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Author Topic: 900 Gobal website looks terrible  (Read 15299 times)


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900 Gobal website looks terrible
« on: September 18, 2007, 01:05:12 AM »
I don't know if its my computer or that the 900 Global website looks terribe.

I really can't find any information (well, very little) on the website and what little information it does have has write over on the information that is there on Balls: The Break.

They should take the website down until at least they can fix the small amount of information that is there.

I realize they are a newly formed manufactuer, but even more so that they would have a professional website if they were to have one at all.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:05 AM

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:06 AM

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:07 AM

Edited on 9/18/2007 9:07 AM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


Dan Belcher

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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #46 on: September 20, 2007, 03:22:42 PM »
But again I say you put too much faith into the pro shop[ operator.  My ball driller is a 72 year old guy who says all bowling balls are the same.  He didn't know that Ebonite bought Columbia and he didn't know about 900 Global.  He drills most of his bowling balls 3 3/8 leveraged.  Go in and ask him about a new ball on the market and he almost gets irrate.  "With so many balls coming out so quickly, how am I suppose to keep up with them"  or something to that effect.
I must say, I highly recommend finding a new ball driller...


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #47 on: September 20, 2007, 03:28:38 PM »
 "With so many balls coming out so quickly, how am I suppose to keep up with them"

Do it like the rest of the wannabes like me do it.  Get online, check out reviews from experts, staffers.  Talk to other drillers.  Talk to ball designers; we actually, you know, have some on this site.

Would you go to a doctor who doesn't read medical journals?  Who doesn't read literature from pharmaceutical companies on new drugs?  A mechanic that never heard of electronic fuel injection?  Do you take a car to mechanic that says "with all the cars coming out every year, how can I keep up with them all?"?

Too many pro shops are like that and there's no excuse.  If you love the sport, if you love the job (which I hear is the only thing that can keep you in the business, because it's not for the money or chicks), keep up to date with it.  "Ahh, they're all the same" might work for symmetric balls but definitely doesn't work for new strong asyms with spin times under 6s.



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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #48 on: September 20, 2007, 04:12:33 PM »
Thank you Newguy for a great response.

But again I say you put too much faith into the pro shop[ operator.  My ball driller is a 72 year old guy who says all bowling balls are the same.  He didn't know that Ebonite bought Columbia and he didn't know about 900 Global.  He drills most of his bowling balls 3 3/8 leveraged.  Go in and ask him about a new ball on the market and he almost gets irrate.  "With so many balls coming out so quickly, how am I suppose to keep up with them"  or something to that effect.

So I understand that the novice wants hook in the box and wants it drilled to go long and hook hard, but there are way too many bowlers out there who are smart about bowling balls, probably more knowledgeable about the ball, not the drilling, then a lot of ball drillers.

And as for your sample, it sounds cute.  We are comparing a doctor who probably has 10 years of college and internshiop to someone who cane learn to drill a ball without any education and a couple of ball seminars and you want those of us who have experience put our fath in the pro shop, because they are a pro shop.  Maybe if they were in on or knowledgable about the R&D that went into the bowlng ball that they are getting ready to drill.  But they aren't and don't care to be for the most part.

Go to a pro shop and ask them to drill a ball for you. Whats the first thing they will probably ask?  Do you have a ball that you throw with you now?  They ar going to lok at your track, measure you hand off the ball, look at the inserts to see what size they are and drill the ball.  So where's the magic, the education, the feeling of security I'm getting from this person drilling my ball.

You can't compare a doctor to a ball driller.  But nice try.  

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

You're driller is a problem. Sounds like he treats his customers as a convenience rather than a priority. How do you expect the drill sheets or recommendations for ANY driller when they are not in "tune" with their own job. Any manufacturers can post drilling sheets on the net, but there is more than just that. I can see your approach, but your driller is just stonewalling you. If your driller cannot drill any assymmetrical ball, I would advise a second source. There are many "HOBBY" shops throughout the country and there are many "PRO" shops; you just happen to go one of those Hobby shops. If he is not interested in further education, then do not invest your money and time with him. There are many programs to further educate your driller and you should not "help" him do his job. That is what newguy was trying to say.
Bo Littlefield
AMF300 and 900 Global Staff
The Strike Zone Pro Shop of San Antonio
-only pro shop in Texas with the largest selection and inventory


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #49 on: September 20, 2007, 04:32:39 PM »
Thank you Bo.  I undrstand what you're saying and agree.  This pro shop is the only shop locally that does Exactacator thumb slugs. When he drills a ball for me the ball is always perfect.  No adjustments needed. Perfect.  So I have to do my own homework.  He's also been a teammate of mine for sevral years in league, State. Nationals and as a member of the San Diego Traveling Ambassadors to Bowling.  But you are correct.

