This post was put here by someone who wanted to share a great, positive experience they had with buddies, not to get flamed by the internet "fairness in advertising" nazis.
I could care less if the other e-tailers can match this one or not, I'm just glad to know when someone has a positive experience with one.
You jump in here to demean someone for their post about a positive experience, tell us that the dealer in question is no better than the ones you list. Not only that, but you then jump on ANOTHER persons reply because he also likes that particular e-tailer.
Well then themezz, pray tell us all, why should we be awestruck by the great Jim Murtishaw or the mighty Alvin Lou? One won a title in 1980 and the other in 1987. One won one title, the other won two, between 25 and 30 years ago, and this makes them knowledgable and worthwhile ball drillers and shop owners?
I truly don't know how good buddies is or isn't. Neither do I know anything about the great Jim Murtishaw or the mighty Alvin Lou. What I do know is the internet would be a much better place without internet nazis like you.
Good transactions list in my profile