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Author Topic: needs to communicate  (Read 1868 times)


  • Hero Member
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« on: February 24, 2011, 04:43:26 AM »
I'm just irritated, and normally I am not when ordering items online. But, I ordered two items last week, and on their website it takes 24 - 48 hrs to process the order - this was on the 15th of Feb. Once it is shipped, it is out of their hands. Well, I called this morning and talked to a female who checked on the status of my order since I have not received any email about my order. Apparently there was an issue on their part about the shipping/ordering process which caused my order to be shipped a week later (yesterday 2/23). My beef is, why didn't Storm send an email, or call, if there was issues with my order. Then I wouldn't be mind if it's going to take almost two weeks to get my order. (one of the items is a gift for a relative for his birthday which I'll be giving it to him late)


Bowling websites like Blockbuster bowling, Bowlers paradise, and Buddies all have called me if there was an issue with my order. Other websites where I purchase medical uniforms all have called me even to just verify my order. That's service.


It's funny, free shipping I get my orders promptly. I pay for shipping, such as in this case, and it's two weeks later.

 Tag Team Coaching Success Story   AKA: addik
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aka addik since 2003



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Re: needs to communicate
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2011, 12:48:39 PM »
These are the types of problems that occur when you've got two shifts pumping out NANOs by the thousands to distributors that have most or all of their initial shipments sold out.  Anyone that gets a NANO out in Reno might have to be thrilled with $325 per ball.  Please, be patient.  They'll do what they can to help make it right.  Doesn't make the scenario you have with your birthday gift any easier to explain, but I hope things work out for you in the long run!

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