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Author Topic: 900 Gobal website looks terrible  (Read 15293 times)


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900 Gobal website looks terrible
« on: September 18, 2007, 01:05:12 AM »
I don't know if its my computer or that the 900 Global website looks terribe.

I really can't find any information (well, very little) on the website and what little information it does have has write over on the information that is there on Balls: The Break.

They should take the website down until at least they can fix the small amount of information that is there.

I realize they are a newly formed manufactuer, but even more so that they would have a professional website if they were to have one at all.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:05 AM

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:06 AM

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:07 AM

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:07 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)



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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #31 on: September 19, 2007, 01:28:12 PM »
Basic drill sheets in all mid and premium ball boxes going forward. They are already in the Break and have been from the begining, it's a pink sheet seen it myself. AMF balls will follow as well. When the web is ready drillings will be posted.


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #32 on: September 19, 2007, 03:13:57 PM »
Who gives a crap about their website ! I shot 300 already with the
Creature. The ball is awesome. Have a Break that I have not drilled
yet but I am sure I wont be disappointed. Take your time and do the website
right. Thanks for the Creature Phil, Eric and gang. Satisfied Global900

Dan Karbowski
Chicago's Bowlers Shop
Niles Il - in Brunswick Zone Niles
Rich Blake - Owner
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #33 on: September 19, 2007, 09:59:03 PM »
Sorry Newguy, but I got this ball used and had no drilling information. So I went to the website to try and find the drill sheet and no luck.  I was a Lane 1 guy for years until the switch to Columbia and wanted to be fair to Lane 1 and try a 900 Gobal bowling ball.  Jkiser01 offered me his Break pin one inch right of ring finger MB directly under the thumb and since I didn't have a drill sheet, I drilled right over his drill. My thumb and fingers are much thicker than JK's so I just drilled them out and put it my Vacu-Grips and Exacacator thumb slug and threw the ball.  The ball seemed very arcy with this drilling, nice controlled rc but it didn't handle much oil and it wasn't as angular as the picture on the website seems to indicate.  But it could be the drilling, the lane conditions, but it couldn't be my release

So that was why I was looking for a more informative website.  Now I might have to plug anmd re-drill the ball.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 9/20/2007 8:52 AM

Edited on 9/20/2007 9:30 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #34 on: September 19, 2007, 10:21:36 PM »
i for one hope newguy and company take their time to come out with a website that they are satisfied with. as for me, as long as my new 3G tour ultra's fit great and provide me with my kind of slide i'll be satisfied.


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #35 on: September 20, 2007, 08:58:52 AM »
Sorry Newguy, but I got this ball used and had no drilling information. So I went to the website to try and find the drill sheet and no luck.  I was a Lane 1 guy for years until the switch to Columbia and wanted to be fair to Lane 1 and try a 900 Gobal bowling ball.  Jkiser01 offered me his Break pin one inch right of ring finger MB directly under the thumb and since I didn't have a drill sheet, I drilled right over his drill. My thumb and fingers are much thivker than JK's so I just drilled them out and put it my Vacu-Grips and Exacacator thumb slug and threw the ball.  The ball seemed very arcy with this drilling, nice controlled rc but it didn't handle much oil and it wasn't as angular as the picture on the website seems to indicate.  But it could be the drilling, the lane conditions, but it couldn't be my release

So that was why I was looking for a more informative website.  Now I might have to plug anmd re-drill the ball.

Any sugestions would be greatly appreciated.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

I've learned ove the years that suggesting drilling over the net  can be a recipe for disaster. In the past when I did and the player in reality threw the ball nothing like they described, ball faiure was the drillers or suggestors fault.
1) Pin near finger (ring) small 900 near thumb (just under it) strong arc motion, great for going parellel to the boards on heavier oil
2) Pin near ring finger small 900 about 1 to 1.5 inch to the right of thumb harder reaction off the dry. Great for going away from the pocket on a shot where you have dry boards to your right.
Pro shop is the best place to decide where to put the pin, spinner , high track, medium track, etc. PAp distance and all need to be considered when laying out a ball. Slow speed higher top weight and more.

These are for right handed bowlers.


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2007, 09:15:15 AM »
These are for right handed bowlers.

Remember guys Phil's a wrongsider.  



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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2007, 09:28:34 AM »
These are for right handed bowlers.

Remember guys Phil's a wrongsider.  

GASP!  I might have to return my Break......that asymmetric was designed by (and for) left-handers!

