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Author Topic: Tournament Attendance Down  (Read 5505 times)


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Tournament Attendance Down
« on: October 27, 2008, 12:44:02 AM »
Do you think the economy has alot to do with the decline in entries for local tournaments?

Just wanted to talk about this today, with yet another declining day on Wall Street.

Yes we all have regular attendees that participate in the tournaments but have we gotten down to just the core tourney bowlers who are committing funds to tournament play.   That is about 25 bowlers per event and maybe another 10 who trickle in and out?

Are we heading into a recession where those access funds are just to precious to take a chance?  

I dont know for sure, but I see a definite trend right now, what about you?
Tournament Director Triple Threat Tournaments


Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #31 on: October 30, 2008, 02:18:31 PM »
P.S. Low to cash at our tournaments pays double or close to double the entry fee. Our last tournament cost $60 to bowl and low to cash paid $110. You don’t have to load up in the side action to profit at our events. We hate going to tournaments and dropping $100 and cashing for $80-100 after you beat most of the field.
Baker...Why doesn't my ball hk?
40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
40 Boards is proudly supported by Storm Products & Glen Burnie Pro Shop
"The left sucks & the right is wide open!" R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

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Mike L

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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #32 on: October 30, 2008, 02:26:03 PM »
Yeah theres no chance directors could give back money, hell most of them barely break even at events.  If you ask me most don't make enough for running them.  I know I wouldn't do it to have to listen to all the whining and complaining from bowlers, not enough money in the world LOL
"Typical House Bowler"


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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #33 on: October 30, 2008, 07:24:34 PM »
As said earlier I don't HAVE to get in pots or brackets.  The problem then becomes, if I bowl well but not well enough to cash (as has been the case in every tourney i have been in) then I get nothing.  if I enter brackets in the same instance, I an draw some of the lower guys or catch the higher finishing guys on a bad game and try to get some of my money back.

If the entries were lower I would be more inclined to bowl and enter some side action.  I just don't want to go out and drop $100-$150 to bowl a tourney more than once a year, unless I think I have a good chance to cash.

And believe me I understand why the guys running the tourneys have to charge what they do charge.  They do a great job, I have bowled in Tony's VMSBT and Jeff's 40boards and they are very well run and fair.  

I know Tony puts more into the prize fund than you would think to attract his bowlers (Same thing in the TSLG league in the summer) I just have a ton of other options to do with $150.  Golf (2 rounds), take my wife to a nice dinner.  Things liek that.

People have less disposable income and more ways to spend it.
Speed Kills
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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2008, 09:59:40 AM »
I agree Krakken.  If the return is so bad on $150 then golf, nights out with family is money better spent IMO.  When the economy turns back around that isn't going to bring bowlers back to tournaments,  it's too far gone.  It's kind of like baseball....Nothing will ever compare to the homerun era of Mcgwire,Bonds,Sosa.  They have lost the fans of the long ball and now the sport seems boring to them.
Bowling had the resin boom and every score has been shot by most, there is nothing left to attract someone back into tournaments.  It's all been done.


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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #35 on: November 01, 2008, 11:42:02 AM »
Why can’t there just be a standard $70 entry fee and format each month and see how it goes.  Just bowl 5 games, pay 1 in 4 and cut to Top 5 for step ladder.

$70 Entry Fee
$50 Prize Fund
$15 to lineage ($3 per game, hopefully this can cover the 8 games in step ladder and who knows, some tournaments you may get lineage for $2-$2.50)
$5 Expense Fee to the Tournament Director

5 games and cutting straight to step ladder will cut down on all of the match play lineage.

5 games will allow for a minimum of 3 sets of brackets Games (1-3) (2-4) (3-5) and possibly more if you want to do 16 man (4 game) brackets.  For the 3 game, 8 person brackets you should charge $6 ($30-1st place, $10-2nd place)  $5 goes to the Tournament Director and $3 goes into the Prize Fund.

Same thing for $11 brackets: ($60-1st place, $20-2nd place) $5 goes to the Tournament Director and $3 goes back into the Prize Fund.

I doubt any of the bracket bowlers will cry that their bracket money is going into a prize fund that may contain bowlers who didn’t enter brackets because normally the person running brackets keeps all $5 or $8 depending if they are $5 or $6 brackets.  Plus, if you’re doing well in brackets, you probably have a good chance of making step ladder as well.

Paying 1 in 4 will help some of the “donators” grab a check every now and then.

I know Jim Smith tries in the NOVA area but quite frankly, his gimmick formats are eating up the prize funds with so many extra games of lineage and the formats are not necessarily producing the best bowler that day either (but that’s another topic for another day)

Let’s face it people, the Tournament Directors are trying but the interest just isn’t there.  The way I see it, try something new in this struggling economy.

