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Author Topic: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Read 15489 times)

Erase This

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« on: October 13, 2003, 09:30:06 PM »
I talked to Jeff who is the owner first of all I bought 4 balls from him this summer gave me a fair deal then I went back to buy 4 more and he would not return calls and then he had the nerve to tell me he had called me at work several times which i recieved no messages.  I purchased another 3 balls from him on his website because on ebay after I purchased the others he had me blocked for some unknown reason.  I paid timely and smooth transaction from my end.  After I got the other balls I got a hotwire had it drilled up and it cracked to left of my middle finger emailed him several times explaining to him that i bought it from him and expected him to warranty the ball.  He told me to have my local proshop take care of the warranty.  So therefore does not give service and stand behind his sales.  Told me that it was probably a bad drill and my pro shop was mad because I bought the ball cheaper online and not for retail from them.  Well I live in a small population area and balls do not sell anywhere close to retail and my driller is a former PBA member for 9 years.  He is retired and drilling balls out of his garage for a past time.  He is not needing to make a BIG profit so he does it for satisfaction of watching someone succeed with a ball he drilled.  I highly do not recommend ballcellar the guy was a real jerk to me.  If you look in his ebay negative feedback on anyone that had a negative you can see by his responses that he was very unproffesional.  Any further questions let me know I would be glad to answer them.
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Edited on 10/15/2003 0:53 AM


Erase This

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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2003, 03:46:32 PM »
UnLEfty this is not a argument about wholesale or pro shop it about professionalism.  Which Jeff from ballcellar lacks.  It is not all about a damaged ball it is about how he handled it.  With the commments he gave me in the respond emails and never returning his calls.  I wanted an original discussion on the items and he turned it into a so called argument.  Again I encourage everyone to read his negative responses on ebay they are very unprofessional and negative to the people involved.  I have a hard time believing that being so negative in your responses can be positive for business.
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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2003, 09:31:47 PM »

I've had very good luck with getting balls from Ballcellar.

Good prices, and perfect specs every time.

Once the wrong ball was sent and he retrieved old ball and sent new one immediately on his nickel.  The Wicked BRT.

I've also heard he is an incredible bowler.

AND he's from my home town as his Coach Tommy.  Cool.

I've heard that in town sometimes he gets impatient with locals, oh well it can be trying after lots of years, if I was in the bowling business so would I.

In the immortal words of Rodney King, "Can't we just all get along?"

If I may make a suggestion.

Ballcellar with your great reputation, why don't you consider helping this guy get his warranty ball.  Your reputation is more important than this squabble.

I'm sure Erase this will post positive if you straighten this out!  And probably even buy more balls from you.


Keep up the good work!

It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #18 on: November 06, 2003, 12:14:39 AM »
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Erase This

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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #19 on: November 06, 2003, 09:36:27 AM »
A lot of the information was deleted from this site.  Jeff proposed to tell everyone that I bowled something like 10 games on this ball and then had a problem with it which was not true I only bowled 5 FRAMES.  He also proceeded to tell me the reasons it could have cracked and he said could be lane damage, bad drill, or even God himself could have cracked it.  Well that is very unprofessional and unchristianlike.  You do not make wise cracks using God just not professional at all.  That is my point he showed his true colors.  Very very unprofessional here people and point was well proven when he responded like that.  Along with the backing in his negative responses in ebay.  He shows his true colors.  When someone is happy he is fine but the moment a problem arises he goes into defense mode and does not try to satisfy the problem only errupts and it all someone elses fault and it's YOUR PROBLEM not his.  Not businesslike Jeff and like others have said you do not return calls or emails and that is true.  I called you several times wanting to purchase 3 balls and you claimed to have called me back at work thats a lie when I called you on the carpet because I never once received a message from you.  You just told me that to cover your tracks and others on here confirmed what I suspected.  I am sorry this whole mess had to happen but you just do not act that way in business and others deserve to know the REAL you not the one who sells lots of bowling balls with no problems but the one who comes out when you get into a pinch and do not want to resolve it costing you money because of problems.  As far as the ball goes maybe it can be taken care of at any pro shop but you sold it to me and all I asked was for a little help and you got all mean about it.
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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #20 on: November 06, 2003, 01:26:14 PM »
Wow what a situation. No matter how good the driller any ball can crack. So for him saying it could be a bad drill, hell it could be. I have seen many balls that crack from a bad drill. Not saying it is that. Maybe just maybe could be some flaw in the ball. If he is running an online business plus a local shop the man is busy. I have never done business with him so I don't have any experience with him. I understand the fact that your local center won't do anything with the ball due to you buying over the internet. That is not all that uncommon most small pro shops are that way. That can be the dangers of buying over the net. Have you tried to contact the company direct to send the ball back to them? Yes you can save money over the internet but on the same hand can have twice an many headaches. Sometimes spending more and working with your local pro shop is far better. Don't get me wrong I am not pointing fingers at you or anybody else, just offering a different angle on things. If he had worked well for you before why be upset try to work things out and see what happens.

time to leave South Dakota

Erase This

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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2003, 11:03:29 AM »
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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2003, 11:16:08 AM »

Just an objective point of view is that why not try to solve the problem rather than making it worse.  Arguing is probably not making it better.  Try to get the ball replaced.  YOu can't expect the internet pro to be the same as the pro down the street.  If that type of service is what you desire than you need to pay for it and pay your local pro to get their full service.  I don;t think that it was unprofessional to say that it was an act of God either.  Call your insurance company and tell them a tree fell on your car.  Tell them that lightening hit your house.  They will tell you it is an act of God.  I know you are mad.  Take a deep breath look at the situation calmly and do what is best for you to solve it.
I don't really play cards and I am not 79, but it fits together somehow.

