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Author Topic: Azo Apex  (Read 2240 times)


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Azo Apex
« on: September 26, 2008, 01:56:05 PM »
Does anyone have access to the layout sheet for the Azo Apex?

I have the sheets for the Fat Man and Little Boy and may have mistakenly used those to layout and drill a 14# Apex.  I managed to layout the Apex in such a way that it doesn't flare.

I have a 15# Little Boy and had much more success getting a real reaction out of that ball after following the recommendations on the sheet.



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Re: Azo Apex
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2008, 11:34:24 AM »


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Re: Azo Apex
« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 10:09:41 AM »
Try and email the new AZO, they may have the specs or can get them for you.

I've considered that, but the only e-mail addresses on their new site appear to go to distributors, not the actual company.


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Re: Azo Apex
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2008, 10:19:12 AM »
I don't have the sheet, but I did find this on the internet:

AZO: Apex

Distinguishing Characteristics - AZO's Apex uses a Cranberry red
Particle cover with a matte finish. This cover is a lighter particle load (no
rough "fuzzy" feel) and sands or polishes easily. AZO uses the Twin Tower core in the Apex the main bulb core is taller, has a large flip block on bottom, and dual flip blocks on top with dual pins. The high Rg core provides length, and the medium Rg differential offers 4 to 6 inches of flare potential for big, arcing hook. AZO's Kelly Coffman has devised easy
box-drill suggestions.

  If it does indeed use the same "twin pin" system as the little boy, the drill sheet you have should've worked.

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Re: Azo Apex
« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2008, 10:32:23 AM »
Thanks Juggernaut, I ran across that as well after I posted this thread.

I've put holes in it once and just wanted to be more careful the second time around if I do end up trying to redrill it.

These balls actually have 3 "pins", two for the top of the core and one for the bottom of the core.  I somehow managed to lay it out so 2 of those pins are on my track, making for a ball that flares less than a 3-piece ball.