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Author Topic: AllStarBowling-Joe  (Read 861 times)


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« on: August 30, 2006, 08:20:36 AM »
This guy is top rated and gives more than what he charges.  I bought two balls from Joe on was a #14 Brunswick Radical and the other was a #15 Brunswick Absolute Inferno......first of all, I made a request to change the #14 to a problem said Joe..he the auction only included drilling and not grips or slug......I told Joe that I understood and to please just drill the balls according to the specs I faxed him.....well..when the balls came I was upset that UPS dropped them off late because I could not go to my local pro shop to get them gripped and my amazement, when I opened the two boxes..I found that they were ALREADY gripped and slugged by Joe and ready to go.....that my friends is CUSTOMER wonder he's called ALL STAR JOE..thanks have me as a lifetime customer.......E.D. from CA



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Re: AllStarBowling-Joe
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2006, 04:31:09 PM »
Hey guys,

I have never dealed with AS-Joe, but he has always answered my questions. I am responding to this post, because ruffryder is one of my teammates in my Thursday night league. From what he says, Joe hit the specs dead on and they feel great.

We will see how the stuff actually feels when he throws them tommorrow. Hopefully we can come back tommorrow with a positive review.

If things work out tommorrow, I might just give Joe a shot!!!

The Candy Man
Rammy Davis Jr.


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Re: AllStarBowling-Joe
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2006, 05:57:15 PM »
An hour ago I opened a box from All Star Joe containing a passion, a pyro, a double agent and a scorchin'.  I had previously sent him a ball to use for matching the thumb and grip.  Each ball was laid out exactly as I had requested (four different layouts)and I have NEVER had bowling balls feel so identical in terms of thumb, grips and span.  I have no idea how he matches thumbs so exactly but I am incredibly impressed and will definitely be a repeat customer.
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