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Author Topic: AZO Pure Tactics is just Pure  (Read 2248 times)


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AZO Pure Tactics is just Pure
« on: October 20, 2008, 02:58:27 AM »
This was partially posted in another thread but needed to get more info out on drillings and thanking Jim Callahan for outstanding customer service. I ended up being lucky enough for Jim C. to send me a Pure Tactics after a Pro Tactics cracked in half.

So he sent me a perfect spec 15 lb 4 oz 3- 3.5 pin and 2.86 oz top weight ball, I then had my standard 4 1/2 pin to pap and 4 1/2 mb to pap on it. It does have a weight hole on the PAP, not sure of exact statics never worry about them to be honest.

I threw this gem yesterday morning against my Cell pearl at 2k, It picked up the lane just as easily and actually outhooked the pearl overall, the angle it produces for a hybrid is outstanding.

It has made first bag in one outing, both are superior bowling balls and I hope the few of you that get find out how good it is. Not slamming My Cell Pearl just saying I know already how good the Pure Tactics is.

I let another bowler with much higher revs throw it and The Pearl, he actually threw the Dirty Bomb pearl,Smash zone and Dimension side by side.

He just like me loved the Pure tactics, the ball revs effortlessly up and unleashes a backend move that is much like a stronger Paradigm no kidding either.

Both balls are 9.5 on mediums now, I would actually take the Pure with me over The CP at this exact moment.

I think if ordered at your shop it would be the same price as any other HP ball, I might be wrong so who knows.



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Re: AZO Pure Tactics is just Pure
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2008, 11:06:09 AM »
I can't wait to try this keep the info coming mrbowlingnut
"No one runs...from the conquerer "



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Re: AZO Pure Tactics is just Pure
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2008, 11:12:32 AM »
Wait until you see the the motion off the spot with this ball, not a flip but unique turn that i have no seen in a few years. Reminds me of the motion a ball called the El Nino Wrath from many moons ago, revs up and then boom off it goes.

I am not trying to sell anyone here, I have no allegiance to any ball company and probably will not be getting much else for 4 years now. Wife has no job still and we both are full time in college now besides me working full time. Hopefully I make it all the way through and pull off MBA and CPA in one shot in a masters program.


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Re: AZO Pure Tactics is just Pure
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2008, 11:39:07 AM »
mrbowlingnut, I currently own a Pro-Tactics and it is the strongest pearl I have ever thrown and I am also interested in the Pure-Tactics as my first hybrid ball. How would you compare the strength, midlane-read, and backend movement of the two? Thanks in advance.


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Re: AZO Pure Tactics is just Pure
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2008, 11:49:18 AM »
It is cleaner like you would think but a much more pronounced backend motion, handles less oil IMO. Remember not throwing them side by side but my Pro Tactic's was drilled exactly the same but did not have a weight hole like the Pure does.

The ball does recover from anywhere land and hit is above average, it has the backend motion of the Storm Paradigm but handles slightly more oil.

mrbowlingnut, I currently own a Pro-Tactics and it is the strongest pearl I have ever thrown and I am also interested in the Pure-Tactics as my first hybrid ball. How would you compare the strength, midlane-read, and backend movement of the two? Thanks in advance.


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Re: AZO Pure Tactics is just Pure
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2008, 11:53:54 AM »
Thanks again, I just might have to try one out!


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Re: AZO Pure Tactics is just Pure
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2008, 02:13:21 PM »
mrbowlingnut, now that you have thrown both the Pure Tactics and Pro Tactics, which do you prefer (if you had your choice?) I have just started reading about Azo and am intrigued about their equipment.


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Re: AZO Pure Tactics is just Pure
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2008, 03:54:05 PM »
I threw the Pure again today, my pro Tactics is gone sorry the Pure is the replacement ball for it. I like the Pure more and more i throw it, between it and the Cell Pearl is hard to choose to be honest.

I do however own the Purple Pearl Ultra Radical which is Fired Up on steriods, clears the fronts and slightly burn out heads and lets you swing it and bring it.