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Author Topic: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?  (Read 8496 times)

Mr Straight Ball

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Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« on: October 10, 2007, 03:55:41 AM »
It boggles my mind when I look at the Greater Baltimore yearbook and see 60 names on the high average page with the last name showing 222. I know the Capital Assn is no different.

So why aren't more high average bowlers out competing against one another?
...Mr. Straight Ball prays his ball will hook one day!
40 Boards & A Ball
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Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #61 on: November 15, 2007, 09:41:38 AM »
Let me start my reply with the youngest of the last three to respond, MM2004. I bet MM does not remember when I use to help with MAYBE and he'd drive up and beat up on some of the other good young talent. I even saw you bowl Junior Gold back when I would go and support by watching. And since MM is the youngest, I hope he can solve the riddle…”Where in de heck is the youth movement?” I've seen enough young talent in my years of being involved with Parent Coaches Assc that is now 20'something. It seems the young bowlers stop competing when they turn adult, it could have something to do with going from being the big fish to just another fish in the sea. Are the 20'some bowlers afraid to compete against the same people they once idolized? I had a bowler tell me, “I want to make a name for myself.” LA & I told this person, you have to get out and bowl and when you keep kicking some butt, they will know who you are.

Brizmo, “Toughest lefty in the area right now” as I have said recently. I SAID IT! Why the majority of lefties are complaining, Briz has figured out, there are locator arrows on 15 and 20 and has won playing in there too!

If you want to know why VMSBT & 40 Boards don't draw the same crowd as Triple Threat...the answer is simple. Close your eyes and visualize all of the faces there bowling. These are the same people that say they don't have the money to bowl but bring 7 ($150-200 per ball) of the latest & greatest balls to league. These same bowlers spend $100 or more a week in side action at one league before paying their league dues. A lot of money if you can do the math! Some with tell you they have kids, that’s why I don’t come but I see a lot of fathers bowling tournaments; some even have a kid or two there rooting them on while mommy is at work, out of town or just home relaxing. Don’t forget that they don't know about the tournament but amazingly know to ask, "How was the tournament?" when I run into them later the same day. These are the same people that ask you to keep them in the loop about tournaments because they are going to start bowling some tournaments. Let me be the first to say, there is nothing wrong with saying, I enjoy bowling league and I am content.
Here is an excuse I always here, there is not enough money. As BC says, "You cannot use an extra $500 to $1,000?" Bowlers bowl a league season to win $1,000 and that's before you deduct the $700 it cost you to win it. If all of the people who gave that as there "reason" for not bowling tournaments and showed up, there would be plenty of money at every tournament. Simple math, more bowlers times dollars = more money. If the 30 people who should be bowling but make excuses show up, now there are 60 people. We have now doubled the field, the prize money along with more people playing pots, survival and we know there will be A LOT more brackets to win.

The same people that have a million reasons why they don’t bowl tournaments are afraid to give that same song and dance because they don't want to let Yvette or Janeen down. Add in these same people who only bowl "certain" events to the other tournaments, now those tournaments go from paying $600-800 to $1,000 or more on a regular and now people show up to tournaments the same way they do to these quote unquote big money leagues. BUT TO MAKE THAT HAPPEN, people have to stop giving excuses and start bowling.

More entries = MORE MONEY, MORE MONEY, MORE MONEY! A tournament is only successful when the bowlers get together and start supporting them. If someone runs a bad tournament, we should not SUPPORT them. When there are organized tournaments like 40 Boards, Triple Threat & VMSBT (ABC order), by all means, we should support them. We are lucky, so many people always tell me, you guys are lucky to have stuff to bowl, there is nothing where I live. Us bowlers will bowl a poorly run event year after year just because we perceive there being a lot of money there to win.
Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #62 on: November 15, 2007, 09:53:54 AM »
I agree with you 100% Jeff, Butttt..Not saying your tournament entry is High and I'm not singling out anyone, but in the mind of most of these bowlers I have seen they will come if the entry fee was lower. They feel like ok I can spend 25-40.00 and bowl this tournament they dont even care whats 1st place. You as a bowler want to play side action and after you pay entry and side pots you have now spent 150.00 to bowl..

Now if I come out and play its because I can afford to play the way I want, but I have heard and seen bowlers do it that type of thing all the time. When Jim had the shirley & Falls church friday night tournament it was always pack and that because it was a cheap entry and bowlers dont mind losing that..Thats how they think..They dont go into a tournament thinking how much to win only what they are losing if they dont bowl well...

