Leagues are wrapping up for the season and you are thinking about plans for next season. If you are in the Mechanicsburg, PA area, we have openings for teams and individuals in the Trios Challenge League at Trindle Bowl in Mechancisburg, PA.
The league bowls two 15 week halves on Monday evenings. Practice begins at 6:40 pm and scoring at 6:45 pm. The first half will start on Sept. 13th (Monday after Labor Day) and end on Dec. 20th. There will be a two week break over the Christmas/New Year holidays. The second half will start on Jan. 10, 2011 and end on April 18th.
At the organizational meeting on August 16, 2010, the league will vote on the PBA or Sport lane conditions to be used. Six patterns will be chosen and the league will bowl on each pattern for five weeks before changing to a new pattern. A position round will occur on every fifth week. Payouts are at the end of each half.
The league format is as follows:
* 3 bowlers per team, any combination of male/female or all one gender.
* 1 point awarded for each individual match won and 2 points for each team game. 2 points for the team overall total (total points available is 17).
* All bowling is scratch (no handicap).
League fees this year were $15 per week per bowler. Each team also paid a $15 sponsor fee per half. These amounts are subject to change and will be decided at the organizational meeting on August 16th, 6:45 pm at Trindle Bowl.
This is a Sport Sanctioned league. A separate Sport Sanction Fee is required.
Please note that any information above is subject to change if so voted by the league members at the organizational meeting. However, the info provided in this post has remained largely unchanged for the past several seasons.
If you are up for a challenge, please send me a PM with your name and phone number so I can reserve a spot for you or your team.
*** League organizational meeting August 16th, 6:45 p.m. at Trindle Bowl.
Edited on 7/31/2010 6:32 PM