$75 entry fee
$1000 for 1st based on 45 bowlers
We have room for 32 Men & 32 Women
2 Women & 2 Men on each pair
5 games of qualifying across 10 lanes
Each game will be matchplay against
All three opponents on each lane.
If you have the high game on your pair
You will receive 45 bonus pins. If you
Are 2nd high game you will receive 30
Bonus pins. If you are 3rd high game you
Will receive 15 bonus pins. If you have the
Lowest game on your pair you will receive
0 bonus pins. Each person will have a
Different skipping pattern son that you will
Not bowl the same person twice. We will take
The top 4 Ladies and top 4 Men to the semi
All 4 ladies will bowl on one pair of lanes.
All 4 Men will bowl on one pair of lanes.
Everyone will bowls one game with the
Lowest Lady and the lowest Man being
eliminated. The remaining bowlers will again
Bowls one game with the lowest Lady and
The lowest Man again being eliminated.
The remaining 4 bowlers will again bowl
One more game with the Lady and the
lowest man again being eliminated.
The remaining Lady and the remaining
Many will bowls one game to determine
The Championship.
This tournament is being run by Tournament
Concepts and Ladies Scratch Challenge.
This is a prepaid event. Please get your entries
into Terri Bollinger or use her website
ladiesscratchchallenge.weebly.com to pay online.