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Author Topic: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?  (Read 8495 times)

Mr Straight Ball

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Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« on: October 10, 2007, 03:55:41 AM »
It boggles my mind when I look at the Greater Baltimore yearbook and see 60 names on the high average page with the last name showing 222. I know the Capital Assn is no different.

So why aren't more high average bowlers out competing against one another?
...Mr. Straight Ball prays his ball will hook one day!
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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #76 on: November 15, 2007, 01:37:41 PM »
Just from reading the latest posts, it really sounds to me like the easy conditions are killing bowling in general.

I too applaud DJ for putting the necessities before the fun. It is true that this is the generation graduating with the most student loan debt in history. I'm cheap and I still found it easier to have the cash to bowl tournaments when I was in college. And all I can remember saying in college is, "I can't wait till I graduate and get a real job so I can bowl more!" I had more $ in college to bowl with (thanks EMMTL) then I do now, LOL.

Someone mentioned that they think another issue is there is just too much to choose from sometime. I also echoed this sentiment a few weeks ago after VMSBT at Gaithersburg. Mind you, I got the crazy look from the 2 folks I was talking to. Now I know at least one person shares my thoughts. I think when you have only a handful of people bowling, when they can choose a bunch of differnet things, its hard to pool everyone in one place.

That said, on the flip side, its only a handful of guys that will actually travel all over to bowl the different things. I still think this is part of the problem, I'm just not sure how much of a difference in entries we'd see if there was less choice.

I also like the idea of an even lower entry fee. It certainly makes sense, because as was pointed out, less money doesn't mean less payout as long as more people participate. For every dollar you drop the entry by, you need enough new bowlers to make up the difference to keep the payout the same. I use this theory when I run ladies side action and I tried to use this logic for the women's tournament we ran. The only thing is, you die an even quicker death if folks still don't patronize the event. Why? Because then you don't even get your Mike L's because they are going to choose the event with more cash to win if its running on the same day.
Latise Parker
40 Boards & A Ball

Edited on 11/15/2007 2:40 PM
Latise B.
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Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
« Reply #77 on: November 15, 2007, 01:42:30 PM »
Stephen Hahn

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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #78 on: November 15, 2007, 02:19:56 PM »
    I understand, But bowlers like Mike L dont care what the entry is for the tournament if they have 100 Brackets. Take a look at Big Daddys in Philly his entry fee is 45.00 and DC Bowlers Drive all the way down there including myself and he only pays top 5, But the Brackets and doubles make the tournament. I mean bowlers that dont bowl anything in our area are at Big Daddys...isnt that something. I dont even know why I go..
    Darnell "DBum" Bell


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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #79 on: November 15, 2007, 02:46:58 PM »
    Thats Funny Jeff....Dont forget 9 to a
    Darnell "DBum" Bell

    Mr Straight Ball

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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #80 on: November 15, 2007, 02:47:39 PM »
    You know the best part of Big Daddy' falls into that poorly managed yet well supported category I mentioned earlier. The reason I say it's poorly managed is because they have their hand in the cookie jar...dip dip dipping! And "we" support it because someone perceived as one of us is running it. And all the brothers know what I mean by "we" in that sentence.

    Shoot, you might see me there this year too for once, coughing out a lung from the chain smokers.
    ...Mr. Straight Ball prays his ball will hook one day!
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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #81 on: November 15, 2007, 08:16:15 PM »
    I don't really consider Big Daddy's a tournament.  It's more like a once a year 4 game gambling event.  I couldn't tell you who won it last year but I can tell you who won the 4th game pot and swept all the side action... LOL

    As for DJ's post.  Very good young man!!!!  I wish I had been as wise in my younger days.   I feel bad for the younger generation because when I came out of juniors in the early nineties there were several events you could bowl during the week that didn't cost much money.  There were King of the Hill type tournaments at University, Capital Plaza, and Laurel and the entry fee was in the $20-$30 range.  Then you had pot games at Silver Hill, Capital Plaza, Seminary plus those after dark pot games down in Waldorf.  Heck there was even a Sunday night sweeper down in AMF Centreville if you didn't mind making the trip.  I spent a lot of time in my late teens and early twenties only working part-time jobs so I wasn't making much money but these types of events really helped develop my tournament toughness and made me better player.  Then if I made money in these events then I could afford to bowl a few extra tournaments.    Now guys like DJ and the younger generation have to sub in leagues to win some extra cash but as we all know league gambling can be more expensive then bowling a tournament.
    Chris Johnson
    Storm Amateur Staffer

    Mike L

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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #82 on: November 15, 2007, 09:59:14 PM »
    The bottom line is there is no pleasing everyone.  

    Entry fee $30, you get 50 guys that bowl for $250
    Entry fee $80, you get 30 guys that bowl for $500

    Either way, your bowling for the same ratio.

