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Author Topic: York / Adams Media Day  (Read 1822 times)

Racoon Eyed Indian

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York / Adams Media Day
« on: February 19, 2009, 12:21:50 AM »

Over the last few days there have been smoke signals high
above the river about my identity and other people for the
most part trying to paint me as someone else who is not
exactly me. While Chief Whistler and I sit around the fire
at night with Old Louie White Hair and talk of wisdom as
Vinnie ChopSteaks brews something for the tribe to eat.
I am a Warrior, not someone to fear.  I am to most, a
friend, a guide and to some an Idol.  I may stand behind
you on the approach or slap out a 5-7 on the pair next to
you or you may even hear my voice echo from one end of the
house to the other.  I am not hiding, I am right there with
you in the hunt and battle.  I am one of Armstrong and one
who runs with the Wolfes.  I am one from the Fall, The Legend,
the Bad *ss of them all.  I may be one of James son who is
innovative with bowling.  It is not the brand of ball that I
use but I do believe in Tweety.  You all have heard of the
Diet by Atkins to lighten you for Scuba diving.  I read
smoke signals but I also know Morse code.  I like movies
of old comic heroes from Marvel.  This may be Moore or Less
the same as usual, but it is all exactly similar.  Chief
Whistler reminded me of a Sheriff who used to roam these parts,
he was a rider of the Storm.  He didn't ask questions, he just
wanted answers.  This is not unusual but it is usually different
from the original when it started.  

Peace out and Long live Tonto

2009 Goggle wear by Whip da Whack

Edited on 2/19/2009 9:53 AM



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Re: York / Adams Media Day
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2009, 01:18:02 PM »
Your gig is up Magoo!

Racoon Eyed Indian

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Re: York / Adams Media Day
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2009, 02:20:21 PM »
Your gig is up Magoo!

Chief River Dance,

I beg to differ which for the most part means I
disagree with what you are trying to say.  Your
blowing so much smoke they are shutting down the
airports in Baltimore and Harrisburg due to low

Let me see if I can get this straight????  On
Friday the 20th, you bid your farewell to everyone
on Ball Reviews because the PBA and AMF told you to
stop acting like a clown with terrets and stop posting
in this forum. Using the wisdom of Chief Whistler, your
not bright if you do things wrong that are not right usually.
So what are we to believe with you Chief blower of smoke???
You do not speak the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace out Dancing Queen, enjoy your new DVD Mama Mia.

2009 Goggle wear by Whip da Whack

Edited on 2/24/2009 2:42 PM


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Re: York / Adams Media Day
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2009, 09:47:05 PM »
Where the hell is balitmore Magoo?????

I told you to stop sniffing glue!

Dad is going kick you azz!!

Your gig is up Magoo!

Chief River Dance,

I beg to differ which for the most part means I
disagree with what you are trying to say.  Your
blowing so much smoke they are shutting down the
airports in Balitmore and Harrisburg due to low

Let me see if I can get this straight????  On
Friday the 20th, you bid your farewell to everyone
on Ball Reviews because the PBA and AMF told you to
stop acting like a clown with terrets and stop posting
in this forum. Using the wisdom of Chief Whistler, your
not bright if you do things wrong that are not right usually.
So what are we to believe with you Chief blower of smoke???
You do not speak the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Peace out Dancing Queen, enjoy your new DVD Mama Mia.

2009 Goggle wear by Whip da Whack

The Wheels on the bus go round and round!

Racoon Eyed Indian

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Re: York / Adams Media Day
« Reply #19 on: February 24, 2009, 07:56:26 PM »

Yesterday was a busy day for Chief Whistler and Old Louie White Hair.
There were smoke signals to be read, but there was so much smoke
blowing by Eddie Special K and Short Pus Pain Sgt Shultz who still
knows nothing!!!!!!  The smoke signals were strong, but they were
overpowered by the blowers of smoke.  At one point Old Louie White
Hair passed out from all the blowing of smoke by dynamic duo of
special lickers.  After Chief and I sat Old Louie back up, Chief
Whistler say "smoke is strong and plentiful today, maybe more than
one fire."  Really???  It has taken a full day for Old Louie to get
the words to me with his slow tongue and he is still struggling with
all the blowing of smoke he got yesterday.  Old Louie say, " so much
smoke could close California down from the West Coast."  Chief Whistler
is pretty sure he had an optimal illusion during the blowing of smoke.
Even after Old Louie tell me words from signals I am lost.  This is what
he say to me:

Short Bus Shane is a tool
Nobody has seen EdKramarcak anywhere he say he is
You know truth where there is no lie
Does anybody know ason by the j
Everywhere is support of tribe
Ree Ree for the special dynamic duo

Peace out from the River Tribe

2009 Goggle wear by Whip da Whack

Racoon Eyed Indian

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Re: York / Adams Media Day
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2009, 09:38:16 AM »
Way to go Chief Teenyweeny. PBA and AMF saw your f***ing smoke signals. Both contacted me and told me it would be best if stayed off of ball reviews for a while. Probably best as it will give me more time on the lanes, in the pro shop and making some new vids. I have a deal with britain at videobowlingballreviews to feature 7 or 8 instructional vids. They will be done by March 1, 2009.

Chief I lie alot and would not be a credible witness in a court
of law.

Old Louie White Hair likes to watch Law & Order on the tv and he say
with slow moving tongue and coughing as he is trying to get over all that
smoke you've been blowing, "he who lies and make loud noises in law of
court be in contempt."  This is all pretty much exactly similar in the
fact that you can not tell the truth.

In the words of Chief Whistler, "wisdom is wise and wise is wise usually
for the most part unless it is not wise then it is not wisdom."

You are not wise Eddie Special K, this post come from you on 2/20.  You
say you can no longer post, but you still linger like bad Visions.  You
think you are in a reymen of joy when you are not sleepy in a bowl of
lions.  Chief Whistler say, "a hot tub is only hot when there is hot
water in it."  

Old Louie White Hair say, "Fire is light that can guide you through night,
if you not treat fire right, burn you get."  His wisdom speak true of you.
You played with Fire with your lies and now all that smoke blowing you did
just burned you!!!!!!  You better run to the nearest water hole and jump in,
better hope it is not ice or you will smack your head.

Peace out Chief non master of the obvious you biggest smoke blowing
mathematical challenged detective wannabe who gets no turn on the dressing
and leaves the same thing on the lanes as his posts.....JUNK!!!!!

R.I.P Eddie Special K, don't forget to take your son Short Pus Pain
Spinnermeyer Sgt Shutlz who still knows nothing with you!!

2009 Goggle wear by Whip da Whack


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Re: York / Adams Media Day
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2009, 01:43:40 PM »
Ed Kramarcak is my dad, whoopdefcuk. Chief Whistler is your dad. So who is the bigger loser there.......


I saw the smoke signal you got from the REAL Old Louie White Hair. Most of us on ball reviews feel the same way...

Why don't you hop back in yor canoe and padlle you r way bakc up chit creek. You are so full of chit your eys are brown.

Maybe I do know nothing, but at least that is something for the most part. Usually something is more than nothing, but not always as is in this case.

And WTF is an optimal illusion?? And you say I am the know nothing.

Your true indentity is Chief Waterhead.

The truth is you have been outted as either Frenchlich or Stephenson. Tell us which one you are Joel..........

Step up of step off you window licker

s.W.o - Shortbus For Life
The Wheels on the bus go round and round!