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Author Topic: National Bowling Store  (Read 1110 times)

Scraps Z

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National Bowling Store
« on: September 26, 2008, 11:57:50 PM »
Not a true "online" pro shop but I wanted to give them a shout out for the superior service and exemplary workmanship I received from the staff at National Bowling Store in N. Tonawanda, NY

Having some real issues the past few years with squeezing the ball and my awful oval thumb I decided to have my fit analyzed.  My teammate's best friend is Matt Yablonsky, Asst Mgr of National Bowling Store.  Matt & the Staff @ NBS were phenomenal & treated us outstanding.  NBS features Brunswick/MoRich however they never pushed their product on either of us.  I was very impressed by this approach, essentially placing the customer first.  NBS also carries 900 Global, Lane1, and products from the Big 3.

Matt took 30 minutes to analyze my fit and sized me up to a completely new spec.  I must say I was very reluctant but his professional demeanor and explanation of the problem with my old fit made me comfortable.  When discussing layouts, again he puts the customers wish first, providing valuable input when the customer comes up with some crazy idea. He punched me out the Break S75, Break Pearl, and Globe Viz.  His attention to detail blew me away.  I’m very anal about having a large bevel around my thumb.  Not only did Matt bevel my thumb, he duplicated the bevel on my Black Pearl perfectly.  What takes me hours to perfect he did in minutes.  My fit has gone from 11pcs of tape in my thumb down to zero!

After a few weeks I am now used to my new fit.  My arm and wrist are so much more relaxed resulting in less fatigue.  I used to struggle to bowl 4 games as my kung fu death grip wore my wrist/arm out.  Now, I feel I can bowl for hours.  I have since had Matt drill me 3 more balls, 2 for my wife, and ship them down to us.  Each ball has identical fit, oval thumb, and bevel.  I’m amazed by his craftsmanship.

In closing, I know most folks on here have their own dedicated ball reps / pro shops.  I’ve been bowling for 30 years and have used 10+ drillers in PA, FL, & NY.  With that said, the service and quality from the staff at NBS is some of the best I’ve experienced.  If you’re in NY, PA, OH, or Ontario and you’re looking for a pro shop DO NOT hesitate to make the trip.  It was well worth our 10 hour drive up and back!

More info, visit their website…

Scott Siegel

Edited on 9/27/2008 7:58 AM



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Re: National Bowling Store
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2008, 08:21:43 PM »
Doug definately knew what he was doing when he hired Matt.  He has a loyal following.  He's been drilling my stuff since he was a pinchaser at Brunswick 51 Lanes (1992).

My bag:
Aftershock Pearl (semi-retired)
Boss Solid (hate this ball, but it works)
Rock-On (for sale)
X-Factor (test driving)
Break Pearl (jury is still out)

On the way: