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Author Topic: Why not go to your local pro shop  (Read 8162 times)


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Why not go to your local pro shop
« on: September 15, 2005, 12:45:07 PM »
Everyone always talks about buying bowling equipment online.  Well, did it ever occur to anyone about being loyal to your local pro shop that actually drills your equipment.  I mean, yes, online is cheaper.  But after you pay for shipping (usually around 20.00) and drilling (anywhere from 50.00 - 60.00 for basic drilling), are you really saving that much money.  

Besides that, you can actually talk to someone who can help you select the right ball, and you will get a good ball with good specs.  I have heard from a few people that they got an x out or blem, when they thought they were buying 1st quality.  And I have heard from others about iffy specs.



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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #31 on: September 27, 2005, 04:02:24 PM »
but you wouldnt complain about the drilling cost if it was included in a pro shop price.  Some pro shops do al a carte pricing.  the price on teh ball is to compete with the internet, but then they charge drilling... if a pro shop charges 60.00 to drill a blank ball.. ok, the internet chargers 160.00 for that ball.  the pro shop can put a price of 220.00 (drilling included) or 160.00 ALSO, and then charge 60.00 to drill = same exact price...


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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #32 on: September 27, 2005, 04:20:27 PM »
but you wouldnt complain about the drilling cost if it was included in a pro shop price.  Some pro shops do al a carte pricing.  the price on teh ball is to compete with the internet, but then they charge drilling... if a pro shop charges 60.00 to drill a blank ball.. ok, the internet chargers 160.00 for that ball.  the pro shop can put a price of 220.00 (drilling included) or 160.00 ALSO, and then charge 60.00 to drill = same exact price...

For one thing, it's impossible to know just how much drilling costs if it's included in the price.  Second, I think most people understand that the price is frequently comparable when drilling is included.

For me, it's a case of inventory and travel time.  I've usually done the research here and decided what I'd like to get.  I try to keep my costs down and thus have always bought discontinued stuff from Buddies.  Maybe the pro shop can get it anyway, maybe not.  Maybe they've got what I'm interested in already, maybe not.  But I know that if I order it and bring it in to be drilled, I've gotten what I was looking for.  If I save $30+ by ordering last year's ball compared to this year's, then I've come out ahead and kept the missus happy.  

I also throw 14# equipment and most shops have LOTS of 15# stuff but not nearly so much 14#.  Again, a crapshoot when it comes to them having something I'm interested in.

If the shop in town were any good, I'd be all over it.  I don't mind giving the pro shop business.  But I don't want to waste my time driving 75+ miles and finding they don't have anything for me.



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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #33 on: September 27, 2005, 04:53:10 PM »
just goes to show you that it is a different situation for everyone.. you can easily see what it costs to drill a ball.. take the ball cost, minus what it costs to drill a blank ball = cost w/o drilling.. DUH


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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #34 on: October 07, 2005, 11:38:04 AM »
I think that Buying from a Shop and Online has it perks. First dealing with a shop you get the person you know drilling the ball. But I do not think online shops are nasty or lack customer service. Shops do not need to charge so much to drill a ball. They make plenty of profit on the ball already. Plus they have the resurfacing and plugging profit. Online is more comfortable for me and many others. We can choose from hundreds and hundreds of items. I know some online shops are also Pro shops. So they are doing the best of both worlds. What's wrong with that?

Actually, My pro shop would rather have me bring in a ball for him to drill. He charges 40 bucks plus grips. He said he makes very little money off of the equipment itself. The money he makes is just for drilling.

I suppose it depends on the proshop.



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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #35 on: October 07, 2005, 11:44:49 AM »
My pro shop guy loves it when people bring in balls they bought on line. He charges $60.00 for 5-10 min. of work and don't have to worry about old inventory.
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Doug Sterner

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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #36 on: October 07, 2005, 11:56:30 AM »
For the pro shop operator a customer bringing in the ball is a beautiful thing for the pro shop. By the customer choosing the ball, specs and so forth you gfet to eliminate yourself from about 75% of the blame if the ball does not work out for them.

