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Author Topic: Blend10 line, In10sity, NST, OSW  (Read 3413 times)


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Blend10 line, In10sity, NST, OSW
« on: January 20, 2016, 01:06:25 PM »

Per track fanatics request...unbaised as possible!

I put some of my standard layouts on these balls, I got a heck of a deal on em, so I bought 7 cases and resold em slightly above my cost so a few would be free for me to keep.  A local guy's house burnt down and I raffled a few off and gave him 100% of the proceeds...(he has 10 kids, no joke, right before Xmas too)

The best part out of trying these 3 out at the same time is that you pretty much have a balanced bag when you carry these 3 around.


Has an unpolished pearl finish, comes with a storm style box/label

Overall smooth reaction, rarely over hooked, forced to play where the friction was.  Not my typical 'A' area of the lane, but did the job well...expected a stronger ball motion, however, not being strong means I can use it on more conditions... Longer. This is the strongest and most oil friendly ball of the trio.


NST is my favorite as it had the most backend (of course it did, polished pearl, duh).  The motion and strength reminds me of something slightly weaker than R2S, but stronger than reactor...which is a good place to be. 

Never over hooks, knocks the 10 pin out best.

I consistently carry and am confident in this price on wood Lanes, preforms well on a THS.


This ball is benchmarky as benchmark can be. It's the definition.  Even motion in all aspects, can't say its strong nor weak in reaction. 

Reminds me of my hyroad solid, one of my favorites.  Very predictable motion, this is one everyone can implement into their bag.  It's one of those underrated ball reactions that will make you money! It keeps you in the game, heavy handed guys will love this one.

Final thoughts.

I am used to (spoiled by) Storm and Roto reactions...where everything hooks a ton.  It was surprising to see that these were indeed weaker (bad thing, absolutely not).  Slower ball speeds, or guys who are rev dominant will really like these balls.  Those expecting hook in a box or something greater(as advertised...) Will be slightly disappointed. 

In my group of friends (I ordered 7 cases of the FYI) this was the generalized feel for the balls.  They're good, but they just don't hook a ton.

My opinion. 

If you're a guy who likes the IQ tour line, you'll actually really love these.  Their cover prep style, strength and motion closest resembles the IQ tour core....with the covers of the rumble, uproar, and out cry.

My only concern is that they were advertised as a high ball and the ball motion doesn't equate to that.

All in all, they are great balls, no real complaints, and at the end of the day my Utah stuff out preforms these, however they all work better on conditions when you need that IQ tour look.

Feel free to as any questions, as I normally don't do reviews!
In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???



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Re: Blend10 line, In10sity, NST, OSW
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2016, 05:46:09 PM »
Thanks for the reviews Bill.  Your reviews confirm what the company designed these for.  Too bad they are hard to find.  I believe they are out of the west coast.  I really want an OSW. 


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Re: Blend10 line, In10sity, NST, OSW
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2016, 07:00:35 PM »
I wish I woulda known...I woulda hooked you up, especially one of you guys!
In the bag [Infinite Physix, Volatility Torque, Night Road, Phaze III, Burner Solid, Hustle AU]
*Now Testing* IQ Ruby, Renevant, another IQ Tour solid
Coming soon...???