Jeff/Tony or anyone else who wants to run a tournament, you can advertise as you are giving back but you really aren’t.  The money going back into the prize funds is money you aren’t taking right now anyway.  I know it isn’t that much money going back in but it looks good as a way to promote these tournaments.

Time to keep things simple, formats simple.  Formats like the one listed doesn’t last all day either.

60 entries would mean $3,000 to the prize fund and let’s say roughly 50 brackets for each set, so 150 total.  That’s another $450 to the prize fund for brackets and $750 for the Tournament Director running brackets.  $3,450 total to pay 15 spots.

1.   $1,000
2.   $600
3.   $350
4.   $250
5.   $200
6.   $180
7.   $150
8.   $125
9.   $110
10.   $100
11.   $90
12.   $80
13.   $75
14.   $70
15.   $70

Who knows, entries could grow, you could change the pay out to 1 in 5 and almost feel like you could guarantee $1,000 for 1st with extra bracket money going into the prize funds.

Try something different but keep it simple!

Edited on 11/1/2008 11:43 AM

Edited on 11/1/2008 11:44 AM

Mike L

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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #36 on: November 01, 2008, 01:28:10 PM »
From a bowler that gets in all everywhere, I think GIB might be on to something there.  Your actually giving back but the director still makes the same on them, makes the bowler feel they are getting something back.  The 1 in 4 is actually ok too, because like you stated the "donaters" will grab a check every now and then.  

Tony/jeff, your thoughts?
"Typical House Bowler"


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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2008, 08:46:32 AM »
Mike L

I have given this topic some thought and I'm going to make some changes to VMSBT. Concept wise I personally don't agree with what is going on with bowling but I'm going to try and give the people what they want.

Next year, VMSBT is going to try and help the "marginal/part time" tournament bowler. The discussion here has been very helpful.

Stay tuned.....

Tony Walton
Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff Member
VMSBT Tournament Director

Edited on 11/4/2008 9:48 AM
Tony Walton
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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2008, 09:49:41 AM »

Just curious, what percentage of my above post do you agree with?



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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2008, 10:11:36 AM »

When I first started VMSBT, my cash ratio was 1:4 with an $85 entry fee. Things went well but I felt that the low to cash money could be better. I went to a 1:5 cash ratio about 3 years ago and I have been able to pay double the entry fee back in the last cash spot.

Still trying to work out more of the details
Tony Walton
Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff Member
VMSBT Tournament Director
Tony Walton
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Since 2002

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2008, 11:06:37 AM »
GIB “Jeff/Tony or anyone else who wants to run a tournament, you can advertise as you are giving back but you really aren’t. The money going back into the prize funds is money you aren’t taking right now anyway. I know it isn’t that much money going back in but it looks good as a way to promote these tournaments.”

I am not sure what that quote is implying and I am not going to shoot your ideas down and say they are not possible but it’s easy to say what someone else should do to be successful. It’s kind of like a person who cannot hook the ball telling a person to hook the ball to just throw it straight or vice versa.

To start, in your formula, you have a $5 expense line which 40 Boards DOES NOT CHARGE at the monthly tournaments now. We are charging a $60 entry versus the $70 you suggested. We don’t do the stepladder but everyone gets to bowl 6 games and not 5 to have a chance to win/cash. The truth of the matter is that local tournaments are not drawing 60 entries right now. 50 brackets a set is not happening and charging folks $6 vs. $5 was what was going on in the ‘90’s and folks were complaining. We ran 3 sets last year and we cut back to 2 sets this year because some bowlers felt like it was overwhelming. The “all” guys don’t care but the average player is playing 0-5 per set, max! It does sound better to win $30 in brackets but winning $10 for second now means you aren’t recouping 2 brackets with every second place finish.

In theory, the prize fund you posted looks good but it’s the “same thing” we see at most tournaments. Spend $70 to cash for $70, that has angered many bowlers too over the years. I do like your thinking for my wallet as a director, $5 of every entry in my pocket plus the bracket action. WHEW HOO! Latise and I have left tournaments with $30 after taking care of the bowlers, so please don’t say we have not given back. I definitely like your idea as it will guarantee the tournament some take home money at each event.

GIB, I am not going to say any tournaments name but I am going to give you some perspective. The tournaments that seem to draw well, they have huge expense lines or they don’t even advertise how the entry fee is broken down. They have cult like followings and because of this following, the gambling has grown 10 fold over the years. Notice what has grown or maintained these tournaments, the excessive gambling and we think the economy is retarding entries. People are dropping greenbacks like the end is here to try and win some of that money.

