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Author Topic: Ace Mitchell  (Read 6656 times)


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Ace Mitchell
« on: January 04, 2009, 05:43:34 AM »
Dumb Question.

Anyone know if/who Ace Mitchell sells online?




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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2009, 11:06:59 AM »
I will merely comment on a few things here...

Don't you think, if I was Brunswick brainswashed I would more than likely still be there?

And wouldn't you think that I would be glad that you are not selling Brunswick products?

If you knew the whole story, you would understand these statements.

I do not think that pro shop operators are stupid. I am a PRO SHOP operator by nature. And the pro shops I deal with know this, as my job for the past almost 10 years has been to help pro shops increase thier businesses. I do not nor have I dealt with etailers.

And sir I refer to facts that I know to be factual. Not merely told to me in a seminar.
Formerly BrunsRico

When the president and all the brand managers attend a seminar,  I sir tend to BELIEVE what they say!!!!!!    ARE WE CLEAR ABOUT THIS????

About 3 months ago, I brought this up to my dist.  That online sales were flat.
The other day, my dist. told me that since I had brought that up, they have been asking their pro shop customers.  And they agree that online sales, that is,  balls brought in to pro shops for drilling,  are way down.

I don't care if your glad that we don't sell much Brunswick!!!!  Maybe if shops like mine sold more Brunswick, you would still be there.

Retail sales for this past holiday were the worst in years, and you come on and try to pretend that online sales are great.  Give me a break.

You love to led people on this site to believe that you know all.  You love to pretend you know all about what goes on behind closed doors.  Please!!!!!!!

Give that BS a rest.  Pro shops know what goes on and what is selling.
When I noticed online balls were way off in my shop,  at first I thought, is it just me.  But then after talking to many real pro shops and hearing from my dist.  I found out, this is going on all over.

You beat all!!



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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2009, 12:24:04 PM »
Dude plain and simple YOU LOVE TO ARGUE WITH ANYONE THAT DISAGREES WITH YOU. Now go believe who you want and I will what I know....And stay in your hole.
Formerly BrunsRico
Co-author of BowlTec's END GAMES ~ A Bowler's COMPLETE Guide to Bowling; Head Games ~ the MENTAL approach to bowling (and sports) & (r)eVolve
...where knowledge creates striking results...
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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #18 on: January 17, 2009, 12:33:40 PM »
Dude plain and simple YOU LOVE TO ARGUE WITH ANYONE THAT DISAGREES WITH YOU. Now go believe who you want and I will what I know....And stay in your hole.
Formerly BrunsRico

Hey dude,  read what you wrote.  I posted first,  therefore I was not arguing with you!!!!  You then came on with your holy attitude and started arguing with me.  Like you always do!!!!!!

Yo make stupid statements,  and you expect us to believe you.  Any idiot knows that the whole economy is in the toilet.  Yet you pretend that all is well with your online buddies.

Then you post that only what you hear is accurate,  yet when the President and all of his brand managers attend seminars and tell us things,  they are not real, cause they did not come from your mouth.


You work for a certain dist that is known and believed to be a major supplier to online dealers.  So you just go ahead and twist and turn all you want Dude,  I will listen to what the president and his brand managers have to say before I listen to you.

Are we clear


what a joke



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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #19 on: January 17, 2009, 01:04:26 PM »

I am curious as to which distributor is telling you that they do not sell to e-tailers?

Larry Verble


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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #20 on: January 17, 2009, 01:13:38 PM »
Oh, and by the by, the seminars you are speaking of, I was at the one in the Detroit area.

They are going around the entire country with the same outlined presentations. I spoke personally with their President for 20 mins. about what he is experiencing throughout the entire country. It was the same speech you heard. So even though Rico wasn't at the specific seminar you were at, the message was almost exactly the same pertaining to what you heard, what Rico heard and what I heard.

And with the respect I do have for all of the brand managers, they are all trying to do the same thing.........SELL MORE OF THEIR BRAND OF EQUIPMENT.

So they are going to tell you whatever they want to hopefully get you to buy more of their wares.

Please do not think that the seminar you attended was "special". They are going around the country, doing these outlined seminars in at least 14 cities.

Larry Verble


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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #21 on: January 17, 2009, 01:22:52 PM »

I am curious as to which distributor is telling you that they do not sell to e-tailers?

Larry Verble

Oh give it a rest.

I know of 2 that do not sell to online dealers.

Maybe there are a few more.  But you know and I know that you know that we all know who are the ones seliing to fronts, slugs etc.

ok now

Bronco Bowler

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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #22 on: January 17, 2009, 01:25:17 PM »
When the president and all the brand managers attend a seminar, I sir tend to BELIEVE what they say!!!!!! ARE WE CLEAR ABOUT THIS????

jls, what company are they representing and which proshop do you represent and what specifically was said.  Just so we can be clear on all of this.

