This is an up date. My ball came fast

. I asked for a 2 to 3 pin and 2 to 2.5 top. Specs on the box = 3in. pin

and 3.25 top

Inside the box is a beautiful ball with a, more or less, 2.35 pin. I am happy with a 2 to 3 pin. I will have to get the ball weighed before drilling to see what the top is. It may be that the box specs are totally wrong, as indicated by the pin measure. I have had more than one ball that came in a box that had only one thing in common with the ball inside - the name of the ball. It may be that the ball will weigh out at the range I asked for.
My thought on the box specs not matching up with my order is...If you don't have what I asked for in stock - you can send me an email, or call me on the phone to get my permission to send me something different. If you have intentionally put the right ball in a mismatched box, you should let me know that as well. A note inside the box would be great. Exact pin and top may not be a big deal, but, the deal is meeting my expectation. A drop down menu gave me options and I selected from those options. I saved $10.00 on shipping. I would have paid that $10.00 to know that I would be getting what I ordered.
I don't know of anyone who guarantees specs except Lane Masters. Lane Masters will custom make your ball if they don't already have it.
Perhaps a dealer who guaranteed specs would be a good thing.
Anyway - I will drill my new ball this coming week and post again.