win a ball from

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« on: June 11, 2008, 01:40:09 AM » is having a blog contest.  After reading the rules I must say I am aggravated.  This is absolutely shameless marketing on their part.  What bothered me the most was this:

The Blog must promote commercially – This means that the blog must have a link to on almost every page of the blog, but not every blog entry.


I love the idea, but I think they could have handled this much differently.  

Now that I'm done ranting, is anyone here doing it?  And if so, share your links.  I'd love to see how well this community develops, if at all.
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« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2008, 10:06:27 AM »
Cheap idea, tells you how much tehy care about customers... It is just a free advertising campaign for them to push "" up on Google's and other search machines' lists, through the increased number of direct links the robots might find.
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« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2008, 10:12:17 AM »
I always sign up for the monthly ball drawing, but I've never purchased anything from them.  

No sense paying a handling fee, when sites like , buddies, etc. don't charge one.

Thanks for the great prices and service!

Edited on 6/11/2008 10:13 AM


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« Reply #3 on: June 11, 2008, 11:05:33 AM »
Yeah, I agree that it's cheap.  I'm not going to be purchasing any more gear from them ever.  I think I'll make the switch over to Buddies.
"This is not 'Nam. This is bowling. There are rules."


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« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2008, 11:45:27 AM »
It's their 100 bucks. I guess they can choose to give it away as they please.

As for ordering from them, they ship fast, their prices are always competitive, and they have decent customer service.

They generally have a discount code to offset the shipping and handling. Right now its 5OFFNOW.

Those that can do. Those that can't complain.

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« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2008, 04:38:51 PM »
The blog is a contest drawing on  It is not mandatory, so you only participate if you want to.  Also, is giving $100.00 to the best blog, so why does it make people mad that they require that your blog include  I do not understand why you think that doesn't care about their customers' if they are holding a contest  where the customer can win $100.00 and they also give away a free ball every month.  I have always found to be an excellent site.  They have competitive prices, they charge a $4.95 packaging  fee per order, no matter how much you order, and offer free shipping.  It says it right on the front on the page, so it's not hidden.  Also, other companies include the packaging fees into the price of the ball.  Hows that for hidden fees? also gives out coupons to its' customers so they do not have to even worry about the packaging fee, so it's basically taken off with any of the coupons.  Great customer service, quick shipping, what else are you looking for?  If you go and price match certain items on all the bowling sites you will find that they are all going to be about the same or close to it.  Some companies include shipping into the price, some do not and then charge shipping.  Other companies include packaging into the prices, some do not and charge you for it.  I also do not understand why you would quit using a great site because they have a contest that you do not want to participate in? Have you noticed that has advertisements on this site?  Are you going to stop using Ballreviews because has advertisements here?  I think the blog is cool because it gives their customers the opportunity to create ads for a company they buy from and win money.  "Large" companies have done the same thing.  Pepsi held an add contest and the winners add or commercial would be shown during the Super Bowl.    I think some of the adds were also posted on their website before the game so the general public could see them as well.  What's the difference between Pepsi's add contest and's blog contest?  It is just an internet website and the prize is $100 instead of having your add played during the Super Bowel.  If a company is asking it's customer's to be involved in making it bigger and better I don't see how they hate their customers'.