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Author Topic: 900 Gobal website looks terrible  (Read 15292 times)


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900 Gobal website looks terrible
« on: September 18, 2007, 01:05:12 AM »
I don't know if its my computer or that the 900 Global website looks terribe.

I really can't find any information (well, very little) on the website and what little information it does have has write over on the information that is there on Balls: The Break.

They should take the website down until at least they can fix the small amount of information that is there.

I realize they are a newly formed manufactuer, but even more so that they would have a professional website if they were to have one at all.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:05 AM

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:06 AM

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:07 AM

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:07 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2007, 10:44:24 PM »
Derek Trowbridge
900 Global: The world is ours

of course your going to agree with

but really I also believe Eric,the site will be top notch and atleast they do have a site to let you know they are trying.


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2007, 11:44:39 PM »
You could do away with Flash altogether and the quality of the collective Internet would double.

I agree with Shelley.  

I am also seeing the double or writeover on text like Nicanor is.
I tried to do a copy and paste of the text so someone else could see how I am seeing it but I am unable to copy it.

Ok, a little experimenting - I am able to view it fine using Firefox.  Only with IE do I have a problem.  What browser is Nicanor using?


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2007, 11:55:10 PM »
I guess I don't understand the whole reason coming on here bashing a web site for things that your computer is doing.

But it isn't just what his computer is doing.  Computers are (supposedly) deterministic; feed them the same input and you should get the same result both times.

And for that matter, it does the same thing on my machine.  Mac OS X with the Camino browser (a Firefox derivative, so not just an IE/Windows problem).

When your website fails to convey information, you lose.  It's not bashing the website; I applaud them for having a simple, plain design compared to some other companies.  



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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2007, 12:20:03 AM »
I'm not computer savy enough to severs and the like.

The reason I bought this up was because my Break didn't come with a drill/info sheet.  So I wanted to look on linbe at 900 Globals website to see if they had their drill sheets on their websites and a little mor conversation about the bowling balls they have on the market.

It can't be that hard to put out a little more info and a copy of their drill sheets on the website.

With bowling balls coming out with "drill similar to this" (Beat'n, No Mercy and Ebonite's "The One" don't drill like this.  Well a new company starts to sell their bowling balls after a lot of R&D and we the consumer don't know much about the ball, core strength, MB strength coverstock prep and a lot of other information that could easily be added to a website.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2007, 10:09:27 AM »
Shouldn't your pro shop be able to help you will drill patterns. They are the experts. Most normal asymmetrical drillings are the same as are normal symmetrical drilling are the same. Spin spot right of thumb left of thumb and under the thumb. For symmetrically balls Over the label, leverage and cg kicked out. Most shops understand these patterns quite well.


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2007, 10:17:30 AM »
Shouldn't your pro shop be able to help you will drill patterns. They are the experts. Most normal asymmetrical drillings are the same as are normal symmetrical drilling are the same.

Most are, but every now and then you run into one that isn't.  The No Mercy, which was mentioned in this thread, has unusual drill instruction.  "Spin spot right, left, under thumb" is fine, except the spin spot on the NM isn't marked like it is on most asymetrics.

He just wanted to make sure there weren't any special requirements for laying it out.

BTW, you mentioned putting it left of the thumb; does that mean that it's safe to put the MB on the negative side of the ball or in the track?  Morich and Ebonite are recommending against that because it can make the ball reverse flare.  Has to do with the really large mid-diff, I think, and the Break certainly falls in that "really large mid-diff" category.



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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2007, 10:19:04 AM »
Whew, Shelly take a breath, LOL

Yeah, but that's right. I hate it when marketing department loses sense and becomes "german": rather use high tech and pointless technical gimmicks than think of the site visitors, ease of orientation and the fact that some people out there just use simple hard- and software.

Even "old" HTML can look good, be functional and transport whatever you want to say.

The LM site looks nice, but it is a hell to navigate - shelley just hit it right.