If they get a ball with poor specs I am sure to tell them that I'll drill it and I'll do what I can but I can't guarantee anything.

I also guarantee every ball I sell to work and react properly. If it does not do what I say it will, the customer gets a replacement ball or equal or lesser value.

I also include a service package with every ball free of charge. I will perform any and all alterations required free of charge...sanding, polishing, beveling etc as long as it is purchased and drilled in my shop. I even let them bring the ball in every few weeks and get it cleaned and repolished/scuffed if they need.

They also get my honor score incentive...I give a $50 gift certificate for my shop to anyone who shoots an honor score with the ball I sold and drilled for them in house.

Lastly I will match the verified everyday price of any one of my local comopetitors on items I have in stock. For special order items I will match the price if the customer agrees to pay the shipping fee I incur to get the ball through the door.

If your local shop had such a program in place, would you order outside the building and try to save yourself a few $$$???
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY

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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #37 on: October 07, 2005, 12:09:59 PM »
    To answer your question there are few and far between shops that are able to do what you do.

Agreed, I want to support my local shop, but the prices they sell some of these high end balls are ridiculous. I mean, who wouldn't want to get a new ball right away and not have to wait a week to get it drilled? But the prices!
Mmm.... BEER. -Homer J. Simpson

Wine improve with age, I like it more the older I get. -French Proverb

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two balls wide

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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #38 on: October 07, 2005, 12:10:33 PM »
for me it is about 15 bucks shipping ... and drilling a 25 with grips... and you don't pay tax...... it saves about 100 bucks
Joshua 1:9 - Have i not commanded you, se strong and courageous for the lord, your God, is with you where ever you go

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is there anything else besides dyno-thane?


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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #39 on: October 07, 2005, 12:27:32 PM »
bowl, which online pro shop do you run


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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #40 on: October 07, 2005, 12:28:35 PM »
i dont go to my local shops due to the prices are 250 bucks a ball..
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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #41 on: October 07, 2005, 01:12:14 PM »
well, here is the thing i gathered from pro shops.  They want your loyalty.  If you purchase a ball from them, they may throw in the grips for free or lower price.  Or they may knock off a few bucks off the ball.

If you bring in a blank ball, they are going to gouge you for every penny.  Drilling, Grips, Extra Hole...


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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #42 on: October 07, 2005, 01:19:25 PM »
well, here is the thing i gathered from pro shops.  They want your loyalty.  If you purchase a ball from them, they may throw in the grips for free or lower price.  Or they may knock off a few bucks off the ball.

If you bring in a blank ball, they are going to gouge you for every penny.  Drilling, Grips, Extra Hole...

LOL!! Knock off a few bucks from 250.. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT. or i can go get the ball online for 130 shipped pay 50 with grips and slug and still come out WAY ahead. hmm save 70 bucks or go to my shop and pay way to much.. hard decision there!
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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #43 on: October 07, 2005, 01:20:38 PM »
maybe a better questin would be.... if a pro shop pays 130 for a ball, what do you think is a fair price your to you buy it at....


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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #44 on: October 07, 2005, 01:21:53 PM »
I know what classic charges the dealer for a new ball. Let me see, the smokin inferno is wrote up at 255, and the dealer pays almost half that.. hmmmmm
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Re: Why not go to your local pro shop
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2005, 01:25:06 PM »
well, here is the thing i gathered from pro shops.  They want your loyalty.  If you purchase a ball from them, they may throw in the grips for free or lower price.  Or they may knock off a few bucks off the ball.

If you bring in a blank ball, they are going to gouge you for every penny.  Drilling, Grips, Extra Hole...

This is a great concept, if the Pro shop are willing to knock off a few bucks. But you will still be paying way to much for the highend equipments. I've always got my stuff from my Pro shop guy, but lately the price for the balls that I want has skyrocketed.
Mmm.... BEER. -Homer J. Simpson

Wine improve with age, I like it more the older I get. -French Proverb

Life is uncertain. Eat dessert first. -Ernest Ulmer

IT DOESN'T MATTER!!!!! -The Rock

Edited on 10/7/2005 1:20 PM