Just came back from dropping off a King Quantum I had laying around to be punched, Guess what I eyed a perfect 15 lb Cherry Vibe and got it for 50.00 drilled up, ball had 3 games on it with not a single scratch on the entire ball.
Picked up a used Gladiator maybe 8-10 games on it, so it is being plugged and redrilled for me.
Heck why buy all brand new is what I am starting too think, last week i found a 3 game Rapid Fire for another 50.00 drilled up used ball deal.
Here's my pickup the last week all with league money, so too reinvest in bowling stuff is cool I consider the money gone anyway.
AZO Ultra Radical NIB
Gravity Shift NIB had a cracked Attitude shift so drilling was the only charge
Rapid Fire used 3 games perfecto shape 50.00 drilled up
Cherry Vibe used 3 games perfecto shape 50.00 drilled up
Gladiator Solid drilling only was comped the ball
Street Rod Solid NIB
so 6 balls for 600.00 or so, sounds like a great way to blow league money to me