Bronco Bowler

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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #23 on: January 17, 2009, 01:27:05 PM »
And with the respect I do have for all of the brand managers, they are all trying to do the same thing.........SELL MORE OF THEIR BRAND OF EQUIPMENT.


Verbs, which brand are you referring to?


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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #24 on: January 17, 2009, 01:34:44 PM »

I am referring to Ebonite/Hammer/Columbia/Track. All 4 brand managers, plus the President of Ebonite International, Bob Reid, are going around the country the month of January having what they call the Ebonite International Showcase.

It is seminars for pro shops about what Ebonite Int'l is doing to grow the sport of bowling, who each brand of equipment is supposedly catering to, demonstrating their latest and greatest and giving the attendee's the oppotunity to throw the newest equipment.
Larry Verble


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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #25 on: January 17, 2009, 01:37:26 PM »

I am curious as to which distributor is telling you that they do not sell to e-tailers?

Larry Verble

Oh give it a rest.

I know of 2 that do not sell to online dealers.

Maybe there are a few more.  But you know and I know that you know that we all know who are the ones seliing to fronts, slugs etc.

ok now

Okay, who are they?

What I am getting at,  they may not KNOWINGLY sell to e-tailer's, but I'm sure they are.
Larry Verble

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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2009, 01:47:57 PM »
Verbs, thank you for that clarification.  Now I wonder if you and jls are referring to the same seminars.


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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #27 on: January 17, 2009, 01:50:23 PM »
When the president and all the brand managers attend a seminar, I sir tend to BELIEVE what they say!!!!!! ARE WE CLEAR ABOUT THIS????

jls, what company are they representing and which proshop do you represent and what specifically was said.  Just so we can be clear on all of this.

I'm from jls pro shop.

Now the whole bowling industry is hurting,  just like the whole retail economy.
Dist. are hurting!!!!  Many because they have to buy so much msde. to supply their online slugs or fronts.  Now with online sales down,  many dist. are hanging with too much msde.  which needs to be paid!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Online dealers as well as pro shops are also down.  These guys like to come on and pretend that online sales are booming.  Ain's so!!!!

The whole economy is down,  it was in all the papers.  Maybe Larry and ric don't get those papers.

Now it is not the norm for the pres to attend all these seminars.  The fact that he is, tells some of us,  times are tough!!!!

Ebonite as far as I know has only one price.  Yet the other ball companies still offer different prices on their balls.  Buy 500 at one price, buy 1000 at another.  Those dist who supply online dealers or fronts or slugs, usually buy at the lowest price.  which means they must order more balls.  Now in a down economy,  balls are not selling as fast, thus some of these dist. are in trouble.

Now these guys love to come on and pretend they know it all.  They don't.

Circuit City just went down.  Times are tough and sales are down all over.
In pro shops and with online dealers.  But those honest dist. that sell only to pro shops,  may not be hurting as much, since they don't have to over buy.  Since they don't sell to online dealers.   Ric works for a dist. that is believed to be a big supplier to online shops.  

Sales online are hurting, this is made clear by some online dealers now offering free drilling!!!!!

Just why would a online dealer making $4 per ball offer free drilling.

So please excuse me if I really don't put much into what the B Boys have to say.

I talked to pro shop owners who attended several different seminars,  I know what they said.  I could care less what Larry or ric say!!!!!!


Bronco Bowler

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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2009, 02:02:36 PM »
jls, thank you for answering my questions.  Now that I understand what this is all about, I know enough to stay out of this discussion.


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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2009, 02:06:54 PM »
jls, thank you for answering my questions.  Now that I understand what this is all about, I know enough to stay out of this discussion.

That makes you smarter then I

Hey what can I say,  It's about 20 below with the wind chill. So it's been a little slow today.

But I did sell a Virtual and a Cell Pearl    oops,  sorry, not what the boys from big b want to hear.  



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Re: Ace Mitchell
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2009, 02:06:59 PM »

I NEVER said that the economy wasn't struggling. I KNOW it is a challenge every day. I am in commision sales (no, not with Brunswick!!) and am feeling it just like everyone else.

But you still refuse to answer my question as to which 2 distributors are telling you that they do not sell to e-tailers.

You would rather insult mine & Ric's intelligence. That's fine. Your entitled to your opinion. There are several people on this sight that value Ric's & mine opinion. Being that we have been on every side of the pro shop business (pro shop operator's, ball company rep's & distributor sales rep's), we have seen and heard it ALL!!!

Have a nice day and go sell some bowling equipment!!!


Larry Verble

Edited on 1/17/2009 3:14 PM