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Author Topic: online vs. shops  (Read 3455 times)


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online vs. shops
« on: January 13, 2005, 11:47:30 AM »
I've been thinking about buying a ball and I recently went to a couple pro shops. They all warned me about buying a ball online because they claimed that the online shops were able to sell them at discount prices because they had some manufacturing defect to them and the manufacturers were able to sell them to online sites for cheaper, thus the discount.  Is this true in any sense?  thanks



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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2005, 01:02:50 PM »
I live in a large metro area where there is a nice pro shop that is not attached to a bowling center.  I went in last week to get some tape and notice he had the entire Inferno line priced at $259...with drilling, grip and slug NOT included.  I about swallowed my tongue!  I don't mind paying more for great service, but he can't even watch me throw a ball.  Thing is, he's been around for a long time.  I guess he's making money on the un-educated.


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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2005, 02:15:02 PM »
Most of the on-line pro shops sell 1st quality bowling balls.  They should specify if they are blems.  Normally you can save some $$$ by buying the balls on-line


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Re: online vs. shops
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2005, 07:09:55 PM »
My pro shop guy (inside bowling center) sometimes seems to be upset that I do not buy balls from him, but PAY him to drill them. I understand that he has to make a living but when it takes him a week to drill a ball for me, I am NOT going to waste money to help him out on the next go round. Not to mention my XXX cost me 60$ shipped, used with a span and pattern I can use, he wants 200 drilled for the same ball. If I paid 200$ for the ball I couldnt go and bowl several times weekly like I do now (and most of the time I bowl when they are DEAD anyways!).


Gee, I just wish I knew now what you guys do