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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2007, 09:28:43 AM »

First, I think you put too much on pro shops and not enough to the bowler who has been around for a while and has taken the time to learn the sport and the bowling ball transition through the ye3ars.  Did the pro shop operators corner the market on bowling and ball drilling knwoledge when the opened their doors and put the pr shop sign over the doors.  Because I don't have a pro shop sign over my door, then I don't know how to drill bowling balls and the effects of different ball drillings.  What college do pro shop operators go to to learn ball drillings.  Seminars, experience through years?  Thee are so many bowling balls coming out to quick, I can name a bowling ball I might be interested in and the Pro Shop operator has never heard of the ball let alone make a recommendation about the ball.  whether it will fit my game if I purchase the ball and what layout might work if I buy the ball.  So if you think that by asking us to go to the pro shop only for our information, will definately hurt sales long term unless there are a lot of bowlers throwing your ball in league shooting big numbers.

That is exactly the information I was looking for.  I know that an individual's axis point makes a difference in drilling a ball and not seeing a person bowl makes it near impossible to make a recommendation on a ball drilling.  But with some companies saying drilling the ball approx 1:30 is not a recommended drilling like the One and recently the Raid and then there's Hammer who recommends the pin at 1 and the HART in the ball track.  So without a drill sheet for reference, its getting a little confusing out there.

As noted before, I got the ball used, so there was no implication I hope that a new ball was delivered without a drill sheet.

On MORICH's website, at least back when I threw MORICH, they had on their website the drill recoomedations for high trackers, medium trackers and low trackers.  It was on the drill sheets as well.  I know other companies has also started this, but it does help out bowler and the ball driller.

I appreciate Newguy reading the posts on Ballreviews and responding to our concerns.  Its shows that he is interested in what we have to say and able to answer questions that we might have.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 9/20/2007 9:43 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #39 on: September 20, 2007, 10:33:40 AM »
In essence you are supporting what I have been saying, how so you may ask. Well simply put as a manufacturer I can not rely on the consumer to be as knowledgeable as a pro shop operator, secondly if the operator is not up to snuff on the product he should have less customers and eventually go away. They do have an orginazation IBPSIA were Pro hops are trained and educated. We communicate on a daily bases with shop operators and convey information to them, things we may have heard in the field as well as what our tests have shown. My safety valve is the shop operator, if the consumer wants control of the ball and drilling he can tell the shop that. We never want to be the reason the consumer went to the shop guy and told him he was wrong because that will be the quickest way for us to get booted out of his shop. A shop guy is the second set of eyes to help determine what the bowler actually needs. The info on the internet in many cases paints a rosy picture and the marketing hype gives a false since of security. I'd rather bowlers purchased less balls and got what they wanted and than built an arsenal based on a sound foundation than to keep taking shots in the dark hope to stumble on the right combination.  
A quick story, a man sitting at his desk after doing yard work is on the internet feels pains in his chest he immediately logs on to web md, he types in what he feels are the symptoms, "pain in chest". Up pops several possibilities, one is muscle strain, he goes with that one since he had just done some work outside, than calls the doctor who tells him he ,may be having a heart attack get to the hospital. He is sure based on his Web information that it is a muscle strain, what does the doctor know!!! the web wouldn't lie. 2 hrs later he is pushing daisy. In a life threatening situation we listen for the most part to the experts but since the penalty of the next ball purchase isn't as severe we feel we know more than the shop guy. Bowlers should ask themselves how many years and dollars have they wasted in search of the perfect ball, drilling etc. Are they the ones creating this confusion by simply not listening to the experts.
Nicanor I am not directing this at you or any other individual, I do not know you nor do I have any idea how knowledgeable you are. I assume everyone is not the expert and always recommend them to see a local pro shop for help.


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #40 on: September 20, 2007, 10:38:43 AM »
don't panic Matt, just turn the ball over, then it reverts to a rt handed core, lol
Leading Edge Pro Shop

