This is not my deal, but one I was asked to make a trip to Ohio and get some answers, and I may as I am only in PA.
Anyhow heres the scoop.
A mate of mine in Australia, won a couple of auctions from him about 2 weeks ago, A NIB Carbide+ and a Tsunami. He paid Joe in a timely fashion and now it has been 2 weeks and the balls are still setting in Ohio. Apparentally this is not the first such time where shipment to him has been delayed as he told me that "he's giving me the runaround again."
He has sent at least 5 or 6 emails to him asking about the order and when it is going to be shipped. NO REPLIES.
His kids ordered the Tsunami for him for his birthday on Ausust 21 and now they are not going to give their dad a gift...
I ship to him in aussi all the time and the last package that I prepaid postage online with took 5 days to get there, why has it taken this one 2 weeks and it has not left ASB???
Seems like when someone has a problem they have to come on here and rattle cages to get movement.....
Joe seems to really have an overload of work which is good for him but, what about the customers that expect timely delivery of goods?? (from what I can piece together from postings on here it seems to be a regular occurance...)
Ten pin?
?? Where?? I throw a BUZZSAW there is NUTTIN left on the deck... Proud MEMBER of the FOS!!
Member of the FOS, if there happens to be a 9 pin standing just toss a saw and cut it down~~!