But I love what you and Tony are doing and you know I support you Jeff....
Darnell "DBum" Bell


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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #63 on: November 15, 2007, 10:07:25 AM »
Wow... I didn't even know that this thread existed until MSB told me about it. There are some very good ideas and I think the feedback is awesome. It can be very frustrating to run tournaments when you think you are trying your best to generate the interest.

Just want everyone to know that VMSBT will be making some changes for next year.

1. Tournament will be held every 4th Sunday of the month. That's Jan-June & September-November.

2. New starting time of 10am. I agree with an earlier poster that we should start earlier than 12pm. (I know, what took me so long)

3. Format change. 5 games of qualifying and 4 games of match-play.

4. Entry fee will stay at $80 and $2-$3 more towards the prize fund because of one less game of qualifying.

As far as updating the website in a timely fashion, I'll take the hit for that. Life happens and the creating the pages become secondary. But that shouldn't deter anyone from bowling.  

Yeah the PBA gives you a 1:3 ratio but don't let the $400 low to cash check blind you. I just ask that you do the math on one of the tournaments and then tell me if you feel the same way. A center puts up $5k for a regional, plus non-member service fees ($25)... I was a PBA member for 18 years and I won't discourage anyone from trying to bowl against the best. But don't just bowl their events blindly.

Keep the feedback coming.. It can only get better. :-)

Tony Walton
Columbia 300 Advisory Staff Member
VMSBT Tournament Director
Tony Walton
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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #64 on: November 15, 2007, 10:21:41 AM »
I understand.. I was going to hold a tournament at Parkland and gurantee the money, but I dont think folks will show and thats for a whole lot of reasons..
Darnell "DBum" Bell


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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #65 on: November 15, 2007, 10:25:08 AM »
Let me start my reply with the youngest of the last three to respond, MM2004. I bet MM does not remember when I use to help with MAYBE and he'd drive up and beat up on some of the other good young talent. I even saw you bowl Junior Gold back when I would go and support by watching. And since MM is the youngest, I hope he can solve the riddle…”Where in de heck is the youth movement?” I've seen enough young talent in my years of being involved with Parent Coaches Assc that is now 20'something. It seems the young bowlers stop competing when they turn adult, it could have something to do with going from being the big fish to just another fish in the sea. Are the 20'some bowlers afraid to compete against the same people they once idolized? I had a bowler tell me, “I want to make a name for myself.” LA & I told this person, you have to get out and bowl and when you keep kicking some butt, they will know who you are.

I've been shadowing this thread and there are many many good points here by some of the best minds and best bowlers of the area.  Maybe this should be turned into a round table discussion and played over the PA during league nights.

I do feel that I can answer a few questions concerning why there isn't more of the 20-something crowd out bowling every weekend.  When I bowled youth and collegiately, I traveled around with 6-8 guys all the time and we were always bowling.  Thirty to forty games a week practice, and tournaments on the weekend getting out butts handed to us, taking our bumps, and learning the ropes.  That was during the days when most of us were in college and were free of bills and responsibilities.  

I know for me while I was in school and not paying any rent, car note, and other bills any money I made from work could be spent on bowling and I didn't care if I lost it at all.  It was just part of paying your dues and learning the ropes to get to the next level.  Now that all of us are out of school, we're piled up in debt, $25-30k+ to repay in student loans, rent, and all of the other real life bills and what have you of the real world while still working entry level positions.  Since I am out on my own, nobody pays my bills but me, and a few of us are in that same boat.  I'm sure all of you guys have been there before.  

When it comes down to things, if Sunday is coming up and I have the option of putting $150 into a tournament entry and side action, or paying a $150 bill on monday, my bills are going to take that decision everytime EASY.  Also, my immediate circle of friends and I are all working two jobs trying to make ends meet out here so after a 60-75hr week's worth of work, when Sunday comes bowling is the last thing on my mind.  If I'm lucky enough to catch a few sub spots a week for "free practice" then I'm happy where I'm at right now.  It's just that for us and our situation, the real world is starting to kick our butts enough.  I'm not going to go out and pay someone else's bills too on the weekends if I can't afford to at the moment.  

At the Ft. Meade regional, I talked to my friend Richard Fairley (former National Amateur Champion) and we were talking about this same thing.  It's the post college transitional period where bowling has to take a backseat in order for you to get your life on track.  When it comes down to it, the only person I'm going to be bowling for is myself and not to gain the respect of what others may think about me as a bowler.  If I'm going to play on a weekend, it's going to be because 1) I can afford it, 2) I want to compete, and 3) I feel that I'm going to be able to give 100% physically and mentally to compete because the last thing I want to do it throw my last couple hundred dollars in the air and bowl with the pressure of having to bowl better than everyone else to make it all back + more so I can pay my rent on time.