    I see both sides of this because i run a center here in front royal and trust me it is IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy, all you can do is try to make MOST happy.

    Make them tough you lose the "donaters"
    Make them easy you lose the "good bowlers"

    I say run a $40-$50 tourney, make them playable, kinda like gaithersburg was at vmsbt 2 weeks ago and you could probably get a mixture of both.  +120 to make a 6 game cut isnt that outrageous, but for $80 you do lose some of the guys that are less talented.  Tobys quick and cheap get a good turnout because of 2 factors, great location, and for $49, bowlers that probably dont have a chance will at least give it a try.  

    Once again I, in my opinion, feel that if the directors would get more consistant with dates, whether it be 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 4th sunday it could draw some more entries.  I know that couple Sunday morning leagues don't help but there are plenty of guys that don't bowl in those that should bowl.  

    I know York use to get 100+ brackets with a $30 entry fee, he raised it to $40 or $50 whatever it is and cant get 30 people or 30 brackets.  

    Its not just like this in tournaments, its the same way in leagues.  I bowl on Monday nights in Manassas, 32 teams of 5, pay $22 a night and i tried to bump it a $1, which in reality is $5600 more in the prize fund at the end of the year, and you woulda thought I said raise it $10.  Bowlers in general don't understand the money issue.

    Like I said ill be at whatever tournament I think I have the best opportunity to make the most money at and it makes no difference to me if its a dead wall or a sport pattern and I know there arent too many people out there like me, but I just don't understand why???

    And yes if you cant afford it then yes trust me you are making the wise and correct decision not to bowl, but guys that can but wont because the shots too easy or the shots too tough is really the guys that i have a beef with.  If you are a bowler and have the time and finances, get your azz out here and see how good you really are!
    "Typical House Bowler"

    Edited on 11/15/2007 11:00 PM


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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #83 on: November 15, 2007, 10:10:23 PM »
    Hey MM2004, Brizmo told me who you were tonight.. I had know idea and I will definitely let you know how the Rival

    Mikey I with you mna..Like I said, If I know I cant playthe pots and everything the way I want to.. I dont come..

    Darnell "DBum" Bell


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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #84 on: November 15, 2007, 10:16:35 PM »
    Hey Mike, I won't be bowling the next monday night session at the ice skating rink known as Ft. Meade .  James and Nate are taking classes monday nights for the next 8 weeks so we might be back for the final session.  Plus I'm taking over someone's spot in Waldorf for awhile and in Laurel until the end of December.  I'm trying not to burn myself out with bowling like I did 2 years ago so I'm trying not to put in more than 6-9 games a week now unless I really get the urge.

    You say your shotmaking is off, I could never tell lol.  You seem to be one of the only few that can get the ball to read and get a little angle out of the end of the pattern on the right side on mondays.  Keep up the good work.

    ....Another thing I see from the crowd that does not bowl competitive tournaments is that they know they cannot compete for a stretch longer than 3 games because that is the format they are used to bowling.  Quick and easy striking for three games then they can collect and pack up is what they're used to.  Although not everyone shows it, I think everyone honestly knows where they're at.  They know that their 220 avg isn't the same as some of you guys' 220 avg and they know deep down they can't compete "in your environment".  That's the real reason why most of "the book" isn't out there bowling.  

    Alot of people also live average, boring lives, working for a POS boss at a job they dread going to in the morning and their league night is their escape from the BS they have to put up with that we don't see.  League night gives them a chance to step out of their character and become a "superstar" for a few hours, showing off their new ball and striking up a storm to put on a show for everyone.  If they average 215-220 year in and out doing that then that's all they care about.  They don't really care about the extra accolades bowling competitively on the weekends so it's not like anyone can make them come out and be something they don't want to be.  They might small talk you up like they're going to give it a go on the weekend, but we should know by now who is BS'ing and who is for real out there.
    -DJ Marshall
    ...The Twelve In a Row Pro Shop.  Hyattsville, MD
    Coach: University of Maryland Baltimore County Mens Bowling

    Mike L

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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #85 on: November 15, 2007, 10:36:09 PM »

    You are absolutely correct, most of those 220 house guys know that honestly even when it is there league shot they cant compete and thats fine, i have no problem with that.  What bothers me, is when you see house guys standing around while the tournament is going on saying "im not bowling cause theres not enough bowlers" or "im not bowling its going to be a strikefest" or (and this one is the one i really get a kick out of) "im not bowling because these guys are professionals and its a tough shot so its unfair"

    If you dont like it fine dont bowl, if you cant afford it fine dont bowl, but dont make some lame azz excuse for not bowling, just admit that just because you average 220+ on your local house shot and the league thinks your such a good bowler, doesnt actually make you a good bowler.

