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Author Topic: online vs. shops  (Read 3407 times)


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online vs. shops
« on: January 13, 2005, 11:47:30 AM »
I've been thinking about buying a ball and I recently went to a couple pro shops. They all warned me about buying a ball online because they claimed that the online shops were able to sell them at discount prices because they had some manufacturing defect to them and the manufacturers were able to sell them to online sites for cheaper, thus the discount.  Is this true in any sense?  thanks



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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2005, 07:50:12 PM »
Nope, but if you buy from a shop, steer clear of the guy telling fibs.
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #2 on: January 13, 2005, 07:55:48 PM »
If you buy from a respected site, like buddiesproshop, you know what you'll be getting.

Likely, your shop just said that so you'll buy stuff from them.  But if they are a good shop, i'd say you should go to them anyways.
- Andy

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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2005, 08:10:53 PM »
Ill agree with that. But there is still the policy that they wont replace your ball if it cracks

ClaymaN, it doesn't matter where you buy the ball if you have grips in it and it cracks, the Mfgr. won't replace it.

Edited on 1/13/2005 9:09 PM
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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2005, 08:13:17 PM »
I mean on the 1st drill

Still not replaceable if it has grips in it.
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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2005, 08:27:05 AM »
I know what our pro-shop pays for balls and I can buy them online cheaper than they can get them from their distributor. I'm sorry but that's not right I should not have access to below wholesale prices. I know people like to save money whenever and whatever way possible but in order to keep the economy healthy everyday people should not be able to purchase at below wholesale. I can't blame people who are knowledgeable for going online and buying balls cheaper because that's life. But for people without much knowledge our proshop operator not only drills the ball but he determines your axis and rotation and figures what pin configuration is probably best for you. He will also enlarge finger holes and other similar things for as long as you have the ball and bowl in that center. He also takes you on the lanes and shows you how to bowl with the ball and answers any questions you may have for again as long as you bowl in that center. Proshop owners raise prices because the price of fuel oil goes to $2.00 a gallon and they have to heat their shop. The minimum wage goes up and if they have employees it costs them more to operate. Shipping goes up because gas is over $2.00 a gallon. I don't think badly of most of the internet bowling business because I found most of them (most of them) are very reputable and have had some dealings with them myself. In some cases I understand that the local proshop guy isn't on the level maybe with prices or knowledge. But if he is a quality driller and person, don't overlook him. Remember in the long run he is guy trying to pay the mortgage like the rest of us. The Wal-Mart mentality is going to kill this country in the long run.


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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2005, 08:36:57 AM »
The simple question would be why not just buy all of your shops balls from the online site instead of your current distributor if they are cheaper.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2005, 09:21:16 AM »
That is certainly an option and I am not quite sure why they don't. Or maybe they plan on it in the near future. Just think, if you could buy below wholesale on everything you buy (cars, houses, food, electronics...) and took out the retail sales people how many people would loose their jobs. What do you think the unemployment rate, the increase in social services and section 8 housing and everything else associated to it would do to the already faltering economy?? Fortune magazine already had a article saying we could be heading into the biggest depression this country has ever seen. It goes right back to just because you can, it doesn't mean you should.


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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2005, 09:27:49 AM »
Thats why I don't think about those things that we will never be able to buy so cheap like we can bowling balls.  If you can find it cheap great but I don't what if this and what if that, if we do that all the time then yes all sorts of things are possible.  But the fact remains not every single good and service on the planet can be found cheap or at below cost like bowling balls.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.
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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2005, 09:57:20 AM »
I've bought balls from both the proshop and from the internet sites. The problem is this. I'm a 21 year old college student. I work part time while in school, and don't have a ton of money. Now, most people will agree that the service is 10 times better in a proshop. I will agree with that 100 percent. However, I'm currently looking for a Track Freak-a-zoid. I went in my proshop and got the price on one. 209 dollars plus tax, plus the cost of grips & a thumb slug if I wanted to do that. So i'm looking at around 230 out the door. Now, if I am gonna purchase online...I can get the ball on buddies for around 110 NIB + the 30 bucks for drill & grips etc....I'm looking at 140 out the door. A difference of about 100 dollars. To me, it makes sense for me to buy online. It all depends on the ball though. It all depends on your local shop though. Good luck!
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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2005, 10:00:08 AM »
Wow thats way too much for a freak a zoid its not a top end ball.  Thats flat out rediculous.
I should just quit bowling, oh wait I already tried that.
Now that I am back and my Saws are sharp again, I am ready to cut some wood.
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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #11 on: February 13, 2005, 05:02:55 PM »
This topic will never die. In todays day and age we will always hear about how the local pro shop is to high in prices compared to the internet. It was brought up that since online prices are cheaper then the distributors why not order. Don't know for sure but would the online places allow the shipment and then get paid like most distributors do? From where I use to work we went through Anchorman for most of our supplies. They had a range of prices the more you buy the cheaper you get stuff. Basicly an incentive to order from them. More or less what is probably going on with the online shops. I can't recall if it was them or Bob's business that if you paid the bill with in so many days of getting the product they would discount like 10% off. So there are distributors outthere that are trying to help in lower the prices to the proshops. From there yes it is each and every individual shop to decide what they want to charge. I was able to talk the owner of the bowl that I use to work at to charge a little lower to be more competitive against the online shops and also due to the fact that we started to get the stuff a little cheaper. To many variables that could cause higher prices in the proshop vs online.
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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #12 on: February 13, 2005, 05:19:22 PM »
Ill agree with that. But there is still the policy that they wont replace your ball if it cracks

ClaymaN, it doesn't matter where you buy the ball if you have grips in it and it cracks, the Mfgr. won't replace it.

