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Author Topic: AllStarBowling - Recent Experience (Thumbs Down)  (Read 925 times)


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AllStarBowling - Recent Experience (Thumbs Down)
« on: September 17, 2007, 04:23:12 AM »
It pains me to do this because my past experiences with AllStarBowling have been good.

On 9/9/2007 I won a bid on EBay for a 14 lb Storm T-Road Solid bowling ball from AllStarBowling.  I immediately paid for the bowling ball and shipping via Pay-Pal.

I expected that the ball would be shipped the next day (9/10/2007) but that did not happen.  I have sent several messages to AllStarBowling via EBay asking when will the ball ship.  To date I have not received any answers to my messages.

What's going on AllStarBowling Joe/Lane?????  I've not had any problems with your services until now.