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Author Topic: COMING SOON !!!  (Read 2933 times)


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« on: September 15, 2004, 03:27:44 AM »
Just thought i would let everyone in this forum and on this wonderful site know of the new shop online that is coming out......the new site at will be done by the end of september and offer all the equipment a beginner all the way up to a pro will need, while not charging you an insane amount of money........The site is going to be run by 2 avid bowlers and all the equipment will be shipped out from a pro shop that has been in business for over 25 years and is very reputable.......Also, there will be columns on the site from various bowling writers and a forum for you the consumer and avid bowler to post your opinions of the balls and how you shot with them.........Don't forget to check out and if anyone has anyquestions about the site for me before it comes up you can email me at



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« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2004, 01:00:10 PM »
My ESP tells me themezz will be posting soon...
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2004, 06:27:39 PM »
This site is very legit and is a solid pro shop here in rochester new york.  If anyone is concerned about purchasing from a new site that is very understandable and I can see why you would be aprehensive about it.  As for being about 8 years late i can't help that i was only 13 at the time and i was just starting to work in a pro shop then.  All i am here to do is offer a solid site with quality drilling from a 27 year veteran in the pro shop business.  There is pleny of room on the web for multiple online sites to run adn I am just offering to the community low prices and quick shipping and if they want to get a ball drilled it will be done by someone with experience.  This is not a fly by night type of operation...


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« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2004, 06:52:42 PM »
First off This is my third business that I am opening and am pretty well versed in business.  Being 21 does not make me or my site any worse of then anyone else out there.  I already have stated that i am just setting up the business and my partner who has been in the business for 27 years is going to run it.  I am a web designer and computer technician by trade and a bowler in my spare time so it only made sense to make a site.  If you don't think it is a good idea that is fine by me don't try to taint others view on the business when the site hasn't even launched yet.  As for the other sites that have been around, they had to start somewhere and sometime and go through rough times as well.  I can provide a solid service to people on the net who are looking for equipment and if they want resonable drilling by a local hall of famer then it will be done with quality and assurance from us that it is done the best around.  As for my mommy and daddy as you put it, i have a bank roll that can foot this site and i understand the concept of start capital and insurance and basically everything there is to know about running the site.  So at this point don't warn people about the site if they don't like the prices and quality that is another thing but it hasnt launched yet so mind your own business.


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« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2004, 07:06:08 PM »
Your absolutely right.....there cna't possibly be someone out there who is only 21 able to build a website and form a partnership with someone who has a pro are dead on......maybe you shoudl do something besides trying to criticize what others are trying to do....Plus would you rather have a local pro shop owner running a site or someone who has a degree in business and is a certified web designer running the site with a partner who runs the pro sounds like you have a lot of time on your hands to be stating that my site is not going to make it due to my age or that I have no money becuase i am young or that i missed my chance 8 years ago when it was getting going......i have already said that if you don't like it fine don't bother me or my site.....but for those out there who as objective to someone out there trying to provide a service to others at least tell this clown to get off of me.....Give it 3 weeks until the site launches and let everyone out there judge for themselves what type of site and quality we delivery to our customers.....


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« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2004, 07:33:45 PM »
What aspect of business do you have your degree in? Also, how badly did your first two ventures fail? I'm not asking these questions to spite or mock you. I am trying to see how much of an aptitude for success your current venture will have.

Someone once told me that he would never trust a business owner who hasn't had at least two good failures under their belt. I tend to agree.


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« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2004, 07:34:12 PM »
As i said before I have a partner who has a pro shop here in rochester ....there are four locations and they stock enough balls for us to do this....there is no drop shipping on anything it go through our hands before it goes to the customer......if you do not know what you are talking about mind your own business.....


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« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2004, 07:47:59 PM »
I am not here to start conflict like someone else who replied, but rather shed light on the topic.

"Themezz", you need to shut up and stop being such an a** about a couple of new online shops. The more shops people have, the more variety they have to shop from.

You cant make a judgement about anyone or anything if you know nothing about them. Who cares if he is 21?? Maybe he does have enough money for his own business and to run things properly. It doesnt take much money to run an online business. I opened one when I was 19 and ran it successfully for 4 years until I lost interest.

Obviously people are going to shop at the reputable places, but it doesnt hurt to try elsewhere if a certain place doesnt have something in stock that you want. Now, I wasnt able to view the bowleroasis site as it is under construction, but bowling bonanza has good equipment at reasonbale prices. My only gripe is that the web design is a little less than spectaculor. Other than that, it looks ok!!

I say good luck to both of you and pay no attention to the obvious A**. He is one who knows nothing about what he criticizes and therefore should learn to shut his mouth!!
I just close my eyes and throw the ball


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« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2004, 08:06:10 PM »
once again you do not know what you are talking about.......he is a distributor and has 4 shops....that does not make him rich by any means but he has money and this is america........the dollar bills rules all so he would like to make some extra cash and at the same time sell goods to people at reasonable once again mind your own business and get lost


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« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2004, 08:07:10 PM »
Just what we need another bowling site to buy from..


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« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2004, 08:13:58 PM »
If you made good money you would not have lost interest.

Hello, wake up and realize that money is not everything!! I lost interest merely because it took up too much of my time. I did make good money and because of that I live pretty comfortably now. But I have more time to do things that I want to do now. When I ran the online business, it was very time consuming. Especially when I was at an age that I just wanted to be anywhere but at home managing a business. Like I said, I did it for 4 successful years and am doing ok now because of it!!

As far as I am concerned, the more money you have the more difficult things get in life, thats why I choose to keep myself in the position I am in!!
I just close my eyes and throw the ball


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« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2004, 08:14:04 PM »

If you made good money you would not have lost interest.

oh...just like ricky williams and barry sanders stuck with football, right?

guess what everyone...this isnt socialism.  i have no idea who is running this new site, nor do i necessarily plan on checking it out once it launches.  but i do know that he has every right to advertise his new business on this site, like many others have, without all this BS criticism from people who think they know everything.  this isnt ms. cleo or dr. phil...if the site fails, then it fails...but i dont think any of us have the right to start giving the place bad reputations before they have a chance to prove themselves.  if people decide to stick with buddies or whatever they are comfortable with, thats fine.  but i dont think anyone else would like it if people started saying stuff about your own new site without any concrete proof of it having poor quality.  and as for the age, if a 21 year old can be a MLB general manager, then one can certainly run an online store.  if you dont agree, move to russia and see how great life is when everyone tells you exactly what to do.  give the new site a break.



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« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2004, 08:20:32 PM »

I have a bachelors in business management and my other 2 businesses never failed....i have a successful computer repair shop here in rochester and i also have a landscaping business as well......i am currentyl seling my share of the landscaping business to my partner so i can committ more time into my computer business and bowlersoasis when i get it up and running.......


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« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2004, 08:24:00 PM »
themezz.....i i said he had a pro shop that has been in business for 27 years and i didnt know i had to go into detail about how many shops he had under the same business entity or if he was a asked the questions and i answered them for you.....this is not something iwas sitting there and said hey lets make a has been through planning and research and just like every other business there are risks and it will take time to see if it is a success or failure....all i came to this site was offer up to people that another site was coming up.....i didnt not come here to get criticism from you and i could care a less about your opinions....


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« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2004, 08:33:30 PM »
he does already have a site......i am going through him for the equipment and my partner works for him over at bowl a roll now......