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Author Topic: UPDATE: Jeff Ripic ( RIPPED me off!!!  (Read 3219 times)

Ric Clint

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UPDATE: Jeff Ripic ( RIPPED me off!!!
« on: February 06, 2005, 06:17:44 PM »
Sorry to post this twice in 2 different forums... but I had to!

I bought a ball from Jeff Ripic ( on EBAY) over a month ago on EBAY and he still hasn't EVEN SHIPPED the ball off yet!!!

I e-mailed him a few days after the auction ended (and after the time that I should have gotten it) and asked where the ball was at and that I hadn't got it yet and he replied with, "I'll see what's up." He said he'd find out what the deal was and he'd get back to me. But since then, he won't return my messages! I've been trying to e-mail him and have gotten no response over a month now.

He sent me a UPS tracking number which is: 1Z T97 T09 03 4198 149 9

I called UPS on the phone and gave them the tracking number to see if they could track it down in case it had gotten lost and they said they have received the shipper's (Jeff is the shipper) billing information electronically over a month ago, but that he had not actually dropped the ball off yet.

And if you go to, and enter this tracking number, it says the same thing.

They said he hasn't even dropped it off yet in order for them to ship it!!! And that he'd ONLY filed the electronic billing information.

So I know for a fact that he hasn't even shipped my dadburn ball off yet. He's got my money... about 125.00 worth of cash!

What would it hurt, Jeff? You've got my money... all you have to do is SHIP the dang ball off!!!!!

Or just refund my money. It would be of no lost to you since you still have the ball in your posession!

Edited on 2/14/2005 6:02 PM



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Re: UPDATE: Jeff Ripic ( RIPPED me off!!!
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2005, 11:45:16 AM »
I have done many good deals with him in the past. He ships a lot of stuff - this one may just be an honest mistake.
Did you pay via paypal? Because if the purchase is eligible for "buyer protection", Paypal will put a hold on the funds in his account while they investigate. That'll get his attention, if nothing else.

Good luck.
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Re: UPDATE: Jeff Ripic ( RIPPED me off!!!
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2005, 07:25:10 AM »
Sounds bad to me but I did purchase two seperate balls form him both through Ebay and i had no problems with him or the balls.  He answered my emails and questions very quickly and shipped the balls quick also.  I had no problems with him.  Perhaps he is having some personal life issues or something thats interfering with his business.
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Ric Clint

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Re: UPDATE: Jeff Ripic ( RIPPED me off!!!
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2005, 03:35:38 PM »
Perhaps he is having some personal life issues or something thats interfering with his business.

I kind of thought that. Bu then I again I see him still selling tons of balls on EBAY everyday!

Ric Clint

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Re: UPDATE: Jeff Ripic ( RIPPED me off!!!
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2005, 03:37:58 PM »
Not good for you at all, Ric but any guy that has an established business such as Ball_cellar would surely endeavour to make right any customer complaint. Maybe the item was unexpectly delayed, I can only trust that Jeff will come through in the end, as no-one would deliberately seek out negative publicity.

If he's having any problems or if the ball was out of stock or if shippment was going to be delayed or anything... he should have e-mailed me and talked to me. But over a month, and I've heard NOTHING from him.

Ric Clint

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Re: UPDATE: Jeff Ripic ( RIPPED me off!!!
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2005, 05:04:54 PM »
I filed a complaint with PAYPAL on the 10th which was about 4 days ago. They said they'd contact him for an explaination as to why he hasn't sent the ball.

And just a minute ago, I got an e-mail from PAYPAL saying that Jeff Ripic decided to just REFUND me back my money, and he did.

So that proves that he wasn't even going to send me the dadgum ball anyways!!! Or else he could have just shipped the ball out when PAYPAL contacted him a couple of days ago and provided a tracking number to PAYPAL for proof that he shipped the ball out (they gave him the option to do that, instead of a refund, but he just decided to just refund me back the money).

I hate this happened because I've dealt with Jeff several times before. I don't know why he did this... but BEWARE!

In the e-mail, Paypal said to me:

Our investigation of this complaint is now complete.

The seller elected to provide you a refund.

Any portion of the payment which was funded with your credit card will be refunded directly to your credit card. Credits to a credit card generally take 2-3 business days to post, and may not be immediately reflected in the card's balance.

This case is now closed and no further action is required of you at this time.

Matt Fortney

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Re: UPDATE: Jeff Ripic ( RIPPED me off!!!
« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2005, 03:03:05 PM »
I'm not usually one for bashing  cheap online proshop, but has got to be the worst i've dealt with. i've ordered two balls and a pair of shoes from him. the first ball came hitch-free, great service, on time, the second ball took him 3 weeks to finally ship, then another week to get, and the shoes it took him about 5 weeks to even acknowledge that i ordered from him. i called and called and emailed but he would not return any of my calls or emails, finally, six weeks after i ordered them i got my shoes. and guess what? wrong size! as on my reciept it said 10 and he sent a 12. in order to avoid dealing with him more i exchanged them at my pro shop for the right size. ah...never again.


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Re: UPDATE: Jeff Ripic ( RIPPED me off!!!
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2005, 03:20:39 PM »
Had my problems with him as well, glad you got your $$$ back Ric.
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