That's also why I like this grey/dull place here - it is simple and fast!
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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2007, 10:35:45 AM »
BTW, you mentioned putting it left of the thumb

That's how us lefties do it.  Maybe that is what he was referring too.


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2007, 10:36:56 AM »
Hey newguy, take your time and do the site right.  Guess some folks just want to complain all the time.  Imagine if you did not have a site at all ?

Shelly, you proved that you know a lot of computer lingo, so what ! Lighten up and give the folks a break.  If you have real computer issues, then get back to the people that can correct them and don't go off on folks that have no idea as to what you are talking about.


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2007, 10:40:43 AM »
I'm thinking about what Phil said and that is the point of Global 900 going thru pro shops only in that good pro shop operators should know all this info.

Now that being said as most of us that visit are above the curve in understanding and want as much info. as we can glean.  

Soooo, nic wanted more info. than the website offers after start up.  Phil, I think is saying we as a company Global 900 want to see our product move thru pro shops and our pro shop operators should be providing you the customer all the info. to get any Global 900 ball laid out correctly for your technique and fitted correctly.

Sometimes, we <BR users> can be our own worst enemy.  I can see Phil's point of view.  I also can see nic's wanting of more info.  It will come I am sure just not quick enough for some.  

Society's problem of getting information via the net so fast that we want it as fast as we can get it....sometimes we just need to slow down and smell the coffee.

BTW, I though shelley's point about website's is right on and I do consider LM's website to be one of the better ones as far as gloss is concerned.  

Many website's are not user friendly but I am no techy.




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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #26 on: September 19, 2007, 10:57:19 AM »
Shelly, you proved that you know a lot of computer lingo, so what ! Lighten up and give the folks a break.  If you have real computer issues, then get back to the people that can correct them and don't go off on folks that have no idea as to what you are talking about.

You honestly believe that because the 900G website fails to render properly on a dozen different computers that it's because my laptop is defective?  I don't have real computer issues, there is a bug in the website.  I don't care if it's a priority or not, I don't care if it's fixed in a timely fashion or not.  That's their business.  I get most of the information I need from this site anyway.  I know Phil isn't a web designer and (probably) isn't responsible for fixing the web page.  

I don't feel like my preference for websites that are user friendly, at the expense of glitz, is out of line with most people, and that's more than evidenced by the responses to my post.



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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #27 on: September 19, 2007, 11:43:27 AM »
I haven't had any problems with the website.  Loads fine and I actually like the simplicity of the design.  I can find the balls and the shoes link just fine, and they take me to the appropriate pages where I'm able to find the balls and shoes and the information just fine.

I agree that a drill sheet would be nice.  If for no other reason than I like to keep that info in a folder.  Having to constantly run to the internet to get the information isn't always practical - I guess I can just print that info from the web - until you run into what happened with Track and the new company takes the information away!

Speaking of Track, why don't I hear any complaints about their drilling sheet being in Word (doc) format?  Like Shelley said, it's frickin' 2007.  It isn't that hard to convert a document to PDF.
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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #28 on: September 19, 2007, 11:46:10 AM »
Speaking of Track, why don't I hear any complaints about their drilling sheet being in Word (doc) format?  Like Shelley said, it's frickin' 2007.  It isn't that hard to convert a document to PDF.

I haven't thrown Track in a while, so I have nothing to complain about.  



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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #29 on: September 19, 2007, 11:59:49 AM »
I'm thinking about what Phil said and that is the point of Global 900 going thru pro shops only in that good pro shop operators should know all this info.

Now that being said as most of us that visit are above the curve in understanding and want as much info. as we can glean.  

Soooo, nic wanted more info. than the website offers after start up.  Phil, I think is saying we as a company Global 900 want to see our product move thru pro shops and our pro shop operators should be providing you the customer all the info. to get any Global 900 ball laid out correctly for your technique and fitted correctly.

