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Author Topic: Why are we ripping our members? (rant)  (Read 1073 times)


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Why are we ripping our members? (rant)
« on: September 29, 2006, 11:37:34 AM »

[rant mode on}
The purpose of this forum is for our members to relate transactions they have with the Online ProShops, both good and bad.

Why are people here bashing some one for posting when they have a bad experience with a favored ProShop?

They come on here to alert others they are having a problem with so-and-so ProShop so others are aware of these problems before they enter into business with them.  The next thing you know, there's a ton of responses telling him or her he's a moron, idiot, or whatever.

We should all try to understand that CustomerA is having a problem, hopefully so-and-so Pro Shop is trying to deal with him to resolve the issue.  Occasionally, it does not work that way for whatever reason, be it customerA or so-and-so ProShop who is the one responsible for the problem.

To all that post about problems with the ProShops, I would simply ask that you keep the Forum updated as your problem is worked on.  Let us know what the final resolution or outcome is.  If the ProShop finally comes thru with the service, returns your money, or throws in a little bone for you, whatever. Let us know.

We should all show a little respect for each other.

Thank You

[rant mode is now off}
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Re: Why are we ripping our members? (rant)
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2006, 09:37:55 PM »
Nice statement. I believe points should be taken on both sides. If its a bad transaction give general information and try to resolve privately first, if not then bring it onto the site for all to see. On the proshops defense throwing out assumptions and flaming them without solid framework adds nothing to the thread except flaring emotions and the overall picture gets mudded up. Sometimes people on this sight take it a bit too personally like its a family. It kinda cool to get peoples backing but please these are businesses and they  should be able to take care of themselves when dealing with an unhappy customer. Everyone will never be satisfied no matter what shop or company you talk about but thats just business deal with it.


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Re: Why are we ripping our members? (rant)
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2006, 11:43:10 AM »
I agree, post your personal experiences, and SHUT UP!  Stop the finger pointing and name calling!
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Re: Why are we ripping our members? (rant)
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2006, 11:54:56 AM »
Any problem one is having with a trade, purchase, or service should be worked out privately with the seller.  NO GRANDSTANDING please.

At the end of the transaction or a more than generous amount of time, please by all means - leave satisfaction or unsatisfactory reviews or remarks if they are appropriate.

To use the board vindictively, just is silly, and only can reflect the users bad manners and lack of understanding. Whether we agree or disagree - please be respective of one another. (they might be having problems that we readily can't see - the golden rule would be appropriate)
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Edited on 10/2/2006 12:01 PM