
General Category => Online Proshops => Topic started by: allstarbowling-Joe on April 27, 2007, 04:16:05 PM

Title: FYI: and Local Shop Info
Post by: allstarbowling-Joe on April 27, 2007, 04:16:05 PM

My main shop is in the process of a remodel and expansion at the bowling
alley.  They started the project earlier then I thought and have all my
data lines/credit card lines disconnected to be moved into my new office
space.   Its all suppose to be finished by Monday.    Just an FYI so everyone
knows I am on VERY minimal Inet access until that wraps up.   The extra space
will be a welcomed addition and will help make things move even smoother.

Thanks again for everything,
Joe, Paul, Lou & Jason -- All Star Bowling
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Title: Re: FYI: and Local Shop Info
Post by: allstarbowling-Joe on April 30, 2007, 12:53:12 AM
Just an update..

We should be back up and running normal during the day on Monday.
Thanks again for the patience.   I hate using a cell phone to type

Come visit us for all your bowling needs:

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All Star Bowling to sell the item in error.
Title: Re: FYI: and Local Shop Info
Post by: allstarbowling-Joe on April 30, 2007, 04:19:00 PM
Another update

Data lines and phone lines are reconnected as of now.   Should be done
tonight with the remodel.  Thanks for the patience and I will be in touch
on orders/shipments starting in the morning.

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We are not responsible for typographical errors.  Errors
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All Star Bowling to sell the item in error.