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Author Topic: Buying and drilling balls online  (Read 1777 times)


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Buying and drilling balls online
« on: February 08, 2011, 12:05:47 AM »
 Ive read a bunch of threads with people discussing buying balls online and having that site/shop drill them but none of them have ever had any real reviews on how the service/fit went.  They all tend to end up with people flaming the guy about buying online and not supporting his local pro shop.
As everyone knows it looks to be cheaper to buy online and then drill it at local pro shop or let them drill it with your specs.
Lets review this scenario
Brunswick C-System Alpha-Max
Online Price $149.99
Local Pro shop drill $70.00 w/ thumb slug/fingertip inserts
Total Price $219.99
TTL w/ Rebate $169.99
Pro Shop Price $209.99 (seen them for $219.99 as well) lets use $209.99
Free drill + $20 for fingertips/thumb
TTL Price 229.99+ 8.5% tax ~$249.54
TTL w/ Rebate $199.54
So right there there is a $30 savings by buying this ball online and having it drilled locally
Some of these shops also have FREE pro drilling but charge for thumb slugs/fingertips lets use $25 for that value
Online price + their drill + their inserts - rebate, the ball would cost $124.99 a $75 savings over the local pro shop ball
lets not also forget you can get a $10 discount online by using google checkout and $5-10 coupons  so you could end up saving $90 over the Local pro shop.
SO my real question has anyone had any experience with any of the online shops drilling services? Have you sent your current ball in to have them make an exact copy of your current drill pattern? How has the fit/performance came out?
I think it is well worth the cash to pay a local pro shop owner to drill the ball and help out with deciding how you want it setup as far as pin/axis etc. Nothing beats local help and having someone around to check out the progress with the ball and recommend redrilling if needed.  Is it worth $90-100? Probably just b/c they can fix up something that isnt correct.  But is it worth taking a chance on an online driller that drills it for free with your specs and then if not right then have it plugged and redrilled by local shop and you are back on square one with the local shop?
The thing I dont like about having it drilled online is that they only know how your current ball is setup and if you dont know how you want the new one to move as in how the new one is built/weighted how can they get it right?  I see them as taking the current ball and drilling it identical pin as the current ball?
My guy here in town is okay with me buying them online and him drilling it b/c hes still making $70 off me, just not that extra $20-30 on the ball with tax.  Just looking to see if anyone has any experience with online drillers



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Re: Buying and drilling balls online
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2011, 08:57:12 AM »

I've not used online drilling because I drill my own at home. I remember at one time many people really liking buddies for online drill service.


This day and time for many higher average bowlers with the info available there is no reason they can't spend a little time during practice to find out what there PAP is and some other basic info to have for an online shop or in store shop. Also with the info available on different methods such as the dual angle they can read and learn what they may want.


This doesn't apply to a lot of bowlers, but for many it is a real possibility. Not to mention being able to post vids online of them bowling for others to see as well and make a better decision on their style of bowling and layouts for equipment to accommodate it.


This is something many assume local shops do, and many don't. So for many it is something they can research and learn more of on there own. If you take bowling serious there is no reason not to.

Be good, or be good at it.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.


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Re: Buying and drilling balls online
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2011, 09:09:40 AM »
 My total price for a top end ball is $229.99 + tax (6%). Fitting, evaluation, layout, grips, and slug included. Plus I usually toss in a couple games and go out and watch you throw the ball to make sure everything is working properly.

If you are a league bowler I offer 10% disc. across the board. Same for loyal repeat customers.

So, for most customers it is:
$229.99-10%= $207.00 plus tax = $223.20 minus the rebate equals $173.20

You just saved $4 and some change. And good luck to you if you have any issues with the ball. Shipping the return and redrilling will cost you about $100.

Not trying to flame anyone. The difference is knowledge and service. It really is that simple.



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Re: Buying and drilling balls online
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2011, 09:23:31 AM »
 Guess i need to get to be better friends with my pro shop then. 10% and free slugs/inserts would seal the deal

They aren't a part of the alley just rent a space there so no free games either.

I've spent some decent cash there already. I prob won't ever have anyone else drill for me but this thread is asking for peoples experiences with online shops.  Seems like every thread like this one gets a lot of got to your local guy posts nothing about online shops.  

I think that the extra cash if any is well worth the local guy keeping a record of you and your progress