Well Kenny is correct if you have wanted a solid ball that clears the heads in decent oil and flat out moves in the midlane and backend this is a must have bowling ball. Drilled pin 4 1/2 pin to pap cg stacked below mb about 1 1/4 right and below the thumb probably 4 3/4 area to pap.
The new house shot is modified for the newer stronger equipment that has surfaced, plenty of oil upfront now and decent backends but not even close to flying like say the south point here in vegas.
I had it out tonight with the following balls:
Total Nv drilled almost exactly like the break ball was more rolly than the break and had decent backend. Total is 1000 and then degree 2000 polish.
mean machine pin over ring 4 3/4 x 4 1/2 mb box finish ball was alot more even than either the Break or Total, very rolly ball had some backend but nothing extreme.
lane 1 solid cobalt same drilling as break and total but remember no mb on this ball, ball surface was too shiny it hardly moved compared to the break and total. Maybe 5-6 total boards of hook alittle bit of backend nothing to sneeze at.
Euro Storm drilled same solid cobalt, ball is pearlized and had zero chance tonight moved maybe 3-4 boards on the same line as the others. This is version of the Thunder Road pearl if you did not know this, curelyon pearl and the famous t-road core thin t-road pearl to get a closer comparison.
On edit my mb is more towards my thumb but my pin position is right where kenny's is, so my ball would flip alittle harder for me than his drilling.
Edited on 9/4/2007 10:50 PM