Sometimes, we <BR users> can be our own worst enemy.  I can see Phil's point of view.  I also can see nic's wanting of more info.  It will come I am sure just not quick enough for some.  

Society's problem of getting information via the net so fast that we want it as fast as we can get it....sometimes we just need to slow down and smell the coffee.

BTW, I though shelley's point about website's is right on and I do consider LM's website to be one of the better ones as far as gloss is concerned.  

Many website's are not user friendly but I am no techy.


 You have hit the nail on the head, we are our own worst enemy, now I hope no one here gets offended my following comments are not directed at or meant to offend and they do not reflect the opinions of the company of management, wait I am the management..... so there I covered it with a disclaimer, and this is my opinion only. Many bowlers over the years have become self proclaimed experts, have achieved the ability to actually see motions that only super human action heroes can see. These bowlers have taken the need for exotic drillings to the next level. Don't get me wrong this helps sell more balls. In reality the variations one will see from small tweaks is so minimal that bowlers want to believe they actually see it while many CATS studies prove they are not measurable and have little effect on performance. Nothing a better release won't cure. Many try to buy talent, hook in a box we call it.
In the past we did seminars to instruct drillers how to make Performance adjustments to products that were not by todays standards performance balls. We drilled to get early roll, late roll, more flare or less flare. Since we the manufacturers have gotten smarter and some are smarter than others we began to build these characteristics into the product. If you need Length you can buy it. If you need roll buy it, flip arc skid snap its already built in. We tend to complicate it. Smart manufacturers build arsenals that cover all these or most of these needs.
Pro shops for the most part do not attend seminars unless they get a deal, we have made it easy on them to drill because what the customer wants is already in the ball. Now the complication comes from the customer. He wants ball "A" why because he did the research or saw some one with one and like the way it looked or maybe its his perception of what he needs. Now he goes to the shop to get this ball and proceeds to tell the shop guy how he wants it drilled. Basically in many cases what he is asking for is drilling a different performance into a ball other than what the ball was designed to do. It's easier for the shop guy to give him what he wants rather than try to convince him what he really needs. If your shop guy is not qualified than find a "new guy".
Rg's, diffs, mid diffs, geometry is all we need to know. Drilling for your rev rate, speed etc should come from the shop. Lets not keep trying to turn a Ferrari into a Taurus (not that there is anything wrong with a taurus)
Qualified companies tell you all the info you need, many make you sift through the hype to find it but its there. Find product that matches your need and use basic drillings. Everyone will be happier. Rant over....


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #30 on: September 19, 2007, 01:06:03 PM »
In so many words, I agree with Phil on the "ball, drilling, pro shop, who wants what ball to do what, etc. issue."

However, might I suggest an easy to use, "basic drilling sheet," with only "basic drillings," made available on the 900G website? Not that it is NEEDED, but it is WANTED (apparently for those who need pictures to complement the phrases "use standard asymmetrical drillings" or "use standard symmetrical drillings.") It wouldn't be incredibly time-consuming to put together -- all it would need is some simple pin-PAP distance info and three different MB placements -- and it could be a way through which the message of 900G and Phil concerning drillings/balls (in short, the pick the right ball and drill it simply gospel) could be voiced.

And in regards to the website...simple is better. I want clear links, some nice, bold graphics, and easily readable text. Nothing fancy is needed, no annoying flash graphics; just like I don't want to see Fred Borden speak about his balls, I don't want to watch Phil speak about his (sorry, newguy!). In fact, I don't want anybody talking about their balls to me. A slightly more polished version of the current website would be fine by me...make everything really mesh together, etc., and it will be fine.

A great paradox, a great, nigh tragic but recurring problem with humanity, is our unquenchable thirst for more information than we need, as we believe we need more. Just as ancient Grecian Oedipus would not stop in his search for identity, so does the "knowledgeable" (hint: sarcasm) bowler seek info on ball drillings, surfaces, etc. In the end, both characters may be worse off for knowing what they know.