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Author Topic: - Prices to Low?  (Read 4621 times)


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« on: August 10, 2003, 08:06:31 PM »
I just read on another part of the forum section that people say our prices are to low. First let me state then when we issue these prices we are of course making money. We are not in this business to give it away but we are also not in it to rake bowlers for every dime they have. We have always used this philosophy since the first day we opened 10 years ago. When we decided to start a website it was done in this same matter (giving the bowlers the deals that the manufacturers and distributors give us). Many shops like to say they can't do what we are doing and this totally false. All these deals are offered to each and every pro shop.A lot of shops keep the deals given hush hush that way they can make even more money. We in turn let our local customers know there are deals coming and that prices will drop. Thus instead of selling maybe one ball at a higher price we can sell 2 balls at reduced prices and make more profit. As stated by Doug's Pro Shop, we are willing to by truck loads of shoes and truck loads of balls. What many people fail to realize is that over half of these items are actually sold in house to our local bowlers. We wish that all pro shops would give deals like we do. Then bowlers would know longer need to pay $225 plus for a high end ball and then there would be more balls sold overall. There is know need to make 100% profit on a sale. But this is just my opinion. Everyone needs to run their business the way they see fit.



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Re: - Prices to Low?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2003, 03:28:30 PM »
No complaints by me!

I'm more tickled than Gilligan was when Mary Anne showed up!


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Doug Sterner

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Re: - Prices to Low?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2003, 03:54:39 PM »
Just wanted to be sure you know Chris, I wasn't ragging on you with that comment...just an explanation. In fact I have gotten a thing or 2 from you in the past :-)

I am glad you guys can turn that type of business. I could sell the merchandise to our local bowlers at cost + sales tax and they still wouldn't spend the money.

Those trade shows were good to ya eh???

Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

Think about it....pins are wood, lanes are wood...
the weapon of choice is obvious...
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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