on the
lanes.  In the words of Chief Whistler, "Aerodynamics,
Aero, is the french word for Air and dynamics is usually
what happens to the air for the most part when you do
things to it."  

Well, here it is, the Tip of the Week is.....
The holes that Pro Shops put in your balls that are
described as "Side Holes".  Side Holes are placed in your
balls to help you find your ball on the rack quicker.  They
are also good conversation pieces when you give your fellow
teammates a quick lesson on the approaches during league play.
So, there you have it.  Bowling Tip of the Week is, Side Holes.
Nobody is really sure why they are in the ball, but your ball
looks so much better than your teammates who don't have one.

Cherry School hopes Tip #3 will help with the appearance of
your balls.  Take a trip down to your favorite Pro Shop and
ask them to drill a Side Hole for you and just look at the
reactions you start to receive during league, when you can
proudly say, I've got a Side Hole, do you?

Cherry School is open to suggestions on his next Tip of the
Week?  At the moment he is leaning towards the teachings of
playing the PBA patterns by name.  Til next time, Holy Side
Holes, Batman!

Peace out Holey Bowlers

2009 Goggle wear by Whip da Whack

Racoon Eyed Indian

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Susquehanna River Tribe say Welcome Back!

Bowling Tips of the Week #4.

Cherry School is excited to be back after the excitement
of the US Open.  He did not bowl, but was able to gather
some great incite for future tips.  In the words of Chief
Whistler, "Incite, if you can see it, usually for the most
part it's in cite, unless it's not, than it's mostly out of
your vision."

Now for your Tip of the Week.....
Cherry School would like to talk about your selection of
bowling shoes.  Selecting the proper pair is like a Science.
Your shoes must be more than just a conversation piece with
your fellow teammates.  The right selection will improve
your average 100 percent.  The right selection will allow
you to adjust to different approaches with interchangeable
pieces using velcro.  Now, for you veterans of the Lanes who
do not have the interchangeable soles here is a Hot Tip from
Cherry School........It is an easy adjustment, just put your
right shoe on your left foot and the left shoe on your right
foot.  People may look at you like your some Clown, but your
not!! Your Witty and Smart.  You've just out smarted those guys
by saving yourself 10 seconds of Velcro swapping on your soles.
Now, if you've done this by choice, your a Genius!!  If you didn't
and haven't noticed that your feet are a little bigger or your
shoes feel a little different tonight, well, best guestimate is,
someone will notice and let you know.

Remember, the right selection of Shoe will not only improve
your average 100 percent they are also a fashion statement.
Till next time, Shoe on this..

Peace out Velcro Technicians

2009 Goggle wear by Whip da Whack

Racoon Eyed Indian

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Susquehanna River Tribe say Welcome Back!

Bowling Tips of the Week #5.

How to Master the PBA/Sport Patterns.

Cherry School is excited to be back and drop this
tasty freeze of ball selections for his fellow
hookers of the lane.  Cherry School spent some of
his summer at Nationals teaching some classes and
is now back and ready to continue his tips of the

Bowling with the Big Dogs is more than cover prep
or maxing your drill sheet.  It is about choosing
the right ball.  You hear the talk of the latest
hook in a box, well, Cherry School doesn't need the
latest hooker, his hook is built in...  Shake your
head all you want.  In the words of Chief Whistler,
"Facts are facts unless they are not real."  Truth
be told fiction is not real, Automatic hook is real!

Confidence is self assurance or a belief in your
ability to succeed.  Cherry School says it more than
that, Confidence is holding Automatic hook in your hands.
In the words of Cherry School, "I don't need to change balls
or any of that cover change, this ball hooks automatic and
eventually I'll hit the pocket."  Yes, this is real, I heard
it and now you have too!

Well there you have it, if you got Automatic Hook in your hands
your ready to attack the PBA/Sport Patterns.  Cherry School
has it, do you?

Peace out Hookers

Former Exempt

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Hear that there will be on lane Chery School demonstration Friday at Forest Hills by Racoon Eyed Indian -)

Racoon Eyed Indian

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Hear that there will be on lane Chery School demonstration Friday at Forest Hills by Racoon Eyed Indian -)

Chief Current Exemptless,

Thanks for your interest in Cherry School Bowling Tips of
the Week.  Your ability to read smoke signals is impressive.
I will be filmed for Tips of the Week after my Yard Sale
duties this weekend on Friday night.  Tips are only
dropped or discussed by Masters of the Lane Approach.
Cherry School is not sure which Tip he will be filming,
he is leaning towards...

Master of the Approach, the PBA way..
some mini tips inside will be.. Footwork and Delivery.
Lane intimidation will also be discussed. Since these
are my speciality, Cherry School suggested I be filmed.
I do ask in advance that pictures and autograph seekers
respect my lane presence and wait till filming is complete,
at which time all requests will be filled.  In the words
of Chief Whister, "Shooting Movies is like Shooting Spares,
usually for the most part people like to watch."

Peace out Star Gazer


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Hey Joel,

I saw you are bowling this week at Forest Hills. Glad the Cherry School is working well. Good luck and see you there. Me and Shane are stopping by to do a photo shoot with the short bus.

A shout out to Logan's Heros!


Hear that there will be on lane Chery School demonstration Friday at Forest Hills by Racoon Eyed Indian -)

Chief Current Exemptless,

Thanks for your interest in Cherry School Bowling Tips of
the Week.  Your ability to read smoke signals is impressive.
I will be filmed for Tips of the Week after my Yard Sale
duties this weekend on Friday night.  Tips are only
dropped or discussed by Masters of the Lane Approach.
Cherry School is not sure which Tip he will be filming,
he is leaning towards...

Master of the Approach, the PBA way..
some mini tips inside will be.. Footwork and Delivery.
Lane intimidation will also be discussed. Since these
are my speciality, Cherry School suggested I be filmed.
I do ask in advance that pictures and autograph seekers
respect my lane presence and wait till filming is complete,
at which time all requests will be filled.  In the words
of Chief Whister, "Shooting Movies is like Shooting Spares,
usually for the most part people like to watch."

Peace out Star Gazer