Still it doesn't take away that there are many bowlers out there who have as much knowledge of bowling balls as the pro shop operator.  We can do our own research and talk to professionals her on Ballreviews and at the manufactuers to get more info about bowling balls and ball potential.

Thanks for the feedback.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Edited on 9/20/2007 4:35 PM
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #50 on: September 20, 2007, 05:34:27 PM »
i agree with Niconor about pro shop operators not knowing everything they should, i am the one that told the operators of the pro shops in both houses i bowl at about the columbia buyout, they had no idea about it, and this was over a month after it happened, i also told them about 900 Global(then 300 Global) and neither pro shop knew anything about you guys opening a new company, they had no idea that the Dynarooz were changing names or that Phil was in charge of those

and the guy who runs the shop at my main house is IBPSIA certified, and he knows quite a bit about drilling, but knows nothing about the newer balls, i go in talking to him all the time about new balls he gets in, and ill say what type of cover it is or what core is in it or the reaction shape of the ball and he will go look up in the book to make sure im right about it

just because someone runs a shop and is IBPSIA certified doesnt make them more knowledgeable than us bowlers

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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #51 on: September 20, 2007, 05:41:33 PM »
If you read my disclaimer I said as a manufacturer we need to have a system we follow. I understand the intelligence level here on BR. It is quite diverse. Lets leave it at that. Thank God for the ignore user button. Knowledge used correctly is a beautiful thing used incorrectly can be a nightmare. We as manufacturers can not disseminate simply from post. There are tons of parrots out there.  Rule of thumb, when in doubt refer them to the local pro shop. For the most part this work, that is all I'm saying.


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #52 on: September 20, 2007, 06:03:02 PM »
If you read my disclaimer I said as a manufacturer we need to have a system we follow. I understand the intelligence level here on BR. It is quite diverse. Lets leave it at that. Thank God for the ignore user button. Knowledge used correctly is a beautiful thing used incorrectly can be a nightmare. We as manufacturers can not disseminate simply from post. There are tons of parrots out there.  Rule of thumb, when in doubt refer them to the local pro shop. For the most part this work, that is all I'm saying.
Phil- The majority of us want 900Global to succeed. I sure do. You are calling the shots here. So your marketing stradegy is different. So the website is dull. Fine. Just keep coming back and "philling us in" on the progress. I am looking forward to 9G on TV. (and in my bag)


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #53 on: September 20, 2007, 08:25:32 PM »

I threw the Break again today and it is a you say (pin one inch right of ring finger MB under thumb)arcy.  Thats not a bad thing, but if I have a choice of going parallel to the boards or swing the ball (not nessecarily coast to coast) but a nice swing pattern I will go with the swing or fade shot.  So with that said I took your recommendation and plugged the ball and I am going to move the MB 1 1/2 inches right of the thumb.  with regards to our discussion I know that this will but the MB in a stronger position and hopefully will give it a stronger reaction off the break point.  I won't hold you to anything.  I just want the ball to work and as I have done with the G-Forces (solid) I will try different drillings and surface preps before I give up on the ball.

So thanks for the advice and I'll see what the difference is shortly.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #54 on: September 21, 2007, 08:46:02 AM »
I have one drilled with the pin 5 inch and the spin spot is about 4 inch. It is hard off the spot but it has 4000 abralon and polished. Last night 279 smash 10 in the 5th than sheet, second game left 3 swish 10 and 3 ring sevens for 2'0 last game changed to a pin under the ring (pin out about 1 1/2 inch) spin spot under the thumb (had 88 in the fifth than changed) shot 218 ball did not quit down the lane it hooked about 3 less off the spot so I could go I little straighter. Both are polished.


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #55 on: September 21, 2007, 09:50:45 AM »
Thank you Newguy.  I started plugging the Break last night and hope to finish plugging it today.  If it rains Sunday I'll try it during pot bowling but if its sunny here in San Diego on Sunday, I have to take the bike to the bike show in LA.  Season is almost over.  Then I can get back to bowling.

