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Author Topic: InSite The Second Coming  (Read 10151 times)


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InSite The Second Coming
« on: December 31, 1969, 06:00:00 PM »
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Re: InSite The Second Coming
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2007, 09:10:36 PM »
The Second Coming is a versatile ball that can meet many different needs.

Cannot be thrown on heavier volumes of oil

How is the ball drilled?
I have two Second Comings drilled very differently:
Mark used a length drilling my first Second Coming with the pin above the fingers and the CG in line with the pin, I uploaded a picture of the ball here ->> This drilling gives the ball great length and a strong flip at the back end.

Mark used a label-leverage drilling on my second Second Coming with the pin just below and to the left of the fingers and the CG at the center grip, I uploaded a picture of the ball here ->> This drilling gives the ball an early mid-lane roll and a strong continuous backend.

My PAP is 5 1/4" over and 3/8" up. I throw medium revs (275-300) and medium speed.

The two Second Coming balls give me a great one-two punch!  The label-leverage Second Coming is the first out of the bag, used as my benchmark ball.  It has a very predictable roll that I can use on various conditions from medium-light to medium-heavy volumes of oil and everything in-between.  This ball handles carrydown very well and recovers very well when thrown from an inside line.

The skid-flip Second Coming is a great ball when the lanes are fresh and also when there are lighter volumes of oil.  It tends to be about 5 boards weaker than the label-leverage drilled Second Coming, but has an unbelievable move at the backend!  This ball does not like carrydown or heavier volumes of oil.

Video of me throwing the ball can be found at

Thanks for reading and please let me know if you have specific questions about the ball, I will be happy to answer them.

Paul Saunders
InSite Bowling Products webmaster
(866) 405-bowl


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Re: InSite The Second Coming
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2007, 03:07:09 AM »
I just wanted to post about how thrilled I am to have this ball in my arsenal. Already have two 300's with it.  I currently have one drilled pin under the bridge with the cg kicked 1/2 inch right. Works out to be 4 1/2 by 4 1/4 for me. With this drilling the ball revs fairly quick and has a strong continuous backend. The ball never rolls out and just sends pins flying. I typically use it on 36 ft typical house shots that typically have some carrydown. I love using smaller companies stuff and have dealt with Mark and Paul on several occasions and they are just flat out awesome people to deal with. Excellent product and excellent customer service.  

I have been shooting big scores with it since beginning to use it from day one. I love to see people take note of the ball name when I am putting up some big scores and sending pins flying in league. Most have never seen one before.  I usually steer clear of recommending stuff to anybody but if you have not tried an Insite bowling ball yet you really should try to get your hands on one to see what you are missing.


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Re: InSite The Second Coming
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2008, 11:16:08 PM »
This ball is one of a kind. I have this ball drilled pin above bridge. With this drill the ball gets down the lane and then makes a violent snap into the pocket. Pins go flying everywhere with the Second Coming. Good ball for medium to me/heavy oil. Second Coming rating 10/10!
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