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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #41 on: September 20, 2007, 11:00:09 AM »
In essence you are supporting what I have been saying, how so you may ask. Well simply put as a manufacturer I can not rely on the consumer to be as knowledgeable as a pro shop operator, secondly if the operator is not up to snuff on the product he should have less customers and eventually go away. They do have an orginazation IBPSIA were Pro hops are trained and educated. We communicate on a daily bases with shop operators and convey information to them, things we may have heard in the field as well as what our tests have shown. My safety valve is the shop operator, if the consumer wants control of the ball and drilling he can tell the shop that. We never want to be the reason the consumer went to the shop guy and told him he was wrong because that will be the quickest way for us to get booted out of his shop. A shop guy is the second set of eyes to help determine what the bowler actually needs. The info on the internet in many cases paints a rosy picture and the marketing hype gives a false since of security. I'd rather bowlers purchased less balls and got what they wanted and than built an arsenal based on a sound foundation than to keep taking shots in the dark hope to stumble on the right combination.  
A quick story, a man sitting at his desk after doing yard work is on the internet feels pains in his chest he immediately logs on to web md, he types in what he feels are the symptoms, "pain in chest". Up pops several possibilities, one is muscle strain, he goes with that one since he had just done some work outside, than calls the doctor who tells him he ,may be having a heart attack get to the hospital. He is sure based on his Web information that it is a muscle strain, what does the doctor know!!! the web wouldn't lie. 2 hrs later he is pushing daisy. In a life threatening situation we listen for the most part to the experts but since the penalty of the next ball purchase isn't as severe we feel we know more than the shop guy. Bowlers should ask themselves how many years and dollars have they wasted in search of the perfect ball, drilling etc. Are they the ones creating this confusion by simply not listening to the experts.
Nicanor I am not directing this at you or any other individual, I do not know you nor do I have any idea how knowledgeable you are. I assume everyone is not the expert and always recommend them to see a local pro shop for help.

I won't disagree with what you are saying, for the most part.

However, there are plenty of pro shops that are far from "experts."  We've all seen the stories about shops that ONLY have 2 or 3 drills - label, pin right of ring and CG stacked, and pin high/low, or some variation of those drills.

My local shop had never even heard of your company.  I can only assume that he knows that Ebonite bought out Columbia/Track/DT.

Also, and I've mentioned this many times, there are very few shops in my area that are actually located in a center.  Stand alone shops have a difficult time assessing my style and can only go by what I tell them, which you've pointed out can be far from how I actually throw the ball!  

When a shop just assumes that everybody has a 5" PAP and drills everything label, there isn't a whole lot of options.  I guess in that case it's a good thing that you guys are designing the reaction into the ball!
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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #42 on: September 20, 2007, 11:01:34 AM »
don't panic Matt, just turn the ball over, then it reverts to a rt handed core, lol
Leading Edge Pro Shop

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Thanks Steve!

I hadn't thought about that!  Silly me, I was worried about static weights!  I'm still stuck in the dark ages!
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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #43 on: September 20, 2007, 11:03:35 AM »
don't panic Matt, just turn the ball over, then it reverts to a rt handed core, lol

Only for a ball with a really long pin, though.



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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #44 on: September 20, 2007, 11:13:55 AM »
When a shop just assumes that everybody has a 5" PAP and drills everything label, there isn't a whole lot of options.

Gawd...I'm sure happy I am 4 7/8" over and 0 then.  



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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #45 on: September 20, 2007, 03:20:31 PM »
Thank you Newguy for a great response.

But again I say you put too much faith into the pro shop[ operator.  My ball driller is a 72 year old guy who says all bowling balls are the same.  He didn't know that Ebonite bought Columbia and he didn't know about 900 Global.  He drills most of his bowling balls 3 3/8 leveraged.  Go in and ask him about a new ball on the market and he almost gets irrate.  "With so many balls coming out so quickly, how am I suppose to keep up with them"  or something to that effect.

So I understand that the novice wants hook in the box and wants it drilled to go long and hook hard, but there are way too many bowlers out there who are smart about bowling balls, probably more knowledgeable about the ball, not the drilling, then a lot of ball drillers.

And as for your sample, it sounds cute.  We are comparing a doctor who probably has 10 years of college and internshiop to someone who cane learn to drill a ball without any education and a couple of ball seminars and you want those of us who have experience put our fath in the pro shop, because they are a pro shop.  Maybe if they were in on or knowledgable about the R&D that went into the bowlng ball that they are getting ready to drill.  But they aren't and don't care to be for the most part.

Go to a pro shop and ask them to drill a ball for you. Whats the first thing they will probably ask?  Do you have a ball that you throw with you now?  They ar going to lok at your track, measure you hand off the ball, look at the inserts to see what size they are and drill the ball.  So where's the magic, the education, the feeling of security I'm getting from this person drilling my ball.

You can't compare a doctor to a ball driller.  But nice try.  

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)