    Also Brizmo made an excellent point:

    Mr. Walton and Mr. Baker are not making a living running these tournaments.  They do it for a hobby and do it for guys like me that will take the few hours on sunday to come out and support them.

    These guys dont get enough credit or money for all the BS they put up with from the bowling community.  These guys have my upmost respect for dealing with all of it and keeping their cool at the same time.  You guys dont get enough credit for what you do!
    "Typical House Bowler"


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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #86 on: November 16, 2007, 08:02:05 AM »
    What bothers me, is when you see house guys standing around while the tournament is going on saying "im not bowling cause theres not enough bowlers" or "im not bowling its going to be a strikefest" or (and this one is the one i really get a kick out of) "im not bowling because these guys are professionals and its a tough shot so its unfair."

    Thats what I'm talking about. Me and you are on the same page, Mike. Its the lame excuses that those guys give that is annoying. Just be honest and say, "I don't think I can compete with this field" or "I'm really just not interested in bowling on that level."

    Here's an example, as a Tournament Director and spectator, there are people that will come up and talk to me and ask when the next tournament is and then give me the 5 minute conversation on how they really want to get out more, how they feel like they are throwing the ball well, how they got this new ball (or balls) that really opens the lane up for them, how they've been doing well in their PBA experience league and want to try some tournaments. Then you don't see them, or you see them standing in the back watching at the next event with some excuse as to why they aren't bowling. Like, honestly, if a person doesn't want to play then thats fine, but they need to be honest with others, and more so, themselves. Don't talk me to death with words that you think make you sound and look good because honestly, as we are all pointing out in this thread, we hear this stuff all the time. Words are a dime a dozen. It doesn't make me think more highly of a person because they "say" they want something. And honestly, it shouldn't make the other person think any more highly of themselves either.
    Latise Parker
    40 Boards & A Ball
    Latise B.
    40 Boards & A Ball

    Mr Straight Ball

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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #87 on: November 16, 2007, 11:23:52 AM »
    Brizmo pointed out a fact about Big Daddy's that made me errupt with laughter. ...because people can pay Wheeler they go to Big Daddy's."

    Lets apply that same principle to a 40 Boards event. It's Thurs night at Capital Plaza, both tournament directors are bowling as you know. Those same people could prepay us directly and lock up their spot the same way they do Big Daddy's. And last I checked, we qualify for the "Black Thing", shoot I know I'm a little tanner then most too. We held $9,630 to pay out Opposites Attract, so I think we can hold $60-100 without a problem.

    To those that prepay for Big Daddy's that are reading this blog, prepayments are accepted for any 40 Boards event. And we offer payment plans for Opposites Attract so that you can put a little something something on your entry over an extended period that fits your budget. We are flexible baby!
    ...Mr. Straight Ball prays his ball will hook one day!
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    Edited on 11/16/2007 12:28 PM
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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #88 on: November 16, 2007, 01:16:55 PM »
    He!!, go to an all/majority white bowling alley or tournament and they will cry and complain about the noise. (TRUE FACT, WHITE PEOPLE, I'M SORRY TO SAY).

    Not gonna happen at Burke.  We are loathed by the masses for our smack talk.  Smack talk is what makes an ordinary night of bowling into a social event.

    Mr Straight Ball

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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #89 on: November 19, 2007, 12:48:44 PM »
    Dogmann, have you witnessed the championship "extras" at the Bacardi or Rhodman? At the Bacardi, two years ago, Mickey Webb starred at a guy in the finals and the ENTIRE crowd reacted with "UHHHH" like a bunch of kids followed by chattering, "Did you see that?!" Last year a girl missed a spare and the people rooting for the girl who won stood up with there arms up yelling.

    The Rhodman championship is NY/NJ against all other areas as they rally behind their own. Ask Dawn Faye about the year she was in the championship round and someone yelled "MISS IT!" as she was getting ready to shoot the 10 pin. Not to mention, there is an area that all of the gamblers gather and start betting on their own or even bowlers betting on themselves. When that "Bookies Window" opens, you can bet $100 to thousands of dollars per match.

    Please don't compare the "Tea & Crumpets" smack talking you see at Burke to the level of hardcore fan behavior you can witness in a title match at these tournaments. Brizmo can tell you, your skin better be more then thick when the backers/friends/family start popping off at the mouth to you, now add in the crowd reactions to every little thing that happens and the added weight that comes with a championship round appearance already.
    ...Mr. Straight Ball prays his ball will hook one day!
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    Re: Where are the scratch bowlers in MD/DC/VA?
    « Reply #90 on: November 19, 2007, 07:39:18 PM »
    I agree!!!!!  I've seen a lot of wild stuff in those stepladder finals.  Luckily the times I've made stepladder appearances the crowds have been cool but Mr. Straight Ball is right it is totally different environment.....
    Chris Johnson
    Storm Amateur Staffer