General Category => Online Proshops => Topic started by: allstarbowling-Joe on April 27, 2007, 04:16:05 PM
My main shop is in the process of a remodel and expansion at the bowling
alley. They started the project earlier then I thought and have all my
data lines/credit card lines disconnected to be moved into my new office
space. Its all suppose to be finished by Monday. Just an FYI so everyone
knows I am on VERY minimal Inet access until that wraps up. The extra space
will be a welcomed addition and will help make things move even smoother.
Thanks again for everything,
Joe, Paul, Lou & Jason -- All Star Bowling
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Just an update..
We should be back up and running normal during the day on Monday.
Thanks again for the patience. I hate using a cell phone to type
Come visit us for all your bowling needs:
The lowest prices and best service... ALL the time!!
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We are not responsible for typographical errors. Errors
will be corrected. Any error in price/description will not obligate
All Star Bowling to sell the item in error.
Another update
Data lines and phone lines are reconnected as of now. Should be done
tonight with the remodel. Thanks for the patience and I will be in touch
on orders/shipments starting in the morning.
Come visit us for all your bowling needs:
The lowest prices and best service... ALL the time!!
Our E*Bay Auctions & Store For Your Viewing Pleasure:
We are not responsible for typographical errors. Errors
will be corrected. Any error in price/description will not obligate
All Star Bowling to sell the item in error.