Erase This

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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #23 on: December 01, 2003, 11:06:59 PM »
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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #24 on: December 05, 2003, 08:57:47 PM »
I'm sorry, but I really have to stick up for Jeff.  I'm another one of those guys who buy all my stuff on Ebay because I can drill it myself.  Jeff ALWAYS sends the ball out the day of payment and honors my pin requests.  What more do you want?


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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #25 on: December 05, 2003, 09:25:21 PM »
I've purchased about 7 or 8 from over the last 4 or 5 months. Only "bad" transaction was that the Inferno he sent me was hands down the UGLIEST Inferno ever made. I can't believe it wasn't a blem. I call it my Predator Infernor - you remember the line from Predator when Arnold gets his first up close and personal look at the Alien? That was exactly what I said when I pulled the ball out of the box. Did I send it back? Hell No! I'll always know which one on the rack is mine!
Actually, although I don't know it for a fact, I suspect that a lot of what is available on ebay from high-volume sellers is the "less than desirable" balls, i.e. off-color, short pins, too many dimples, etc. You know - the ones the Pro-Shops send back to the distributors, or the ones that the distributors know aren't going to be accepted by the Pro Shop. Those - and the close-outs.

Erase This

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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2004, 05:23:12 PM »
Happy NEW YEAR!!!
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Erase This

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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2004, 10:13:26 PM »
Your welcome Jester
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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2004, 11:07:13 PM »

I have a question: says he is a pro shop and has great professionalism. Tell me, what level of skill and professionalism does it take to take a NIB box in a ball and put a shipping label on it? Any dope can do that! A professional pro shop helps the customer select the ball, determine the best layout for the condition and their game, professionally fit and drill, and provide after sale service.

I'd say that at a mininum that should volunteer to help out the customer with a product defect -- especially one that has purchased 5 balls in recent months!

I think Erase This is so iritaed with the whole deal by the fact that his repeat business hasn't generated him the least bit of respect or care from I know most companies try to extend greater care to repeat customers, not chase them away!

By the way, I'm not a pro shop and have no vested interest in one. JMHO... guys, this is Business Basics 101.


Specs and Transaction history in my profile...

Erase This

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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2004, 01:00:21 PM »
Thanks PJR well put and exactly my feeling being raised in a business atmosphere.  That is business 101 and I agree completely.  I buy about 50 balls a year and very good friends buy several also.  I am loyal to the people who TAKE CARE of me.  Otherwise I just want everyone to know how I was treated with no respect or even that I was loyal buying 5 plus balls in a short period.  Again well said PJR thanks for your support.
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Re: BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2004, 02:24:53 AM »
Hey!  I'm new to this board but thought I would share my experience with ol' Jeffy @

I just got back into bowling after several years out of it completely.  I wanted to update my aging equipment but was on a very tight budget.  I discovered the amazing quantity of balls and equipment available online and on Ebay.  

I won an auction from ballcellar for a Hammer Sling Blade at a very good price.  I didn't try to make any contact prior to bidding because my bid was so low I never expected to win.  Anyway, Jeff lists his phone number on his auction so I called.. and called... and called.  I left several messages and he never returned any of them.  Also sent several emails with no response.  A few days later finally made contact and found he would drill it for me also.  Only charged $15.00 complete w/ inserts and thumb slug.  What a GREAT deal.  I waited a couple of weeks and never heard anything nor did I get my ball.  Many emails later, I finally get a response.. He forgot about the order and would get it out that day... and he did.  Ball arrived and he did a pretty good job drilling it I will say.  BUT, he did not read the spec's properly and drilled the cut-to-cut span as the actual span.  So it has a "relaxed" finger tip drilling.  I used the ball for a couple nights of league and it seemed light to me but I thought it was in part to the relaxed grip so I didn't give it a lot of thought, plus, I had no easy way of weighing it.  Finally picked up one of my old balls and it was obvious it was lighter.  Took it to a local pro shop and weighed it at 14.895 lbs... It was suppose to be 16 lb. ball.

I emailed him several more times before I ever got a response.  Then he argued with me about weighing it properly.  I told him I would be happy to ship it back to him and when he realized I was right he could replace it with the one I ordered.  Never heard back from him again.  It's been about 3 weeks or so.  He refuses to honor his sale or his product.  Too bad, I need a few more balls and I thought I had found a good online source for them.  In my opinion there is no room for people who refuse to stand behind their products and their work.  He made the mistake, he should correct it.  It will cost him a lot more in lost business than what it would have cost him to correct it.  Now, I hope to get the word out to as many people as possible.