Looking for good deal on the Genesis Excel finger/thumb tape, like the 3/4' but appears can only find 1" widths. I stumble across bowlingmonkey.com and see they have good prices but are currently experiencing technical issues with the website.
Question: has anyone used them ? do they charge for shipping ?
thanks to all.
This is the actual pro shop I go to. They are legit. I will say that the PSO is overwhelmed as most of the time I'm there, he's the only one in the shop. But he's really good, and has a huge shop at that, including a built in lane to throw your ball after he punches it up.
As for shipping, he does offer free ground shipping for all orders; obviously by air is going to charge, but by ground is always free. Obviously it doesn't apply to me as I'm local, but yes, he does offer free shipping. It just boils down to how soon you would like it.