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Author Topic: Buddies Pro Shop - 5 Stars!!! .. what else?  (Read 1272 times)


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Buddies Pro Shop - 5 Stars!!! .. what else?
« on: February 16, 2010, 07:25:19 AM »
Instead of ordering (which I''''ve done for years), I decided to take a drive up there (only 50 mins - 1:15 hr tripl depending upon how fast I drive) to purchase and have a couple balls drilled.  Chris was busy with customers before we had some time to chat.  I explained a few issues I was having with existing equipment and showed the wear it was having on my thumb.  Presented my favorite ball (i.e. highly comfortable - The Natural) and after throwing and examining my hand, he made some suggestions and knowing him, I was willing to try.

The balls he drilled (Reign of Fire & Pure Swing - both for Nationals and Sat. league which has oil ... THANK GOD!!!) fit like ''''butta''''!!!  The fellas there are top notch (Chris, Tim and Chad) and are pleasant to converse.  If you happen to be in the vicinity (perhaps an hour or so away), I encourage you to pay them a visit!  Heck, he was helping someone from a 3+ hour drive away!!!

Word travel faster than anything.  And volumes spoken about Buddies exceeds the boudaries of more than a few hours drive

Thanks again guys,

Catch ya later and/or my next purchase.. LOL


Edited on 2/16/2010 4:27 PM



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Re: Buddies Pro Shop - 5 Stars!!! .. what else?
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2010, 09:07:14 PM »
I also live a little over a hour away and went there in person twice. Chris took the time to watch me bowl, and drilled me a power swing quite frankly if I added up all the games I''ve probably averaged 240 with. I also had a friend with me at that time that bought a full swing too. Happy with my service and ball, I brung another one of my friends up with me. He bought a white dot and a freeze. I also picked up a full swing(shot 836 with it a couple weeks ago). Since then I have ordered SST8s, new bags, a sharp noize, pure swing (coming in tomorrow) and also a ball for a friend. Goes to show good service will not only merit ball purchases, but also accessories and shoes. Everytime I email Chris, he usually responds within a few hours, even at odd hours with a recommended layout. You can''t go wrong with the price points or the 20 dollar off drilling coupon on the site. They''ve won themselves a customer and I also place the logo proudly in my bowling videos. Thumbs up to Chris Forry and the rest of the guys at Buddies Pro Shop!
Columbia 300 Momentum Swing, Power Swing, Full Swing, Pure Swing, Sharp Noize & White Dot. Dexter SST-8 White.

Edited on 3/4/2010 10:07 PM