But I think what I sen with the last drilling (arcy) and what you recommended with moving the MB righta 1 1/2, the ball will react a long stronger off the break point.  The shot we have at one of your houses has taked away the oust side shot and its more os a swing shot and the Break struggled for me on this shot.  I could see where the Break drilled like this would be a great down and in for most with this drilling, but there are those who could take a plastic ball and go cosat to coast, so I know thee are bowlers who could make this ball work with ease on this condition.  My track is just a little too low.

Thanks again.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)
Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #56 on: September 21, 2007, 10:27:36 AM »

I threw the Break again today and it is a you say (pin one inch right of ring finger MB under thumb)arcy.  Thats not a bad thing, but if I have a choice of going parallel to the boards or swing the ball (not nessecarily coast to coast) but a nice swing pattern I will go with the swing or fade shot.  So with that said I took your recommendation and plugged the ball and I am going to move the MB 1 1/2 inches right of the thumb.  with regards to our discussion I know that this will but the MB in a stronger position and hopefully will give it a stronger reaction off the break point.  I won't hold you to anything.  I just want the ball to work and as I have done with the G-Forces (solid) I will try different drillings and surface preps before I give up on the ball.

So thanks for the advice and I'll see what the difference is shortly.

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

don't mean to butt in,  but while looking at the drill sheet,  i noticed that it shows the mb in A  as "more angular",  and in B as smoooth or continuous>>arc.
 i believe this to be a misprint.

and according to what is just posted above.  B should be the more angular position,  and A the smoother position.

jls, proud watcher of womens golf


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #57 on: September 21, 2007, 10:38:20 AM »
Us engineers like to keep things simple.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #58 on: September 21, 2007, 10:52:45 AM »
Thank you Newguy for a great response.

But again I say you put too much faith into the pro shop[ operator.  My ball driller is a 72 year old guy who says all bowling balls are the same.  He didn't know that Ebonite bought Columbia and he didn't know about 900 Global.  He drills most of his bowling balls 3 3/8 leveraged.  Go in and ask him about a new ball on the market and he almost gets irrate.  "With so many balls coming out so quickly, how am I suppose to keep up with them"  or something to that effect.

So I understand that the novice wants hook in the box and wants it drilled to go long and hook hard, but there are way too many bowlers out there who are smart about bowling balls, probably more knowledgeable about the ball, not the drilling, then a lot of ball drillers.

And as for your sample, it sounds cute.  We are comparing a doctor who probably has 10 years of college and internshiop to someone who cane learn to drill a ball without any education and a couple of ball seminars and you want those of us who have experience put our fath in the pro shop, because they are a pro shop.  Maybe if they were in on or knowledgable about the R&D that went into the bowlng ball that they are getting ready to drill.  But they aren't and don't care to be for the most part.

Go to a pro shop and ask them to drill a ball for you. Whats the first thing they will probably ask?  Do you have a ball that you throw with you now?  They ar going to lok at your track, measure you hand off the ball, look at the inserts to see what size they are and drill the ball.  So where's the magic, the education, the feeling of security I'm getting from this person drilling my ball.

You can't compare a doctor to a ball driller.  But nice try.  

Nicanor (Ten On The Deck)

Then go to a different driller. It is your responsibility as the consumer to make this decision. I agree with Phil here. He can only rely on the shops to deliver the product to the customer and customize the product. It would be a crap shoot to assume that all bowlers had some experience with drilling or layouts. If you, as the consumer, go to a driller and doesn't meet your needs or expectations, go somewhere else. One of the biggest problems ball companies and drillers have is giving the customer what is perceived as what they want but at the same time giving them what they need. I see it all the time. Someone wants a ball to go 50 feet and turn left for awesome hook. Shop guy gives him that, and the customer's average plummets. The customer blames the shop, when they were just giving the customer what they asked.

From a marketing and support standpoint, it would be silly to have anything other than basic drill instructions. There are infinite number of ways to drill a ball legally. For those who want something exotic, then experiment and document what works for you and what doesn't. There is no way for manufactures to know this. Nor is it their responsibility. It is their responsibility to deliver a quality product to 90 percent of the people throwing it.

The views and opinions of Djarum expressed on do not necessarily state or reflect those of the


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #59 on: September 21, 2007, 01:04:01 PM »
Can I get an AMEN!!!!!


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Re: 900 Gobal website looks terrible
« Reply #60 on: September 21, 2007, 01:18:05 PM »
