
General Category => Online Proshops => Topic started by: thundercat23 on November 21, 2007, 03:52:25 AM

Post by: thundercat23 on November 21, 2007, 03:52:25 AM
With their $15 off for Christmas promotion, did they raise the prices of most things or just a few?
Title: Re:
Post by: thirtyclean on November 21, 2007, 12:03:14 PM
It sure looks like the prices were raised, so the 15 bucks does not do much. I just received the ad and I was not impressed !
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)
Title: Re:
Post by: thundercat23 on November 21, 2007, 12:06:49 PM
There was a ball for $119.99 I figured if I could ever get for $100 or so I would get it.  Tthe price magically went to $139.99.  Nice.
Title: Re:
Post by: jkiser01 on November 21, 2007, 12:14:07 PM
Man, what a lame thing to do right around the holidays..

shame on you for trying to trick everybody with that discount..

My first child.. Hannah Allison Kiser born 4/30/2007... My little angel..
Title: Re:
Post by: Xfest on November 21, 2007, 06:33:27 PM
I haven't seen any balls go up in price.
Stand left, throw it right, and strap it like a trojan!!
Title: Re:
Post by: bowlallthetime on November 21, 2007, 06:50:02 PM
The Hammer Black Widow stayed at $130 with free shipping.