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Author Topic: FYI: Update  (Read 778 times)


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FYI: Update
« on: February 21, 2007, 02:18:46 PM »
I just wanted to take a minute to update everyone on a few things...

Some of you who have ordered over the last 2-3 months may have experienced
some delay in shipping occasionally from the website.   This is simply due
to the fact that I am a one man operation for the web side of the business
and occasionally get overun with the sheer volume of orders that are coming
in.    Why am I posting this?   Simple.   I just wanted to let everyone know
that should be coming to an end now that I will have some extra hands (new
workers) working strictly on the web side of things.    This simply means
more expediant orders and communication that should start shortly.   I just
wanted to take the time to let everyone know and to thank everyone for making
a small startup on the web such a good venture.   I look forward to serving
you more efficiently and effectively in the coming future.

Thanks again,
All Star Bowling
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We are not responsible for typographical errors.  Errors
will be corrected.  Any error in price/description will not obligate
All Star Bowling to sell the item in error.

Edited on 2/21/2007 11:21 PM