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Author Topic: On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.  (Read 4440 times)


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On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.
« on: November 16, 2013, 07:18:55 AM »
So heres the thing.  I enjoy surfing around, reading these pages, reading ball  reviews, studying equipment, etc.   

When I see a ball that interests me, after comparing it to other models, I'll buy it - on line.  If I discuss my pending ball selection with my pro shop friend, bowling partner, he always shoots down my choices and recommends something (Ebonite Family) else.  Many times going with his recommendation, the ball flat out doesn't react.  I end up selling it on ebay or giving it away.

My ball selections work better (not always Ebonite).   But to get him to drill it, takes weeks.  If I buy something very strong, he drills it weak and it never moves.

This is why I now purchase my equipment drilled on line.   Its working out fine and I learn a lot about equipment choices.  At least the ball choices are mine, good or bad.  Of course, I think I lost a friend at the pro-shop.


Matt Fortney

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Re: On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2013, 10:24:12 AM »
Where are you located?

Crazy to me that it takes him weeks to get to your ball if you purchase online. In my opinion, just about nothing should take that long. Especially on a blank drill that walks through the door. No ordering necessary, no cost to the operator except time. Depending on what he's charging you, its well worth the time it takes to drill it.

I'm glad its working out for you, but my suggestion is to fond an operator that will help you, not push you in one direction or the other. If you're anywhere near me you can gladly come see me in Holland, MI.


larry mc

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Re: On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2013, 12:30:57 PM »
my guy likes internet balls , no overhead for him , no storage and he gets the money 2 drill it

Matt Fortney

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Re: On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2013, 12:47:09 PM »
my guy likes internet balls , no overhead for him , no storage and he gets the money 2 drill it

Exactly. I like it when people walk in my shop holding a ball box.



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Re: On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2013, 12:50:01 PM »
my guy likes internet balls , no overhead for him , no storage and he gets the money 2 drill it

Exactly. I like it when people walk in my shop holding a ball box.


The trouble is when they walk in with the flavor of the month and it's about as 180° from what matches up to their style as you can get...

Matt Fortney

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Re: On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2013, 12:53:37 PM »
my guy likes internet balls , no overhead for him , no storage and he gets the money 2 drill it

Exactly. I like it when people walk in my shop holding a ball box.


The trouble is when they walk in with the flavor of the month and it's about as 180° from what matches up to their style as you can get...

True. I have had that. No-thumb high rev low speed walking in with a Brutal Nightmare wanting it to be straighter than his Black Widow Pearl on THS...I view it as a challenge, and explain why it won't be that before holes are in it.


Brian Green

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Re: On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2013, 02:43:18 PM »
As a Shop owner, I embrace the internet.   Any type of revenue is better than no revenue.  Once an internet ball is in My shop it gets the same treatment as if it was coming off my shelves.  My turn around time on any new drill (internet ball or my inventory) is two days at the most.   Usually it's the same day or next day.   If I'm really busy it would be 2 days.    It sounds like this driller isn't interested in keeping customers
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Matt Fortney

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Re: On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2013, 04:46:23 PM »
I agree Brian.

don coyote

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Re: On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2013, 07:44:03 PM »
My local Pro shop owner is a friend(6 years), and we talk quite a bit about every day life. I have NEVER purchased a ball from him(Ebonite Family). He drills 2-3 balls a month for me(I lay the ball out). He has NEVER made me wait more than a day. He treats everyone the same. 

He would rather you bought it from him, but he will drill ANYTHING!

My suggestion is to find a REAL pro shop, NOT a controlling individual who puts holes in balls.
Those two shops are VERY different!


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Re: On-line purchasing - brick & mortar drilling.
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2013, 10:39:46 PM »
My local Pro shop owner is a friend(6 years), and we talk quite a bit about every day life. I have NEVER purchased a ball from him(Ebonite Family). He drills 2-3 balls a month for me(I lay the ball out). He has NEVER made me wait more than a day. He treats everyone the same. 

He would rather you bought it from him, but he will drill ANYTHING!

My suggestion is to find a REAL pro shop, NOT a controlling individual who puts holes in balls.
Those two shops are VERY different!

Don we must go to the same shop! Haha
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