To the tournament directors, you're doing a great job and your dedication and persistence shows that you care about the game and bowling in our area.  In due time there will be more entries, especially from the 20-somethings in the area once we get our feet planted.

Keep up the good work.
-DJ Marshall
...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop.  Hyattsville, MD
Coach: University of Maryland Baltimore County Mens Bowling

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #66 on: November 15, 2007, 10:45:49 AM »
EXACTLY why we are headed to Shirley Dec 8, we are trying to fill the field so that you guys have more to bowl for aka $$$!

There is no right entry fee amount. Lower the entry, lower the prize money and we are back to people saying "There is not enough money!" I had to laugh when a female bowler told me about our female only tournament, that is not enough money up top. ($50 entry, $500 1st) I forgot, organizations are beating down the doors to run Women's tournaments. I am still laughing!!!

I am not going to tell people HOE MUCH they are spending at the Rhodman every year thinking that if they cash they broke even. You know, the people that say made $300 because that's what they cashed for and they don't count expenses. My stomach hurts from laughing.
...Mr. Straight Ball prays his ball will hook one day!
40 Boards & A Ball
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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #67 on: November 15, 2007, 10:52:47 AM »
What time and price at Shirley on the 8th?  I'll try and get 3-5 Burkies to lace em up.


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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #68 on: November 15, 2007, 10:56:39 AM »
Well I understand the overall aspect of the money thing, but Lower the entry, lower the prize money isn't exactly true..Likely you would have more bowlers and more side action as well. But you are doing fine complaints..

I remember when Clinton was open..the shot sucked, But we use to run a lil tournament every wednesday night at 9:30 for 20.00..(yeah I know lineage wasn't a problem) but we would have 20-25 guys out there, Guys would be like let me borrow 20.00 to bowl. That where I 1st start seeing how the entry brought the bowlers out.
Darnell "DBum" Bell


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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #69 on: November 15, 2007, 11:19:27 AM »

Don't even get me started on "pot games"! Man do I really miss the games at BA Silver Hill, Kent, FL University and the Sunday morning one at Capital Plaza... It's really ashame that the type of action bowling we grew up on is now extinct (sp).
Tony Walton
Columbia 300 Advisory Staff Member
VMSBT Tournament Director
Tony Walton
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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #70 on: November 15, 2007, 11:21:54 AM »
I remember going to Silver Hill at the age of 17 bowling pot games and watching Smooth Tony Walton & Kelly bowl with their Columbia Plastic Plumberries. Those were the days.
Darnell "DBum" Bell

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #71 on: November 15, 2007, 12:27:05 PM »
Plum Berry White did that ball hook!

Now back to the discussion...DJ, we remember being where you are and the best part of life is those darn life bills don't go away; they just get bigger until you kick the bucket. LOL I am glad to see you are one of these fools bowling to keep the lights on, I can respect anyone making the "right" choices.

To the new generation of bowlers like DJ, that is exactly why we use to all bowl pot games. We were broke putting up $5/$10/$20 a game trying to make a dollar out of 15¢. ;-)

Back in the day, Dean Young ran Double Elimination on Wednesdays at Columbia during the summer,charged $30. We were not bowling for a lot of coins but we sure got to work on our games.
...Mr. Straight Ball prays his ball will hook one day!
40 Boards & A Ball
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Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #72 on: November 15, 2007, 12:34:49 PM »
Dec 8
Bowl America Shirley
5pm start; 4:15pm check-in
$60 Entry
$20 Jackpots
$10 Survival 1-3
$10 Survival 3-5
...Mr. Straight Ball prays his ball will hook one day!
40 Boards & A Ball
Is your ball ready to cross 40 Boards?
Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #73 on: November 15, 2007, 12:38:46 PM »
Hey You guys go and play the Doubles at Greenway on Sat & Sun

Squads 12pm-2pm-4pm-6pm (Chameleon)Pattern

its coming down to the last 2 weekends...

Hit me for any information
Darnell "DBum" Bell

Mr Straight Ball

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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #74 on: November 15, 2007, 12:44:03 PM » made it cold in here! LMAO
...Mr. Straight Ball prays his ball will hook one day!
40 Boards & A Ball
Is your ball ready to cross 40 Boards?
Bakes...Bevel is for wimps!!!
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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #75 on: November 15, 2007, 01:15:29 PM »

Your killing me over here!

I don't have the slightest idea who your talking about!
Tony Walton
Columbia 300 Advisory Staff Member
VMSBT Tournament Director
Tony Walton
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Since 2002