One of the things hurting entries now is the lack of a youth movement. At one time, all of us 30+ year old guys were the new blood at tournaments and right now, the same 30+ crowd is holding it down as the youth/veteran bowlers now. The next wave of talent in their 20’s has not come out and probably won’t. There are guys/gals dropping $200 or $275 at a PBA regional that you can count on 1 finger how many times they have bowled a local event. Isn’t funny how people can bowl 3-5 leagues and say they cannot afford a tournament? They are telling the truth, because league alone is costing them $200 a week if they don’t win any money.

Edited on 11/4/2008 12:08 PM
Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
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Mike L

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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2008, 12:16:12 PM »

I think that quote was based on the idea of charging $6 for the brackets and "giving back" $3.  In reality you would still be making the same, but you'd be giving back something to the prize fund with really giving it back.  Trust me I know you guys hardly make anything as it is and like I said theres no chance id put up with the headaches.  I guess ive just seen 2 different areas (balt & nova vs. chambersburg area) and in my opinion, the cheap and easy thing seems to work out for most, however you can't make alot of money in just the tournament, but hey niether do the regional guys that will cash to break even, but thats a whole other issue thats been discussed before.

I do love the fact that in your tournaments last check does double your entry, only bad thing is Saturdays make it tough for me to get to.  I am going to try and make Annadale, depending on business at the center.
"Typical House Bowler"

Mike L

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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2008, 12:20:08 PM »

I agree that some changes need to be made for the tournament scene just to get back to 40 entries.  I mean when I first started bowling your stuff 3-4 yrs ago, I would get in 80 brackets, first was $800 or higher, now you can't get 30 guys or 30 brackets and first is $500-$600.  I know there are many different reasons for people not bowling, but bowlers for the most part think breaking even is a good day, so when these guys bowl in the pa area, spend $30, cash for $30 they are ok with that, me personally itd be a waste of time lol.  Just some of my opinions.  Like I said I tried telling Jim Smith about his patterns about 6 months ago and he didn't seem to listen and it seems every tournament has a gimmick to it now, so no wonder people aren't bowling.  Who knows, hopefully it'll get better!
"Typical House Bowler"

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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #43 on: November 04, 2008, 01:24:22 PM »
Frankie is pretty much correct.  Although, you can't make $500-$1000 in league brackets these days.  Baker is 100% correct in saying the youth is not anywhere to be found.  Even the few regional guys he's talking about is only 3-4. The 30-40 yr olds were the 20-30 year olds 10-15 years ago that were a lot of the entries.  Now we're out there bowling (much older)and where are the youngsters?
I just don't see any gimmick,format or even dollar figure that will draw bowlers back again.  Are there youth bowlers out there anymore looking to turn adult like we were years ago?  I don't think so.  But, Frankie pretty much nailed it, just re read his post and it explains A LOT of today's bowlers.


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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #44 on: November 04, 2008, 01:52:25 PM »

I like the fact that with a 1:5 ratio, last cash spot has been $150-$160 ($80 entry fee).

Frankie Abralon - Egos are huge. Bowling is forever ruined. We have USBC to blame for that. I knew when they allowed "short oil", allowed centers to basically wall their lanes without consequence and then couple that with the ball technology... Bowling started becoming a joke.

Not sure what to do and I'm running out of ideas and patience with the whole Tournament Director scene. Like MSB alluded to in his post. People will flock to a "certain tournament" 10, 20 deep from DC/BALT and know for a FACT these individuals running the event is taking money out of the prize fund. Yet they won't support a local event that has been paying out 100% or more since day ONE. I ran a $3,000 1st place GUARANTEED event in August that drew 139 bowlers. I may have had 40 locals in the event. THAT IS A JOKE. Promoted the event for 6 months, so people had plenty of time to get funds and or schedule together. Find it hard to believe people can't set aside $25/month for entry. I know some people who spend more than that PER WEEK on cigarettes, lottery and Keno.

Tournament bowling should be about testing your skills against competition that is on the same level as you or better. Somehow, people have lost that concept. Nobody comes out of the womb a contender. Champions are MADE not BORN (the cliche' police are now coming to get me! )
Tony Walton
Columbia 300 Regional/Amateur Staff Member
VMSBT Tournament Director

Edited on 11/4/2008 2:54 PM

Edited on 11/4/2008 2:55 PM
Tony Walton
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Since 2002

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Tournament Attendance Down
« Reply #45 on: November 04, 2008, 02:00:19 PM »
Frankie, I can see your point. And I am not putting anyone down who comes and takes their swing at a tournament. We are all good on something and we all suck on something else. The real truth is the 20'something crowd is not as hungry as the 30'something crowd was when they were in the 20's.

I am not slapping anyone with a hero badge for quitting...quitting is for losers!
Baker...Why doesn't my ball hk?
40 Boards & A Ball Tournament Director
40 Boards is proudly supported by Storm Products & Glen Burnie Pro Shop
"The left sucks & the right is wide open!" R.I.P. Brizmo 6/15/08

Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
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