Columbia replaced two of mine.  Bought them in Reno last year.. had them drilled there (even though columbia doesn't claim to have association with the columbia booth).  Both cracked in exactly the same place...both had grips.  I sent them to columbia.. they inspected them.. and replaced them, free of charge (except shipping for me to get them out there).  So, grips doesn't necessiarly viod the warrenty, as long as the bridge is at least 1/8" and its not drilled into the pin.  

As far as your proshop guy...  most of that is a lie.  Online sites can offer better prices because the buy more equipment (buyin in bulk), as opposed to your local guy who buys one or two of a particular ball.  Similarly, online shops sell many more balls (don't need to make as much per ball) as compared to your local shop (sell only a few, need to make more).  With that being said, I would call the guy on his lie and tell him you are never buying there, not because of prices, but because he isn't honest.  Then I would look for another shop and compare prices.  Usually by the time you buy a ball, pay for shipping and pay extra for drilling a ball not purchased from the shop, to comes down to only a few dollars differernce.  I usually tell customers that...
As an example in our shop:
You can buy a V2 from buddies for $105 plus $10 to $15 shipping.  Drilling an outside ball costs a flate fee of $40 plus $10 for grips and $10 for thumb slug.  So for a total, you are at $175.  We sell V2's for $158 with drilling included.  Throw and extra $20 for grips and thumb slug and you are at $178...  league bowlers get a 15% discount... so then you are back to $151.  Based on that, we let them make the decision...  if they can find a great deal on a ball (say buy a V2 for $60), the go for it... otherwise, it jsut doesn't make sense to buy online...  especially since you can have the ball that night.. ordering take a couple extra days...

-Strapper Squared


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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #13 on: February 14, 2005, 06:02:45 AM »
I am one of those"online guys" and my stock, with the exception of one X-Out, which is clearly marked in my store, are all first line top balls. I get them from a distributor that also supplies the closest pro shop to me. I am WAY under his prices. First..I don't have rent to pay, my wife, is my only employee (although she says she's the boss and I'm the employee), but I have very little overhead and don't need to make 20-50% profit. I make very little, it's enough to pay the bills and help out the local bowlers find what they want at a low price. As to date, I make payroll, pay bills and have fun. For now, that's all I am after, maybe later on, I'll open a brick & mortar shop and then I'll have to charge more just to make the bills.

But, as to online folks getting "seconds", there are several online shops that are also 'brick & mortar" shops that just sell online to add to their income levels.

my 2 cents are up
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2005, 11:40:20 PM »
I guess it all depends on your pro shop and how much money you want to save.  I know that my pro shop doesn't carry a huge selection, but can usually get anything within a day or two.  They charge $40 for fingertip drilling, $20 for conventional, and about $4/ea for finger inserts.

I'll use the last 2 balls I bought as example:
Bruns Punisher for my wife (conventional drill):
Pro shop = $149.99 + 7.50 tax = 157.49
On-line = $87.50 + 10 shipping + $20 drilling = $117.50
So I can save $40 (or ~ 25%) by buying on-line.

Velocity for me (fingertip with inserts):
Pro shop = $189.99 + 8.00 grips + 9.90 tax = $207.89
On-line = $125.00 + 10 shipping + 40 drilling + 8.00 inserts + 0.40 tax = $183.40
So I can save $24.49 (approx 12%) by buying on-line.

So, if I buy both these balls on-line instead of the pro shop, I save $65.  That's about 4 weeks of league fees, or a nice dinner out with the wife.  My pro shop doesn't care if I bring an outside ball, he's getting his money for drilling either way.

I know the argument about the "extra" services, but my pro shop isn't located at the lanes, and he isn't going to close up shop to come watch me bowl and give me pointers.  He'll shoot the $h!t all day long whether I buy something or not.  Most of the stuff I've taken in has been older balls that the pro shop won't sell anymore, and my experience has been that last years models work just as well as the latest and greatest.  And, if they drill it, they'll adjust the holes anytime.

My point (if I have one) is that the pro shop is going to make most of its money on the services and not the balls - they have rent, salaries, etc to pay, and we all need to make a living.  If I can save money by buying the ball on-line I'm probably going to buy more balls, thereby giving the pro shop more drilling business.

BTW - I bought both balls from the pro shop.  They didn't have either in-stock, and NO, I didn't do the math until after I had bought them!  And YES, I did kick myself!