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Author Topic: AZO FatMan and LittleBoy  (Read 1264 times)

D McLaughlin

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AZO FatMan and LittleBoy
« on: April 19, 2004, 12:40:01 AM »
Just got a NIB 15# of each of these.  Was wondering if anyone had a successful drilling or unsuccessful drilling they wanted to share?  The twin pin system looks alot like a pin and mass bias marking, but I could be wrong.  Anyone have anything good, bad, or ugly to say about em before I punch em up?  Thx in advance.
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Re: AZO FatMan and LittleBoy
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2004, 07:08:46 PM »
I remember when I first really started getting into technical aspect of bowling and drillings these balls had just came out.  The pro shop operator that was teaching me a few things had a Fatman and scored very well with it.  He had two of them, one with the pin at 11 o'clock(up and over his middle finger) and the other pin at 5 o clock and that was his smooth layout.  He had another one that was very violent at the breakpoint but would hook really hard then stop in the hole.  It was one drastic hook/stop movement.  I forget how it was drilled though, but I remember the weighthole being drilled on the negative side of the thumb which was very weird.
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Jesse James

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Re: AZO FatMan and LittleBoy
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2004, 05:05:09 PM »
Hi D Mc,
I have a Fatman, given to me by a friend who could never get it to hook at all, especially on medium conditions. He said it was only a "high-priced spare ball". But I have always maintained that ball designers don't necessarily make bad equipment; it is usually operator error that causes failure with a particular piece. Mine was left in that same 11:00/5:00 configuration, with only spotty results at best. Sometimes it hooked, most times not. I put it down in the basement. That was 2yrs ago. Pulled it out recently to shoot spares with, and guess still is a good spare ball. However, had it redrilled in a stacked config...kinda 1:00/5:00, with both pins on the right side of the centerline, and the darn thing hooks now. I do have to use slow speed however, like 13-14mph, but it will hook! It is even better on dry conditions than the mediums...smooth and continuous. Also, I have developed a little more hand since those days as well, but I have re-added it to my arsenal.
Hope this helps.
Some days you're the bug....some days you're the windshield...that's bowling!