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Author Topic: On Line Shops Drilling Balls  (Read 15486 times)


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On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« on: May 29, 2012, 10:28:47 AM »
Has anyone ever ordered balls from Buddies Pro Shop and had Buddies drill it for them before shipping the ball?

If so, how was their drilling accuracy in terms of span and pitches?
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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2012, 04:11:12 PM »
For warranty issue you can go through the online vendor or direct through the manufacture. But that out you at paying shipping for sending the ball off. So there are advantages to each depending on your situation.
…… you can't  add a physics term to a bowling term and expect it to mean something.

Perfect Approach Pro Shop

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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2012, 04:53:12 PM »
I see a lot of "our local pro shop went out of business" posts on ball reviews. My .02! I live in a population of 65k with approximately 1000 members. As a pro shop owner, doing it for a living is not an option, it is more if a hobby. Bowlers constantly complain about prices but don't understand overhead (rent, insurance, taxes, theft of small items, ext). Buy a me ball through Buddies (not slamming Buddies, just using as a reference) and they charge $5-$8 for surface adjustment for brand new ball. I offer first surface change free, then any polishing or abralon changes are $4 after. Like mention by previous poster, holes need adjusting. Why should I sand and bevel holes on a ball I did not drill and not charge. If a ball cracks within a year of purchase, if bought through me, I have not turned a customer away in 14 years. They get a replacement on the spot unless not in stock. Buy on online and good luck!!!! You have to wait to determine if it will be replaced then have to wait to receive ball in the mail.
     I will back local pro shops 100%. Don't cry though when you need an insert replaced, your thumb slug chips, or you would like a surface adjustment and your local pro shops lights are out and an "Sorry, out of business" sign is hanging on the door.
     Not trying to cause arguments, but I see and live with the effects of online pro shops.
J. Helton
Perfect Approach Pro Shop


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2012, 05:01:40 PM »
I buy my balls from my local shop. I find the service I receive far outweighs the couple of bucks I might save by buying online.


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2012, 06:21:27 PM »
if the proshops do their job like they are suppose to. they get my support. but when i walk into a proshop(and im well known) and i get a "what the hell do you want" because they are so lazy and dont wanna do the work..i wont support them!


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2012, 10:54:52 PM »
I patronize my local shop and have never bought a ball online, nor do I intend to (though some day I may be forced to).

Am very fussy about the fit of my ball and no amount of money saved from buying online would make up for the aggravation/inconvenience of needing some fine tuning or more on a ball that was purchased online.

What DO you do if you need a just a minor adjustment, like beveling or change of surface or opening up of the thumb or finger holes?  Do you ship it back to the seller and wait, or take it to your local pro-shop and ask them to fix for you? To me that would be very tacky.

And yet that seems to be what many are doing these days.


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #21 on: December 17, 2012, 05:43:51 AM »
I have a proshop relatively close that does great work.  However, they refuse to do any swtich grip (turbo or vise) work.  I've dealt with Buddies for years and know Chris very well.  They get my fit and everything else I need perfectly.


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #22 on: December 17, 2012, 10:50:33 PM »
Just curious... how did you get that perfect fit the first time?

Or was the online pro-shop able to measure your span, etc., over the internet?


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #23 on: December 17, 2012, 11:32:01 PM »
I sent in a ball. Had them measure and do a thumb mold. I have never had a thumb feel different ever since. I bought a bunch of molds and converted all of my slugs to molds. Now, every single ball I own feels exactly the same. Perfect. I have ordered several new balls from Buddies and everyone comes right out of the box ready to roll. No tweaking necessary. Best money I have ever spent. One more thing I love about the thumb mold. No giant, deep hole in the ball.


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #24 on: December 17, 2012, 11:41:17 PM »
"I sent in a ball."

Who drilled the ball you sent in for the online shop to copy?


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2012, 11:50:04 PM »
Chris Forry and Chad (dont know his last name) took my orders. I am not sure who actually punched the holes.


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2012, 11:58:28 PM »
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you or visa versa.

My point is that someone had to have drilled a ball or measured your hand 's specs in person ----unless you have the skill/knowledge to do it yourself.

Even if you already had a ball that was drilled a long time ago, some in-person human must have drilled it. And if we all patronize the online shops exclusively, and the local pro shops go out of business, where would those wanting to have their first ball drilled go for that?

Not trying to be sarcastic or antagonistic. I have so many balls that I can certainly afford to send one to an online shop to be copied. But what if I did not have them?  How would I get my hand measured, etc.?


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #27 on: December 18, 2012, 12:12:17 AM »
if the proshops do their job like they are suppose to. they get my support. but when i walk into a proshop(and im well known) and i get a "what the hell do you want" because they are so lazy and dont wanna do the work..i wont support them!

Idk why, but i dont believe anything you just wrote.
NLMB 150 Dream Team


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #28 on: December 18, 2012, 09:09:59 AM »
Neptune, I get your point. I guess if someone didnt have their measurements and there were no pro shops around it would suck. They would have to drive to wherever to get fitted but once they did have their measurements they could buy on line, save money and have the ball ready to go right out of box. For those that want to patronize local shops please feel free to do so. Personally, I will continue to use Buddies. Not only do I save money but the fit is always perfect.


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #29 on: December 18, 2012, 11:24:44 AM »
One question I always have, is when I hear the fit is always perfect.  How do you know its perfect ?  Is it because it feels like your other equipment ?  Is your other equipment fit correct ?  Is your span too long or too short ? Can you get a better feel with differect pitches ?  If you fit is incorrect to start off with (even though you think it is fine), every ball you get will be incorrect because you have no one to check it for you.

Now I am not saying that everyone that buys online has a bad grip, but my point is how do you really know unless a "Real" person checks it for you.


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Re: On Line Shops Drilling Balls
« Reply #30 on: December 18, 2012, 02:19:54 PM »
if the proshops do their job like they are suppose to. they get my support. but when i walk into a proshop(and im well known) and i get a "what the hell do you want" because they are so lazy and dont wanna do the work..i wont support them!

Idk why, but i dont believe anything you just wrote.

Then why dont you come to melbourne, florida and find out for yourself, or better yet. Call Brunswick Harbour Lanes in melbourne,florida. better yet heres the number 3212422695 and ask them for an absolute honest opinion on the proshop. Better yet ask for a guy named Denny and tell him i sent you and that you dont believe how horrible the proshop is as i have stated. Then ask him if its true the proshop in which all they do is drill bowling balls, drilled a BRAND NEW bowling ball upside down. Pin in ring and cg 4 inches ABOVE the fingers. and then instead of replacing the ball, they offered to plug and redrill a ball with ZERO games on it. Or about the time they mis-drilled a bowling ball by an inch and their way of fixing the ball was to throw a thumb slug in the ball and drill the correct hole with a thumb slug in the ball. Now make that phone call big boy, otherwise shut your mouth.